Research Grants 13/23457-6 - Ecologia da paisagem, Mata Atlântica - BV FAPESP
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Interface project: relationships among landscape structure, ecological processes, biodiversity and ecosystem services

Grant number: 13/23457-6
Support Opportunities:BIOTA-FAPESP Program - Thematic Grants
Field of knowledge:Biological Sciences - Ecology - Applied Ecology
Principal Investigator:Jean Paul Walter Metzger
Grantee:Jean Paul Walter Metzger
Host Institution: Instituto de Biociências (IB). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
Renata Pardini ; Simone Aparecida Vieira
Associated researchers:Astrid de Matos Peixoto Kleinert ; Elizabeth Stevens Nichols ; Greet de Coster ; Leandro Reverberi Tambosi ; Maria Uriarte ; Milton Cezar Ribeiro ; Paulo Sergio D' Andrea ; Rodolfo Jaffé Ribbi
Associated research grant(s):17/50015-5 - Linking landscape structure to ecosystem services, AP.R SPRINT
Associated scholarship(s):19/00923-8 - Forest cover and resource pulse driving natural enemies spillover into coffee plantations, BP.IC
18/22881-2 - Paths to ecological intensification trough restoration and agricultural certification, BP.DR
18/03330-5 - Ecosystem services in multifunctional and sustainable landscapes, BE.PQ
+ associated scholarships 17/26093-6 - Avian cross-habitat spillover into Brazilian coffee farms and implications for pest control provisioning, BP.PD
18/00965-0 - Organizing, centralizing and managing the spatial and cadastral database of the Interface Project, BP.TT
17/19411-1 - Bee conservation and pollination service provision: using a landscape approach to reach a common goal, BP.DR
17/11666-0 - Yellow fever: transmission risk due to landscape changes and climate alterations, BP.PD
16/06789-3 - Human-wildlife interactions: influence of ecological context on people's attitudes towards wild mammals, BP.MS
15/24802-4 - Effects of landscape structure on the organization of pollination and seed dispersal systems, BP.PD
16/06690-7 - How does the intention of preserving the forest very among people living in landscapes with different percentages of remaining forest?, BP.MS
14/11676-8 - Quantifying the mechanistic basis for disease-regulation ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes, BP.PD - associated scholarships


Faced with the challenge of planning multifunctional landscapes to ensure the retention of both original biological diversity and ecosystem functions, as well as agricultural production, this project aims to investigate how parameters of landscape structure directly or indirectly regulates key ecosystem services through influencing a series of distinct ecological processes. As ecosystem service regulation studies have principally been conducted either at local scales (via experimental manipulations), or rather at global scales (correlative, proxy-based mapping studies), there is a knowledge gap at the intermediate scale of landscape, which permits the exploration of such regulatory mechanisms with both enhanced precision and power to extrapolate results to other spatial scales and systems. We aim to contribute to an improved understanding of how habitat loss influences these ecosystem services, and specifically investigate the likelihood of both thresholds and trade-offs in service provision. We will do this by relating rates and stocks measurements of key ecosystem services, including regulatory (i.e. pollination, pest and disease control, hydrologic flow regulation and water quality), provisioning (i.e. water storage) and supportive services (i.e. carbon stocks) with parameters associated with landscape structure, including the proportion of native habitat in the landscape, the proximity and number of edges between native vegetation and agricultural areas, and landscape composition. With a sampling design that couples spatially explicit ecosystem services measurements, biodiversity sampling of species responsible for service provisioning, and manipulated field experiments, we can identify how ecological processes acting at the landscape level (e.g. connectivity, edge effects, and habitat