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Comparative analysis between rural architecture in São Paulo and Minas Gerais in the cattle cycle, 1780-1840


This is the comparative analysis between the architecture and the everyday life of the farms of São Paulo and Minas Gerais in cattle cycle. The Minas Gerasi's farms are located in the former region auriferous pertaining to the Rio das Mortes and were opened in the second half of the 18th century to supply food and animals for the mining region. The paulistas were opened between the end of the 18th century and the mid 19th century, in the region located in the northeast of the State of Sao Paulo, between the rivers Moji-Guaçu and Grande, along the old road named "Caminho de Goiás", whose settlement that gave, mainly, by "mineiros" who, with the depletion of mines, sought new lands and markets to survive.In our research of postdoctoral study the São Paulo portion and then heard about the very strong "influence mining" in all areas, including in its primitive architecture. However, little is known about the mining rural architecture of the District of Rio das Mortes.Currently, the District is divided into two mesoregions: Belo Horizonte Metropolitan (Ouro Preto, Mariana, Sabará, Ouro Branco, etc. ) and Campo das Vertentes (São João del Rei, Tiradentes, Prados, Ritápolis, etc. ). In these municipalities, still preserved a large number of farms, little known or studied, still open at the mining cycle, whose original activities were linked to extensive cattle ranching, and the creation of pigs, mules and foodstuffs. It was intended to supply the local market. (AU)

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