Research Grants 14/15961-9 - Arquitetura moderna, Conforto térmico - BV FAPESP
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The thermal and daylighting performance of iconic buildings from the bioclimatic Brazilian modernist, produced between 1930 and 1964, in São Paulo


The focus of this research project is the set of relationships between architectural form, orientation, shading, thermal capacity of building components and design of openings for natural ventilation, in the overall thermal and daylighting performance of iconic buildings from the bioclimatic Brazilian modernist architecture built in the city of São Paulo between 1930 and 1960, for office and residential use, which were design with emphasis on principles of thermal comfort and daylighting. Having said that, the case studies are: Banco Sul Americano (current Banco Itaú) (1966), in Paulista Avenue, designed by Rino Levi; Conjunto Nacional building (1963), also in Paulista Avenue, designed by Libeskind D.; Louveiras building (1946), in Higianópolis, designed by Vila Nova Artigas and Anchieta building (1948), again in Paulista Avenue, designed by MM Robertos. The objective is to carry out a quantitative assessment of buildings thermal and daylighting performance. The method is based on fieldwork experiments to register climatic variables (air temperature, relative humidity, air velocity, radiant temperatures and Iluminance) and on computer simulations, including studies of solar geometry and simplified calculations of thermal and daylighting performance. Results from fieldwork and simulations will be compared and confronted against recognized criteria. The thermal performance will be assessed based on the adaptive comfort model proposed by ASHRAE (ASHRAE, 2013), whilst the criteria proposed in the national standard NBR ISO/CIE 8995-1, Iluminacao de Ambientes de Trabalho, Parte 1: Interior (ABNT, 2013) and by the international organization Commission Internationale De L'eclairage, CIE (1983; 1994), will be the base for the daylighting assessment. Designed recommendations for the current contemporary design of commercial and residential buildings in São Paulo will be formulated based on the results from the assessment of the case studies. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
MULFARTH, ROBERTA CONSENTINO KRONKA; GONCALVES, JOANA CARLA SOARES; MICHALSKI, RANNY LOUREIRO XAVIER NASCIMENTO; SHIMOMURA, ALESSANDRA RODRIGUES PRATA; NASCIMENTO E SOUZA, BEATRIZ; CUNHA, GUILHERME REIS MURI; MARCONDES-CAVALERI, MONICA PEREIRA; MONROY, MANUEL ALVAREZ GOMEZ. The environmental response of office buildings from the Brazilian bioclimatic modernism in Sa similar to o Paulo: the case study of Complexo Conjunto Nacional-CCN (1962). Solar Energy, v. 220, p. 617-634, . (14/15961-9, 15/04646-8, 18/25711-0)

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