Research Grants 14/20853-0 - Métodos de pontos interiores, Otimização não linear - BV FAPESP
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Interior/exterior point and smoothing functions hybrid methods in environmental/economic dispatch multiobjective problems


This project aims researching, proposing and implementing a deterministic method involving the predictor-corrector primal-dual interior point method, that it explores the strategy about exterior points related to modified logarithmic barrier function, smoothing functions methods and multiobjective problems solving methods, aiming its application on environmental and economic dispatch multiobjective problems, which they consider the valve-point effect, of interest for electric energy systems.It is intended developing a hybrid procedure involving the interior/exterior point methods associated with smoothing functions methods, such as Hermitian spline, sigmoid function and hyperbolic smoothing, and solution methods of multiobjective problems, of weighted sum, of µ-restricted and of goal programming. The proposed hybrid method will be implemented in the MatLab programming language and it will be used to determine efficient solutions in the Pareto optimum sense, for the economic and environmental multiobjective problems. The method seeks to obtain efficient solutions for minimizing the fuel cost used in thermal energy plants and/or minimizing the reducion of the nature pollutant emissions, which they are conflictant objectives, such that it must respect the generation system operational constraints, considering the inclusion of the transmission representation constraint of the system. After the implementation of the hybrid method, it will be tested in economic/environmental problems for evaluating of the achieved performance and comparison with results of other methods reported in the literature. (AU)

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Scientific publications (8)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
GONCALVES, ELIS; BALBO, ANTONIO ROBERTO; DA SILVA, DIEGO NUNES; NEPOMUCENO, LEONARDO; BAPTISTA, EDRNEA CASSIA; SOLER, EDILAINE MARTINS. Deterministic approach for solving multi-objective non-smooth Environmental and Economic dispatch problem. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS, v. 104, p. 880-897, . (13/18103-0, 13/18036-1, 14/20853-0)
DE LIMA, CAMILA; BALBO, ANTONIO ROBERTO; DONADON HOMEM, THIAGO PEDRO; FLORENTINO SILVA, HELENICE DE OLIVEIRA. A hybrid approach combining interior-point and branchand-bound methods applied to the problem of sugar cane waste. Journal of the Operational Research Society, v. 68, n. 2, p. 147-164, . (14/20853-0)
VIEIRA, MATHEUS PEREIRA; MARTINS, ANDRE CHRISTOVAO PIO; SOLER, EDILAINE MARTINS; BALBO, ANTONIO ROBERTO; NEPOMUCENO, LEONARDO. Two-stage robust market clearing procedure model for day-ahead energy and reserve auctions of wind-thermal systems. RENEWABLE ENERGY, v. 218, p. 14-pg., . (13/18036-1, 14/20853-0)
CABANA, TIAGO GOMES; BAPTISTA, EDMEA CESSIA; SOLER, EDILAINE MARTINS; MARTINS, ANDRE CHRISTOVAO PIO; BALBO, ANTONIO ROBERTO; NEPOMUCENO, LEONARDO. Optimization-Based Models for Estimating Residual Demand Curves for a Price-Maker Company. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, v. 38, n. 4, p. 10-pg., . (13/18036-1, 14/20853-0)
SOUZA, RAFAEL R.; BALBO, ANTONIO R.; MARTINS, ANDRE C. P.; SOLER, EDILAINE M.; BAPTISTA, EDILAINE M.; SOUSA, DIEGO N.; NEPOMUCENO, LEONARDO. A Gradient-Based Approach for Solving the Stochastic Optimal Power Flow Problem with Wind Power Generation. Electric Power Systems Research, v. 209, p. 17-pg., . (13/18036-1, 14/20853-0)
BARRIONUEVO SILVA, RODOLFO RODRIGUES; PIO MARTINS, ANDRE CHRISTOVAO; SOLER, EDILAINE MARTINS; BAPTISTA, EDMEA CASSIA; BALBO, ANTONIO ROBERTO; NEPOMUCENO, LEONARDO. wo-stage stochastic energy procurement model for a large consumer in hydrothermal system. ENERGY ECONOMICS, v. 107, . (13/18036-1, 14/20853-0)
POLTRONIERE, SONIA CRISTINA; FILHO, ANGELO ALIANO; CAVERSAN, AMANDA SUELLEN; BALBO, ANTONIO ROBERTO; FLORENTINO, HELENICE DE OLIVEIRA. Integrated planning for planting and harvesting sugarcane and energy-cane for the production of sucrose and energy. COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE, v. 184, . (13/07375-0, 16/01860-1, 14/04353-8, 14/20853-0, 14/01604-0)
DELGADO, JESSICA A.; BAPTISTA, EDMEA C.; BALBO, ANTONIO R.; SOLER, EDILAINE M.; SILVA, DIEGO N.; MARTINS, ANDRE C. P.; NEPOMUCENO, LEONARDO. A primal-dual penalty-interior-point method for solving the reactive optimal power flow problem with discrete control variables. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS, v. 138, p. 16-pg., . (17/24135-3, 14/20853-0, 13/18036-1)

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