Origin of (Dynamical) Mass in Visible Universe and Hadron Properties in Nuclear ...
Charm production in antiproton interactions on nucleons and nuclei
Grant number: | 14/26892-8 |
Support Opportunities: | Research Grants - Visiting Researcher Grant - Brazil |
Field of knowledge: | Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Physics - Elementary Particle Physics and Fields |
Principal Investigator: | Joao Pacheco Bicudo Cabral de Mello |
Grantee: | Joao Pacheco Bicudo Cabral de Mello |
Visiting researcher: | Kazuo Tsushima |
Visiting researcher institution: | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Centro de Ciências Exatas e da Terra (CCET), Brazil |
Host Institution: | Pró-Reitoria de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa. Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul (UNICSUL). São Paulo , SP, Brazil |
The main interests of our projects are to explore the quark structure of these strongly interacting hadrons, in free space and in medium, in terms of the electromagnetic- and weak-interactions(electroweak interactions), and strong interaction of QCD, namely by the full use of the dynamics established in Standard Model. In particular, it is believed that the matters (hadrons) in our universe get their physical masses in free space due to the spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry, and/or by the dynamical symmetry breaking in the context of QCD. Furthermore, this spontaneously broken symmetries, are believed to be partially restored in medium with high hadron density and temperature (partial restoration of chiral symmetry). As a consequence, the masses and the properties of hadrons are expected to be modified in medium --- supported by several experimental facts, such as EMC effect~\cite{EMC}, bound proton electromagnetic form factors~\cite{Strauch}, possible formation of quark-gluon plasma phase~\cite{QGP},and the fact of stable neutron existence in nuclei. Thus, to study the quark structure of hadrons in free space and in medium, play important roles to understand the existence of matters in our universe, as the forms we can usually observe by experiments. (AU)
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