Research Grants 14/08458-9 - Ácaros parasitos de plantas, Controle biológico - BV FAPESP
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Plant viruses transmitted by Brevipalpus mites (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) - BTV: survey, identification, molecular characterization, phylogeny; virus/vector/host relationhip; biology, taxonomy and management of the mite

Grant number: 14/08458-9
Support Opportunities:Research Projects - Thematic Grants
Field of knowledge:Agronomical Sciences - Agronomy - Plant Health
Principal Investigator:Elliot Watanabe Kitajima
Grantee:Elliot Watanabe Kitajima
Host Institution: Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz (ESALQ). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Piracicaba , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
Juliana de Freitas Astúa
Associated researchers:Daniel Júnior de Andrade ; Denise Navia Magalhães Ferreira ; Francisco André Ossamu Tanaka ; Gilberto José de Moraes ; João Paulo Rodrigues Marques ; Jorge Alberto Marques Rezende ; Juliana de Freitas Astúa ; Lilian Amorim ; Pedro Luis Ramos González ; Renata Faier Calegario ; Valdenice Moreira Novelli
Associated research grant(s):18/13241-0 - Anatomy and ultrastructure of mites of agricultural and environmental interest, AV.EXT
17/50039-1 - Molecular characterization and evolution of newly detected Australian and Brazilian dichorhaviruses and identification of their Brevipalpus mite vectors, AP.R SPRINT
14/20531-3 - Multiuser equipment approvewd in grant 2014/08458-9: Phtomicroscope Axio imager A2, Carl Zeiss, AP.EMU
14/20528-2 - Multi-User Equipment approved in the Grant FAPESP 2014/08458-9. Stereo microscope of high resolutions Hirox, AP.EMU
14/20532-0 - Multi-User Equipment approved in grant 2014/0845809: scanning electron microscope JEOL JSM IT300LV, with attachment for EDAX, AP.EMU
Associated scholarship(s):18/12252-8 - Interaction between citrus leprosis C cilevirus and clerodendrum chlorotic spot dichorhavirus with their vector Brevipalpus yothersi and the possible implications in the management of cile- and dichorhaviruses, BP.PD
17/18911-0 - Variability of Brevipalpus mites and their ability to transmit viruses: production and maintenance of isoline colonies, identification of mite vectors species and transmission assays of viruses transmitted by Brevipalpus (BTV), BP.IC
16/10799-4 - Histopathology of leaf lesions caused by different plant viruses transmitted by Brevipalpus mites, BP.IC
+ associated scholarships 16/12912-2 - Protocol setting for double-strand delivery RNA (dsRNA) and evaluation of the effects of RNAi in Brevipalpus yothersi (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) - the citrus leprosis vector, BP.IC
16/01960-6 - Molecular characterization, phylogeny and evolución of Brevipalpus-transmitted viruses in Brazil, BP.DR
15/23464-8 - Interaction citrus leprosis virus (CiLV-C) and different Brevipalpus species, BP.IC
15/10249-1 - Studies of infective processes of Citrus leprosis virus (CiLV-C), with emphasis in the construction of infectious clone and characterization of viral proteins., BP.PD
15/03624-0 - Studies on the Solanum violaefolium ringspot virus (SvRSV) pathosystem, with emphasis on the virus-vector relationship, BP.IC - associated scholarships


