Research Grants 13/21617-6 - Microbiologia médica, Bacteriologia - BV FAPESP
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Bacterial enteropathogens associated with acute diarrheal disease from infants with diarrheal and from age-matched controls in the Adolfo Lutz Institute of Santo André Regional Laboratory VIII, Brazil


Infections caused by enteropathogens E. coli O157:H7 and no O157, Salmonella, Shigell, and Campylobacter represent a public health concern and are associated with a broad spectrum of diseases that ranges from mild diarrhea or even unapparent, to extremely severe and exacerbated clinical conditions such as hemorrhagic coliti and hemolytic uremic syndrome. More than 4 million children in the world, with less than 5 years old die due to acute infectious diarrhea. In Brazil, more than 600,000 hospitalizations occur per year due to intestinal infectious disease, causing nearly 8,000 deaths, which represents a significant economic loss to the country with large numbers of hospitalizations, representing high economic and social costs and considerate deficit to the health of the population. The pathogens are transmitted to humans primarily through direct or indirect contaminated food and water with fecal material. The direct fecal-oral transmission is common in institutional settings, such as prisons, kindergartens, hospitals and shelters for elderly. As more precarious hygienic conditions of the community, the higher the incidence of acute diarrhea.Since there is no data on the occurrence of children's diarrhea, on the prevalence of enteropathogens in the region of action of the CLR-IAL Santo André, and also due to the emergence of antimicrobial resistant strains such as human infection important agents, this project has as its objective to verify the prevalence of bacterial enteropathogens in clinical strains of children of less than 5 years of age. The bacterial identification will be done both by conventional methodology and also by using new methodologies, aiming at a quick and exact diagnosis and phenotype and molecular comparison such as serotyping and genetic profiles of the etiologic agent which will be done together with the Adolfo Lutz Institute, Central Laboratory. This will allow for the detection and notification of alterations on the local pattern of child diarrhea illnesses, pointing at epidemic and surges in good time, allowing for the blocking of its spreading. This way the monitoring of an acute diarrhea disease will have a routine registration and systematic evaluation of any cases of child diarrhea occurred in the region so that one may start a more detailed investigation of the episodes. Also it will add knowledge to the incidence of new cases and the prevalence of already existing cases in our local environment. (AU)

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(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
LIMA, FERNANDA MIRANDA; DAURELIO, FLAVIA DE PAULO; MUCCI, ELISA RIBEIRO; AHAGON, CINTIA MAYUMI; DOS SANTOS CARMO, ANDREIA MOREIRA; ETEROVIC, ANDRE; DOS SANTOS, LUIS FERNANDO; TIBA-CASAS, MONIQUE RIBAS; CAMARGO, CARLOS HENRIQUE; CERGOLE-NOVELLA, MARIA CECILIA. Epidemiology and genetic screening of diarrheagenic Escherichia coli among symptomatic and asymptomatic children. Journal of Medical Microbiology, v. 68, n. 7, p. 1033-1041, . (13/21617-6)

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