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Study of velopharyngeal function based on perceptual and instrumental evaluation

Grant number: 14/14093-3
Support Opportunities:Regular Research Grants
Duration: January 01, 2015 - December 31, 2016
Field of knowledge:Health Sciences - Speech Therapy
Principal Investigator:Renata Paciello Yamashita
Grantee:Renata Paciello Yamashita
Host Institution: Hospital de Reabilitação de Anomalias Craniofaciais (HRAC). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Bauru , SP, Brazil
Associated researchers:Ana Paula Fukushiro ; Inge Elly Kiemle Trindade ; Rafaeli Higa Scarmagnani


Subjects with cleft lip and palate may present speech symptoms due to velopharyngeal dysfunction (VPD). Objective: To develop a protocol for velopharyngeal function rating, whose categories are based on the combination of speech symptoms of VPD perceptually evaluated, and their correspondence with the velopharyngeal orifice size measurement. It is expected that this protocol allows the speech pathologist to predict the velopharyngeal function based on the presence or absence, and the degree of symptoms of speech perceptually assessed, thus favoring the indication of the most appropriate treatment. Methodology: About 80 subjects with repaired cleft palate, above 6 years old, will be evaluated. Aerodynamic evaluation, by means pressure-flow technique, will be performed in order to determine the velopharyngeal orifice area during speech and velopharyngeal function rating. Also, audiovisual recording will be carried out using speech sample to record hypernasality, audible nasal air emission, nasal rustle, weak intraoral pressure, compensatory articulation, facial grimace, and the mirror test. The samples will be edited and analyzed by three speech pathologists to classify speech symptoms, by consensus. The Spearman correlation will be used to investigate the correlation between speech symptoms and velopharyngeal function rating. A logistic regression model with these variables will be created and tested in order to verify its applicability to predict the velopharyngeal dysfunction. Statistical tests will be analyzed, adopting a significance level of 5%. (AU)

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