Brevipalpus-transmitted viruses (BTV) are known since early XXth century, but detailed knowledge about them only became available in the last 15 years. Great efforts were made especially on the most economically important among BTV, the Citrus leprosis virus C (CiLV-C) which resulted in the understanding of its molecular nature, relationship with the host plants and the vector and its epidemiology. Consequently, a rapid and precise method for virus detection and more efficient and economical management of these viruses were developed. One important finding about BTV was that there are at least two distinct types of BTV: the cytoplasmic (BTV-C) and nuclear type (BTV-N) and that these viruses cause consistently only localized infection, without becoming systemic in the infected plant. It became also clear the existence of numerous plant species, naturally infected by BTV. However, these advances brought up new challenges, as to understand the level of diversity of these BTV-C and BTV-N, and also to understand the taxonomy and diversity of Brevipalpus populations, the mechanisms of virus transmission, management of the mite by biological control, etc. This project intends to solve some of these questions, through an integrated action, with the participation of a group of researchers of different specialities, from several institutions, expecting to give an additional and significative advance on the knowledge of this important and peculiar group of plant viruses. (AU)

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Scientific publications (26)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
GABRIELLA DIAS ARENA; PEDRO LUIS RAMOS-GONZÁLEZ; MARIA ANDRÉIA NUNES; CAMILA CHABI JESUS; RENATA FAIER CALEGARIO; ELLIOT WATANABE KITAJIMA; VALDENICE MOREIRA NOVELLI; JULIANA FREITAS-ASTÚA. Arabidopsis thaliana as a model host for Brevipalpus mite-transmitted viruses. Scientia Agricola, v. 74, n. 1, p. 85-89, . (14/08458-9, 12/18771-0, 14/00366-8)
RAMOS-GONZALEZ, PEDRO LUIS; DA COSTA-RODRIGUES, MARIANE; POTSCLAM-BARRO, MATHEUS; CHABI-JESUS, CAMILA; BANGUELA-CASTILLO, ALEXANDER; HARAKAVA, RICARDO; KITAJIMA, ELLIOT W.; FREITAS-ASTUA, JULIANA. First genome sequence of an isolate of hibiscus chlorotic ringspot virus from the Western hemisphere. TROPICAL PLANT PATHOLOGY, v. 45, n. 2, . (14/08458-9, 17/50222-0, 17/50334-3, 19/09222-2, 16/01960-6)
TRINCADO, R. D.; MARTIN, I, J. P.; MENDEZ ROSA, D. D.; LOPES, P. C.; DE MORAES, G. J.. Phytoseiid mites (Acari: Phytoseiidae) from Chile, with descriptions of three new species and a redescription of Chileseius camposi. Zootaxa, v. 4482, n. 2, p. 322-340, . (14/08458-9)
TASSI, ALINE DANIELE; GARITA-SALAZAR, LAURA CRISTINA; AMORIM, LILIAN; NOVELLI, VALDENICE MOREIRA; FREITAS-ASTUA, JULIANA; CHILDERS, CARL C.; KITAJIMA, ELLIOT W.. Virus-vector relationship in the Citrus leprosis pathosystem. Experimental and Applied Acarology, v. 71, n. 3, p. 227-241, . (13/25713-0, 14/08458-9)
RAMOS-GONZALEZ, PEDRO LUIS; SARUBBI-ORUE, HUMBERTO; GONZALES-SEGNANA, LUIS; CHABI-JESUS, CAMILA; FREITAS-ASTUA, JULIANA; KITAJIMA, ELIOT WATANABE. Orchid Fleck Virus Infecting Orchids in Paraguay: First Report and Use of Degenerate Primers for its Detection. JOURNAL OF PHYTOPATHOLOGY, v. 164, n. 5, p. 342-347, . (08/57909-2, 14/08458-9)
