Research Grants 14/10336-9 - Treinamento físico, Natação - BV FAPESP
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Effect of different training models with load control over physiological parameters, genic expressions and protein contents of HIF-1 alpha, PGC-1 alpha, MCT1 and MCT4: relationship with performance and spontaneous activity of swimming rats


The use of rodents have been an expressive tool for understanding physiological, biochemical and molecular responses at physical and sporting activities. However, for the responses obtained in these models to be valid, there is the need for individualized control of the training loads and mimicking the training programs displayed in humans (for example, using the monotonous and periodized training applied to animals). Recent investigations concerning the influence of exercise on hypoxia inducible factor (HIF-1) and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma coactivator 1 alpha (PGC - 1±) have identified these proteins as major inducers of transcription of several essential genes for adaptation and characterization of the metabolic profile, such as oxidative and glycolytic enzymes, mitochondrial biogenesis and monocarboxylate transporters 1 and 4 (MCT1 and 4). Despite the relationship among HIF-1 alpha and PGC-1 alpha with aerobic and anaerobic parameters have been suggested by literature, these interaction have not been investigated after application of diferent and individualized training programs, using load control applied to swimming rats. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the effects of monotonous and periodized training on physiological and molecular parameters, as well as their relation with aerobic and anaerobic performances and spontaneous activity of swimming rats. For the achievement of these objectives, the project will be divided into two experiments. In the first we will study the effects of acute isoload exercise conducted in five intensities relative to the individual anaerobic threshold (AT) (80, 90, 100, 110 and 120 % of the AT) on physiological responses and expression of HIF-1 alpha, PGC-1 alpha , MCTs 1 and 4 . Based on the results of 1st experiment, we will determine three intensities (sub, at AT and above AT intensity that express a greater distinction of cell signaling pathways of HIF-1 alpha and PGC-1 alpha). These intensities will be used on the 2nd experiment, that aims to analyse the effects of three types of monotonous training (held in sub intensity, equivalent and above AT) and periodized training over physiological responses to aerobic (AT) and anaerobic performance (limit time of swimming) and spontaneous activity of swimming rats (determined by gravimetric method, with signs of strength being obtained for 24 hours with high capture rate signal) determined in two moments during the training programs and the end of the experiments . After the intervention, the animals will be euthanized for the extraction of muscle and liver tissues, and the genic expression and protein contents of HIF-1 alpha, PGC-1, MCTs and glycogen stores will be determined. Blood aliquots will be stored for following measurements of glucose, lipid profile (triglycerides, LDL, HDL, FFA and total cholesterol), proteins, albumin, uric acid, urea, creatinine, creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase. We hope that the study identifies greater manipulations of the volume and intensity, both in acute and chronic exercise, promoting optimal adaptations at the molecular and physiological parameters, resulting in increased aerobic and anaerobic performances and spontaneous activity of swimming rats. (AU)

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Scientific publications (9)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
SCARIOT, PEDRO P. M.; MANCHADO-GOBATTO, FULVIA DE BARROS; TORSONI, ADRIANA S.; DOS REIS, IVAN G. M.; BECK, WLADIMIR R.; GOBATTO, CLAUDIO A.. Continuous Aerobic Training in Individualized Intensity Avoids Spontaneous Physical Activity Decline and Improves MCT1 Expression in Oxidative Muscle of Swimming Rats. FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY, v. 7, . (11/16222-7, 14/10336-9, 12/20501-1)
SCARIOT, PEDRO P. M.; GOBATTO, CLAUDIO A.; POLISEL, EMANUEL E. C.; GOMES, ANA E. C.; BECK, WLADIMIR R.; MANCHADO-GOBATTO, FULVIA B.. Early-life mice housed in standard stocking density reduce the spontaneous physical activity and increase visceral fat deposition before reaching adulthood. LABORATORY ANIMALS, v. N/A, p. 12-pg., . (17/10201-4, 14/10336-9, 19/08148-3, 15/01362-9, 15/00272-6, 18/07099-6, 19/05115-7)
POLISEL, EMANUEL E. C.; BECK, WLADIMIR R.; SCARIOT, PEDRO P. M.; PEJON, TACIANE M. M.; GOBATTO, CLAUDIO A.; MANCHADO-GOBATTO, FULVIA B.. Effects of high-intensity interval training in more or less active mice on biomechanical, biophysical and biochemical bone parameters. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 11, n. 1, . (15/00272-6, 18/07099-6, 19/05115-7, 15/01362-9, 19/08148-3, 14/10336-9, 17/10201-4)
RODRIGUES, NATALIA ALMEIDA; GOBATTO, CLAUDIO ALEXANDRE; MAIA FORTE, LUCAS DANTAS; DE BARROS SOUSA, FILIPE ANTONIO; TORSONI, ADRIANA SOUZA; DE FANTE, THAIS; MANCHADO-GOBATTO, FULVIA BARROS. Load-matched acute and chronic exercise induce changes in mitochondrial biogenesis and metabolic markers. APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY NUTRITION AND METABOLISM, v. 46, n. 10, p. 1196-1206, . (14/10336-9, 15/00272-6, 15/01362-9)
MESSIAS, LEONARDO H. D.; GOBATTO, CLAUDIO A.; BECK, WLADIMIR R.; MANCHADO-GOBATTO, FLVIA B.. The Lactate Minimum Test: Concept, Methodological Aspects and Insights for Future Investigations in Human and Animal Models. FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY, v. 8, . (14/10336-9)
MAIA FORTE, LUCAS DANTAS; DE ALMEIDA RODRIGUES, NATALIA; CORDEIRO, ANDRE VITOR; DE FANTE, THAIS; DE PAULA SIMINO, LAIS ANGELICA; TORSONI, ADRIANA DE SOUZA; TORSONI, MARCIO ALBERTO; GOBATTO, CLAUDIO ALEXANDRE; MANCHADO-GOBATTO, FULVIA BARROS. ffect of acute swimming exercise at different intensities but equal total load over metabolic and molecular responses in swimming rat. JOURNAL OF MUSCLE RESEARCH AND CELL MOTILITY, v. 43, n. 1, p. 35-44, . (14/10336-9)
SCARIOT, P. P. M.; MANCHADO-GOBATTO, F. B.; BECK, W. R.; PAPOTI, M.; VAN GINKEL, P. R.; GOBATTO, C. A.. Monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs) in skeletal muscle and hypothalamus of less or more physically active mice exposed to aerobic training. Life Sciences, v. 307, p. 11-pg., . (18/07099-6, 17/10201-4, 19/05115-7, 15/01362-9, 15/00272-6, 14/10336-9)
FORTE, LUCAS D. M.; RODRIGUES, NATALIA A.; CORDEIRO, ANDRE V.; DE FANTE, THAIS; SIMINO, LAIS A. P.; TORSONI, ADRIANA S.; TORSONI, MARCIO A.; GOBATTO, CLAUDIO A.; MANCHADO-GOBATTO, FULVIA B.. Periodized versus non-periodized swimming training with equal total training load: Physiological, molecular and performance adaptations in Wistar rats. PLoS One, v. 15, n. 9, p. 19-pg., . (14/10336-9)
RODRIGUES, NATALIA A.; MANCHADO-GOBATTO, FALVIA B.. Pacing Strategies Selection of Male Elite Runners in 5000m Race in Last Five Years. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, v. 47, n. 5, p. 2-pg., . (12/06355-2, 14/10336-9)

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