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Investigating the role of physical activity domains in the prognosis of non-specific low back pain

Grant number: 14/14077-8
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - Young Investigators Grants
Duration: February 01, 2015 - October 31, 2017
Field of knowledge:Health Sciences - Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy
Principal Investigator:Rafael Zambelli de Almeida Pinto
Grantee:Rafael Zambelli de Almeida Pinto
Host Institution: Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia (FCT). Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP). Campus de Presidente Prudente. Presidente Prudente , SP, Brazil
Associated researchers:Carlos Marcelo Pastre ; Leonardo Oliveira Pena Costa ; Marcia Rodrigues Franco Zambelli ; Rúben de Faria Negrão Filho
Associated grant(s):16/17567-1 - A/Prof Dr. Mark Elkins' academic visit to the physiotherapy post-graduation program from the Faculty of Science and Technology at São Paulo State University, AV.EXT
15/50314-7 - E-health and physical activity in back pain: a proposal to consolidate and expand the cooperation between the University of Sidney and University of State of São Paulo, AP.R SPRINT
Associated scholarship(s):16/04113-2 - Role of different physical activity domain to predict clinical outcome in pacients with low back pain, BP.MS
15/03919-0 - Reproducibility and validation of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (long version) and the Baecke habitual physical activity questionnaire in patients with non-specific chronic low back pain, BP.IC
15/02744-2 - Comparing the responsiveness of objective and subjective physical activity-related measures in patients with non-specific chronic low back pain, BP.MS


In the field of low back pain (LBP), physical deconditioning has long been hypothesized to compromise recovery. However, recent evidence from a longitudinal study supports the hypothesis that being physically active is a prognostic factor, which has a positive influence on the prognosis of chronic LBP. However, it is unclear whether physical activity domains have a similar influence on chronic LBP prognosis. Main objective: To investigate the role of different domains of physical activity on the prognosis of chronic LBP. Studies and specific objectives: To better understand the role of physical activity domains in the LBP prognosis, three research projects will be conducted. Study1 is an observational study investigating the reliability and validity of two self-reported multidimensional physical activity questionnaires, International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) - long version and Habitual Physical Activity Questionnaire (also known as Baecke questionnaire), against an objective measure (accelerometer) in patients seeking care for chronic LBP. In Study 2, we will conduct in this population a head-to-head comparison of the responsiveness of four measures: 1 back-specific disability questionnaire (the Roland Morris disability questionnaire), 2 self-reported measures of physical activity (IPAQ and Baecke questionnaire) and an objective measure of physical activity (accelerometer) in patients with chronic nonspecific LBP. Study 3 is a longitudinal cohort study evaluating whether specific domains of physical activity, measured by IPAQ and the Baecke questionnaire, predict clinical outcomes in people seeking care for chronic LBP. Implications: The present research proposal will add to our knowledge on the relationships between physical activity domains relative to the clinical course of LBP and might be an important step for determining future application of accelerometers as well as self-reported measures of physical activity in the primary care management of LBP. (AU)

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Scientific publications (8)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
OLIVEIRA, CRYSTIAN B.; FRANCO, MARCIA R.; MAHER, CHRISTOPHER G.; LIN, CHUNG-WEI CHRISTINE; MORELHAO, PRISCILA K.; ARAUJO, AMANDA C.; NEGRAO FILHO, RUBEN F.; PINTO, RAFAEL Z.. Physical Activity Interventions for Increasing Objectively Measured Physical Activity Levels in Patients With Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain: A Systematic Review. ARTHRITIS CARE & RESEARCH, v. 68, n. 12, p. 1832-1842, . (15/02744-2, 14/14077-8, 15/07704-9)
FREIRE, ANA PAULA COELHO FIGUEIRA; OLIVEIRA, CRYSTIAN BITENCOURT SOARES DE; CHRISTOFARO, DIEGO GIULLIANO DESTRO; SHUMATE, SEAN; MARQUES, LARISSA BRAGANCA FALCAO; PINTO, RAFAEL ZAMBELLI. Isotemporal Substitution of Sedentary Behavior by Different Physical Activity Intensities on Pain and Disability of Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain: A Cross-Sectional Study. ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION, v. 103, n. 10, p. 7-pg., . (14/14077-8, 16/03826-5)
CARVALHO, FLAVIA A.; MORELHAO, PRISCILA K.; FRANCO, MARCIA R.; MAHER, CHRIS G.; SMEETS, ROB J. E. M.; OLIVEIRA, CRYSTIAN B.; FREITAS JUNIOR, ISMAEL F.; PINTO, RAFAEL Z.. Reliability and validity of two multidimensional self-reported physical activity questionnaires in people with chronic low back pain. MUSCULOSKELETAL SCIENCE AND PRACTICE, v. 27, p. 65-70, . (15/17093-7, 14/14077-8, 15/07704-9, 15/02744-2)
MORELHAO, PRISCILA K.; FRANCO, MARCIA R.; OLIVEIRA, CRYSTIAN B.; HISAMATSU, THALYSI M.; FERREIRA, PAULO H.; COSTA, LEONARDO O. P.; MAHER, CHRIS G.; PINTO, RAFAEL ZAMBELLI. Physical activity and disability measures in chronic non-specific low back pain: a study of responsiveness. CLINICAL REHABILITATION, v. 32, n. 12, p. 1684-1695, . (15/02744-2, 14/14077-8, 16/04113-2)
CARVALHO, FLAVIA A.; MAHER, CHRIS G.; FRANCO, MARCIA R.; MORELHAO, PRISCILA K.; OLIVEIRA, CRYSTIAN B.; SILVA, FERNANDA G.; PINTO, RAFAEL Z.. Fear of Movement Is Not Associated With Objective and Subjective Physical Activity Levels in Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain. ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION, v. 98, n. 1, p. 96-104, . (15/17093-7, 15/07704-9, 15/02744-2, 14/14077-8)
OLIVEIRA, CRYSTIAN B.; FRANCO, MARCIA R.; MAHER, CHRIS G.; FERREIRA, PAULO H.; MORELHAO, PRISCILA K.; DAMATO, TATIANA M.; GOBBI, CYNTHIA; PINTO, RAFAEL Z.. Physical Activity-Based Interventions Using Electronic Feedback May Be Ineffective in Reducing Pain and Disability in Patients With Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain: A Systematic Review With Meta-Analysis. ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION, v. 99, n. 9, p. 1900-1912, . (14/14077-8, 15/07704-9, 16/03826-5)
DAMATO, TATIANA M.; OLIVEIRA, CRYSTIAN B.; FRANCO, MARCIA R.; SILVA, FERNANDA G.; GOBBI, CYNTHIA; MORELHAO, PRISCILA K.; CHRISTOFARO, DIEGO G.; PINTO, RAFAEL Z.. Characteristics Associated With People With Chronic Low Back Pain Meeting Physical Activity Guidelines and Recommendations for Sedentary Behavior: A Cross-Sectional Study. JOURNAL OF MANIPULATIVE AND PHYSIOLOGICAL THERAPEUTICS, v. 44, n. 5, p. 378-388, . (14/14077-8)

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