complementation and supplementation) influence and control the provision of key ecosystem services. By considering these relationships for 40 landscapes located in distinct agricultural matrices (i.e. coffee, extensive cattle pasture, and eucalyptus), within a highly biodiverse and threatened biome (Brazil's Atlantic Rainforest), we can assess the generality of these relationships, compare landscape-service relationships for multiple services across within the same matrix type, as well as single service across different matrices. It is expected that: (i) regulating and supporting ecosystem services demonstrate non-linear threshold dynamics along gradients of habitat loss, similarly to those observed for biodiversity, (ii) these thresholds are governed by a series of ecological processes related to both movement patterns of the biodiversity associated with service provision, and changes (usually non-linear) in landscape configuration associated with habitat loss, and (iii) that thresholds in service decline occur later (i.e. at lower levels of forest cover) for those landscapes with more forested matrix habitat. Taken together, these related datasets will provide a critical scientific subsidy to ongoing political land-use planning processes, and the maintenance of ecosystem services in the working agricultural landscapes of the Atlantic Rainforest. (AU)

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Scientific publications (39)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
ROSLIN, TOMAS; HARDWICK, BESS; NOVOTNY, VOJTECH; PETRY, WILLIAM K.; ANDREW, NIGEL R.; ASMUS, ASHLEY; BARRIO, ISABEL C.; BASSET, YVES; BOESING, ANDREA LARISSA; BONEBRAKE, TIMOTHY C.; et al. Higher predation risk for insect prey at low latitudes and elevations. Science, v. 356, n. 6339, SI, p. 742-744, . (13/23457-6, 14/11676-8)
HOHLENWERGER, CAMILA; TAMBOSI, LEANDRO REVERBERI; METZGER, JEAN PAUL. Forest cover and proximity to forest affect predation by natural enemies in pasture and coffee plantations differently. AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT, v. 333, p. 11-pg., . (13/23457-6)
MEDEIROS, HUGO REIS; MARTELLO, FELIPE; ALMEIDA, EDUARDO A. B.; MENGUAL, XIMO; HARPER, KAREN A.; GRANDINETE, YURI CAMPANHOLO; METZGER, JEAN PAUL; RIGHI, CIRO ABBUD; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR. Landscape structure shapes the diversity of beneficial insects in coffee producing landscapes. Biological Conservation, v. 238, . (13/50421-2, 13/23457-6)
GONZALEZ-CHAVES, ADRIAN; JAFFE, RODOLFO; METZGER, JEAN PAUL; KLEINERT, DE M. P. ASTRID. Forest proximity rather than local forest cover affects bee diversity and coffee pollination services. LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY, v. 35, n. 8, . (13/23457-6)
RUGGIERO, P. G. C.; PFAFF, A.; PEREDA, P.; NICHOLS, E.; METZGER, J. P.. The Brazilian intergovernmental fiscal transfer for conservation: A successful but self-limiting incentive program. ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS, v. 191, . (14/11676-8, 15/16587-6, 13/23457-6, 17/20245-9)
MONTEALEGRE-TALERO, CAROLINA; BOESING, ANDREA LARISSA; METZGER, JEAN PAUL. Avian cross-habitat spillover as a bidirectional process modulated by matrix type, forest cover and fragment size. AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT, v. 322, . (13/23457-6, 17/26093-6, 19/13802-4)
RUGGIERO, PATRICIA G. C.; PFAFF, ALEXANDER; NICHOLS, ELIZABETH; ROSA, MARCOS; METZGER, JEAN PAUL. Election cycles affect deforestation within Brazil's Atlantic Forest. CONSERVATION LETTERS, v. 14, n. 5, . (17/20245-9, 15/16587-6, 14/11676-8, 13/23457-6)
METZGER, JEAN PAUL; VILLARREAL-ROSAS, JARAMAR; SUAREZ-CASTRO, ANDRES F.; LOPEZ-CUBILLOS, SOFFA; GONZALEZ-CHAVES, ADRIAN; RUNTING, REBECCA K.; HOHLENWERGER, CAMILA; RHODES, JONATHAN R.. Considering landscape-level processes in ecosystem service assessments. Science of The Total Environment, v. 796, . (18/06330-6, 17/50015-5, 17/19411-1, 13/23457-6)
BOESING, ANDREA LARISSA; NICHOLS, ELIZABETH; METZGER, JEAN PAUL. Biodiversity extinction thresholds are modulated by matrix type. ECOGRAPHY, v. 41, n. 9, p. 1520-1533, . (13/12777-0, 13/23457-6, 14/11676-8)