RAMOS-GONZALEZ, PEDRO LUIS; CHABI-JESUS, CAMILA; BANGUELA-CASTILLO, ALEXANDER; TASSI, ALINE DANIELE; RODRIGUES, MARIANE DA COSTA; KITAJIMA, ELLIOT WATANABE; HARAKAVA, RICARDO; FREITAS-ASTUA, JULIANA. Unveiling the complete genome sequence of clerodendrum chlorotic spot virus, a putative dichorhavirus infecting ornamental plants. ARCHIVES OF VIROLOGY, v. 163, n. 9, p. 2519-2524, . (13/25713-0, 16/01960-6, 14/08458-9)
LEASTRO, MIKHAIL OLIVEIRA; KITAJIMA, ELLIOT WATANABE; SILVA, MARILIA SANTOS; RESENDE, RENATO OLIVEIRA; FREITAS-ASTUA, JULIANA. Dissecting the Subcellular Localization, Intracellular Trafficking, Interactions, Membrane Association, and Topology of Citrus Leprosis Virus C Proteins. FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE, v. 9, . (15/10249-1, 14/08458-9)
TASSI, ALINE D.; DUARTE, ADRIANE F.; DA CUNHA, UEMERSON S.; OCHOA, RONALD. First record of family Linotetranidae in Brazil, with a redescription of Linotetranus achrous Baker and Pritchard and description of a new species. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ACAROLOGY, v. 46, n. 8, p. 579-588, . (14/08458-9, 18/12252-8, 17/50222-0)
CHABI-JESUS, C.; RAMOS-GONZALEZ, P. L.; TASSI, A. D.; BARGUIL, B. M.; BESERRA JUNIOR, J. E. A.; HARAKAVA, R.; KITAJIMA, E. W.; FREITAS-ASTUA, J.. First Report of Citrus Chlorotic Spot Virus Infecting the Succulent Plant Agave desmettiana. PLANT DISEASE, v. 103, n. 6, p. 1-pg., . (16/01960-6, 17/50334-3, 14/08458-9, 17/50222-0)
RAMOS-GONZALEZ, PEDRO LUIS; DA COSTA-RODRIGUES, MARIANE; POTSCLAM-BARRO, MATHEUS; CHABI-JESUS, CAMILA; BANGUELA-CASTILLO, ALEXANDER; HARAKAVA, RICARDO; KITAJIMA, ELLIOT W.; FREITAS-ASTUA, JULIANA. First genome sequence of an isolate of hibiscus chlorotic ringspot virus from the Western hemisphere. ROPICAL PLANT PATHOLOG, v. 45, n. 2, p. 6-pg., . (17/50334-3, 14/08458-9, 17/50222-0, 16/01960-6, 19/09222-2)
RAMOS-GONZALEZ, PEDRO LUIS; DOS SANTOS, GUSTAVO FRANCISCO; CHABI-JESUS, CAMILA; HARAKAVA, RICARDO; KITAJIMA, ELLIOT W.; FREITAS-ASTUA, JULIANA. Passion Fruit Green Spot Virus Genome Harbors a New Orphan ORF and Highlights the Flexibility of the 5 `-End of the RNA2 Segment Across Cileviruses. FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY, v. 11, . (14/08458-9, 17/50222-0, 17/50334-3, 16/01960-6)
FREITAS-ASTUA, JULIANA; RAMOS-GONZALEZ, PEDRO LUIS; ARENA, GABRIELLA DIAS; TASSI, ALINE DANIELE; KITAJIMA, ELLIOT WATANABE. Brevipalpus-transmitted viruses: parallelism beyond a common vector or convergent evolution of distantly related pathogens?. CURRENT OPINION IN VIROLOGY, v. 33, p. 66-73, . (17/50222-0, 14/08458-9)
CHABI-JESUS, C.; RAMOS-GONZALEZ, P. L.; TASSI, A. D.; GUERRA-PERAZA, O.; KITAJIMA, E. W.; HARAKAVA, R.; BESERRA, JR., J. E. A.; SALAROLI, R. B.; FREITAS-ASTUA, J.. Identification and Characterization of Citrus Chlorotic Spot Virus, a New Dichorhavirus Associated with Citrus Leprosis-Like Symptoms. PLANT DISEASE, v. 102, n. 8, p. 1588-1598, . (16/01960-6, 14/08458-9)
ARENA, GABRIELLA D.; RAMOS-GONZALEZ, PEDRO L.; NUNES, MARIA A.; RIBEIRO-ALVES, MARCELO; CAMARGO, LUIS E. A.; KITAJIMA, ELLIOT W.; MACHADO, MARCOS A.; FREITAS-ASTUA, JULIANA. Citrus leprosis virus C Infection Results in Hypersensitive-Like Response, Suppression of the JA/ET Plant Defense Pathway and Promotion of the Colonization of Its Mite Vector. FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE, v. 7, . (12/18771-0, 14/08458-9, 08/57909-2, 14/00366-8)
