Research Grants 14/26738-9 - Acolhimento, Análise institucional - BV FAPESP
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The relationship between institutions and users: contributions of institutional analysis

Grant number: 14/26738-9
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - Visiting Researcher Grant - International
Field of knowledge:Health Sciences - Nursing - Public Health Nursing
Principal Investigator:Cinira Magali Fortuna
Grantee:Cinira Magali Fortuna
Visiting researcher: Patricia Bessaoud-Alonso
Visiting researcher institution: Université de Limoges, France
Host Institution: Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto (EERP). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Ribeirão Preto , SP, Brazil


This project continues the Scientific Exchange and activities developed in 2012 during the Post- doctoral researcher responsible stage next to Mutation Research Laboratory School and Learning University Cergy Pontoise (FAPESP process number: 2011/14440- 7). On that occasion, there participation in joint activities with teachers of french universities and other laboratories, among with the university of Limoges and a visiting professor. Prof. Patricia Alonso, works in french research laboratory linked to the university of Limoges in France and develops the same methodological theoretical references developed what is the institutional analysis through research interventions in the field of education, social welfare and health, delving a link between the users and as institutions.Has been researching how families are your relationship with institutions like, especially with relation to schools but also to health services. In this project we will continue to develop partnerships related to research and teaching, being focus the research development in the field of health practices developed primary health care in relation, co- management and institutional support (project FAPESP/PPSUS- 2014/50037-0: co-management, institutional support and home in primary care : a survey - intervention). Highlights was found that in January 2014, provides for a researcher of participation responsible classes in a master's degree in Limoges, as visiting professor, and also in research activities of that teacher. That will hum alignment between as researchers paragraph research projects development in common. Prevent the exchange development with relationship when methodological support research - action research and intervention, what will contribute investigations that the center for research and studies in public health comes developing. (AU)

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