RUGGIERO, PATRICIA G. C.; METZGER, JEAN PAUL; TAMBOSI, LEANDRO REVERBERI; NICHOLS, ELIZABETH. Payment for ecosystem services programs in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest: Effective but not enough. LAND USE POLICY, v. 82, p. 283-291, . (14/11676-8, 15/16587-6, 13/23457-6)
PRIST, PAULA RIBEIRO; URIARTE, MARIA; FERNANDES, KATIA; METZGER, JEAN PAUL. Climate change and sugarcane expansion increase Hantavirus infection risk. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, v. 11, n. 7, . (13/12515-5, 13/23457-6)
SATURNI, FERNANDA TEIXEIRA; JAFFE, RODOLFO; METZGER, JEAN PAUL. Landscape structure influences bee community and coffee pollination at different spatial scales. AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT, v. 235, p. 1-12, . (12/13200-5, 13/17161-7, 13/23457-6)
BOESING, ANDREA L.; NICHOLS, ELIZABETH; METZGER, JEAN P.. Effects of landscape structure on avian-mediated insect pest control services: a review. LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY, v. 32, n. 5, p. 931-944, . (13/12777-0, 13/23457-6, 14/11676-8)
GREGORY, NICHAR; GOMEZ, ANDRES; OLIVEIRA, TRICIA MARIA F. DE S.; NICHOLS, ELIZABETH. Big dung beetles dig deeper: trait-based consequences for faecal parasite transmission. International Journal for Parasitology, v. 45, n. 2-3, p. 101-105, . (13/23457-6)
RIBEIRO, FERNANDO S.; NICHOLS, ELIZABETH; MORATO, RONALDO G.; METZGER, JEAN PAUL; PARDINI, RENATA. Disturbance or propagule pressure? Unravelling the drivers and mapping the intensity of invasion of free-ranging dogs across the Atlantic forest hotspot. DIVERSITY AND DISTRIBUTIONS, v. 25, n. 2, p. 191-204, . (13/23457-6, 14/11676-8)
D'ALBERTAS, FRANCISCO; COSTA, KARINE; ROMITELLI, ISABELLA; BARBOSA, JOMAR MAGALHAES; VIEIRA, SIMONE APARECIDA; METZGER, JEAN PAUL. Lack of evidence of edge age and additive edge effects on carbon stocks in a tropical forest. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, v. 407, p. 57-65, . (13/23457-6)
D'ALBERTAS, FRANCISCO; GONZALEZ-CHAVES, ADRIAN; BORGES-MATOS, CLARICE; DE ALMEIDA PACIELLO, VITOR ZAGO; MARON, MARTINE; METZGER, JEAN PAUL. Private reserves suffer from the same location biases of public protected areas. Biological Conservation, v. 261, . (13/23457-6, 18/22881-2, 17/26684-4, 17/19411-1)
BARRETO, JULIA RODRIGUES; PARDINI, RENATA; METZGER, JEAN PAUL; SILVA, FERNANDO AUGUSTO BARBOSA; NICHOLS, ELIZABETH S.. When forest loss leads to biodiversity gain: Insights from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Biological Conservation, v. 279, p. 10-pg., . (13/23457-6, 14/11676-8)
RUGGIERO, PATRICIA G. C.; PFAFF, ALEXANDER; NICHOLS, ELIZABETH; ROSA, MARCOS; METZGER, JEAN PAUL. Election cycles affect deforestation within Brazil's Atlantic Forest. CONSERVATION LETTERS, . (15/16587-6, 17/20245-9, 13/23457-6, 14/11676-8)
D'ALBERTAS, FRANCISCO; RUGGIERO, PATRICIA; PINTO, LUIS FERNANDO GUEDES; SPAROVEK, GERD; METZGER, JEAN PAUL. Agricultural certification as a complementary tool for environmental law compliance. Biological Conservation, v. 277, p. 10-pg., . (13/23457-6, 18/22881-2)
PRIST, PAULA RIBEIRO; DANDREA, PAULO SERGIO; METZGER, JEAN PAUL. Landscape, Climate and Hantavirus Cardiopulmonary Syndrome Outbreaks. ECOHEALTH, v. 14, n. 3, p. 614-629, . (13/12515-5, 13/23457-6)
BOESING, ANDREA LARISSA; NICHOLS, ELIZABETH; METZGER, JEAN PAUL. Land use type, forest cover and forest edges modulate avian cross-habitat spillover. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY, v. 55, n. 3, p. 1252-1264, . (13/23457-6, 14/11676-8, 13/12777-0)
PRIST, PAULA RIBEIRO; PRADO, AMANDA; TAMBOSI, LEANDRO REVERBERI; UMETSU, FABIANA; BUENO, ADRIANA DE ARRUDA; PARDINI, RENATA; METZGER, JEAN PAUL. Moving to healthier landscapes: Forest restoration decreases the abundance of Hantavirus reservoir rodents in tropical forests. Science of The Total Environment, v. 752, . (13/23457-6, 18/23364-1, 13/12515-5, 17/11666-0)
ALVARADO-MONTERO, SEBASTIAN; BOESING, ANDREA LARISSA; METZGER, JEAN PAUL; JAFFE, RODOLFO. igher forest cover and less contrasting matrices improve carrion removal service by scavenger insects in tropical landscape. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY, v. 58, n. 11, . (17/26093-6, 13/23457-6)