RAMOS-GONZALEZ, PEDRO LUIS; DOS SANTOS, GUSTAVO FRANCISCO; CHABI-JESUS, CAMILA; HARAKAVA, RICARDO; KITAJIMA, ELLIOT W.; FREITAS-ASTUA, JULIANA. Passion Fruit Green Spot Virus Genome Harbors a New Orphan ORF and Highlights the Flexibility of the 5 '-End of the RNA2 Segment Across Cileviruses. FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY, v. 11, p. 16-pg., . (17/50334-3, 14/08458-9, 16/01960-6, 17/50222-0)
SAUVETRE, P.; VENIANT, E.; CROQ, G.; TASSI, A. D.; KITAJIMA, E. W.; CHABI-JESUS, C.; RAMOS-GONZALEZ, P. L.; FREITAS-ASTUA, J.; NAVIA, D.. First Report of Orchid Fleck Virus in the Orchid Collection of Jardin du Luxembourg, Paris, France.. PLANT DISEASE, v. 102, n. 12, p. 1-pg., . (13/25713-0, 14/08458-9)
ARENA, GABRIELLA DIAS; RAMOS-GONZALEZ, PEDRO LUIS; NUNES, MARIA ANDREIA; JESUS, CAMILA CHABI; CALEGARIO, RENATA FAIER; KITAJIMA, ELLIOT WATANABE; NOVELLI, VALDENICE MOREIRA; FREITAS-ASTUA, JULIANA. Arabidopsis thaliana as a model host for Brevipalpus mite-transmitted viruses. CIENTIA AGRICOL, v. 74, n. 1, p. 5-pg., . (14/00366-8, 12/18771-0, 14/08458-9)
FERREIRA, LETICIA M.; NUNES, MARIA A.; SINICO, THAIS E.; SOARES, ALEX J.; NOVELLI, VALDENICE M.. Brevipalpus Species Vectoring Citrus Leprosis Virus (Cilevirus and Dichorhavirus). Journal of Economic Entomology, v. 113, n. 4, p. 1628-1634, . (14/08458-9, 15/23464-8)
FLECHTMANN, CARLOS H. W.; TASSI, ALINE D.. An Aceria species (Prostigmata, Eriophyidae) from Amaranthus in Brazil. PERSIAN JOURNAL OF ACAROLOGY, v. 9, n. 4, p. 311+, . (18/12252-8, 14/08458-9)
SINICO, THAIS ELISE; NUNES, MARIA ANDREIA; KITAJIMA, ELLIOT WATANABE; CUNHA, BRUNA APARECIDA; NOVELLI, VALDENICE MOREIRA. otes on the embryological development of the Brevipalpus yothersi (Acari: Tenuipalpidae. ACAROLOGIA, v. 62, n. 1, p. 113-119, . (09/13959-9, 11/13869-0, 13/07369-0, 14/08458-9, 16/21749-8)
SOUZA, KAELEM S.; CASTRO, ELIZEU B.; TASSI, ALINE D.; NAVIA, DENISE; OLIVEIRA, ANIBAL R.. A new species of Tenuipalpus Donnadieu (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) from Cedrela odorata L. (Meliaceae), from Bahia, Brazil, with ontogeny of chaetotaxy. SYSTEMATIC AND APPLIED ACAROLOGY, v. 24, n. 4, p. 544-559, . (14/08458-9, 16/01193-5)
AMARASINGHE, GAYA K.; AYLLON, MARIA A.; BAO, YIMING; BASLER, CHRISTOPHER F.; BAVARI, SINA; BLASDELL, KIM R.; BRIESE, THOMAS; BROWN, PAUL A.; BUKREYEV, ALEXANDER; BALKEMA-BUSCHMANN, ANNE; et al. Taxonomy of the order Mononegavirales: update 2019. ARCHIVES OF VIROLOGY, v. 164, n. 7, p. 1967-1980, . (16/01960-6, 17/50222-0, 14/08458-9)
DE LILLO, ENRICO; FREITAS-ASTUA, JULIANA; KITAJIMA, ELLIOT WATANABE; RAMOS-GONZALEZ, PEDRO LUIS; SIMONI, SAURO; TASSI, ALINE DANIELE; VALENZANO, DOMENICO. Phytophagous mites transmitting plant viruses: update and perspectives. ENTOMOLOGIA GENERALIS, v. 41, n. 5, p. 439-462, . (14/08458-9, 17/50222-0, 18/12252-8, 19/25078-9)
DI PALMA, ANTONELLA; TASSI, ALINE D.; KITAJIMA, ELLIOT W.. On some morphological and ultrastructural features of the insemination system in five species of the genusBrevipalpus(Acari: Tenuipalpidae). Experimental and Applied Acarology, v. 81, n. 4, . (14/08458-9, 18/13241-0, 18/12252-8)
NUNES, MARIA ANDREIA; FERREIRA, LETICIA MARIA; ROGERIO, LUANA APARECIDA; KITAJIMA, ELLIOT WATANABE; NOVELLI, VALDENICE MOREIRA. Infection by coffee ringspot virus is identified for the first time in succulent plants. JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY, v. 104, n. 2, p. 5-pg., . (14/08458-9, 19/25078-9, 15/23464-8)

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