BOESING, ANDREA LARISSA; MARQUES, THIAGO SIMON; MARTINELLI, LUIZ ANTONIO; NICHOLS, ELIZABETH; SIQUEIRA, PAULO RICARDO; BEIER, CHRISTIAN; DE CAMARGO, PLINIO BARBOSA; METZGER, JEAN PAUL. Conservation implications of a limited avian cross-habitat spillover in pasture lands. Biological Conservation, v. 253, . (13/23457-6, 13/11032-0, 17/26093-6, 19/13802-4, 13/12777-0)
MEDEIROS, HUGO REIS; MARTELLO, FELIPE; METZGER, JEAN PAUL; HARPER, KAREN AMANDA; MENGUAL, XIMO; RIGHI, CIRO ABBUD; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR. Landscape composition regulates the spillover of beneficial insects between forest remnants and adjacent coffee plantations. PERSPECTIVES IN ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION, v. 20, n. 2, p. 6-pg., . (13/23457-6, 21/08534-0, 13/50421-2)
LIBRAN-EMBID, FELIPE; DE COSTER, GREET; METZGER, JEAN PAUL. Effects of bird and bat exclusion on coffee pest control at multiple spatial scales. LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY, v. 32, n. 9, p. 1907-1920, . (14/14746-7, 12/06866-7, 13/23457-6)
PRIST, PAULA RIBEIRO; URIARTE, MARIA; TAMBOSI, LEANDRO REVERBERI; PRADO, AMANDA; PARDINI, RENATA; D'ANDREA, PAULO SERGIO; METZGER, JEAN PAUL. Landscape, Environmental and Social Predictors of Hantavirus Risk in Sao Paulo, Brazil. PLoS One, v. 11, n. 10, . (13/12515-5, 13/23457-6)
ARISTIZABAL, NATALIA; METZGER, JEAN PAUL. Landscape structure regulates pest control provided by ants in sun coffee farms. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY, v. 56, n. 1, p. 21-30, . (13/23457-6)
JAFFE, RODOLFO; CASTILLA, ANTONIO; POPE, NATHANIEL; IMPERATRIZ-FONSECA, VERA LUCIA; METZGER, JEAN PAUL; ARIAS, MARIA CRISTINA; JHA, SHALENE. Landscape genetics of a tropical rescue pollinator. CONSERVATION GENETICS, v. 17, n. 2, p. 267-278, . (12/13200-5, 13/23661-2, 13/23457-6)
GONZALEZ-CHAVES, ADRIAN DAVID; CARVALHEIRO, LUISA GIGANTE; PIFFER, PEDRO RIBERO; D'ALBERTAS, FRANCISCO; GIANNINI, TEREZA CRISTINA; VIANA, BLANDINA FELIPE; METZGER, JEAN PAUL. Evidence of time-lag in the provision of ecosystem services by tropical regenerating forests to coffee yields. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, v. 18, n. 2, p. 11-pg., . (13/23457-6, 17/19411-1, 18/06330-6, 18/22881-2)
CIRINO, DOUGLAS WILLIAM; TAMBOSI, LEANDRO REVERBERI; MAUAD, THAIS; DE FREITAS, SIMONE RODRIGUES; METZGER, JEAN PAUL. Balanced spatial distribution of green areas creates healthier urban landscapes. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY, v. 59, n. 7, p. 13-pg., . (20/06694-8, 20/15785-7, 13/23457-6)
TEIXEIRA, LUCAS; TISOVEC-DUFNER, KARINA CAMPOS; MARIN, GABRIELA DE LIMA; MARCHINI, SILVIO; DORRESTEIJN, INE; PARDINI, RENATA. Linking human and ecological components to understand human-wildlife conflicts across landscapes and species. Conservation Biology, v. 35, n. 1, . (16/06789-3, 16/06690-7, 13/23457-6)
GONZALEZ-CHAVES, ADRIAN; CARVALHEIRO, LUISA G.; GARIBALDI, LUCAS A.; METZGER, JEAN PAUL. ositive forest cover effects on coffee yields are consistent across region. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY, v. 59, n. 1, . (17/19411-1, 13/23457-6, 18/06330-6)
MOREAUX, CELINE; MEIRELES, DESIREE A. L.; SONNE, JESPER; BADANO, I, ERNESTO; CLASSEN, ALICE; GONZALEZ-CHAVES, ADRIAN; HIPOLITO, JULIANA; KLEIN, ALEXANDRA-MARIA; MARUYAMA, PIETRO K.; METZGER, JEAN PAUL; et al. The value of biotic pollination and dense forest for fruit set of Arabica coffee: A global assessment. AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT, v. 323, . (13/23457-6, 17/19411-1)
BOESING, ANDREA LARISSA; BIANCHI, FELIX J. J. A.; ROJAS, ANDRES; POLESSO, MARIANA; KERCHES-ROGERI, PATRICIA; RIBEIRO, MILTON CESAR; METZGER, JEAN PAUL. Seasonality modulates habitat cover effects on avian cross-boundary responses and spillover. ECOGRAPHY, v. 2022, n. 12, p. 13-pg., . (20/01779-5, 13/50421-2, 13/23457-6, 17/26093-6, 21/10195-0, 19/13802-4, 19/00923-8)
ROSLIN, TOMAS; HARDWICK, BESS; NOVOTNY, VOJTECH; PETRY, WILLIAM K.; ANDREW, NIGEL R.; ASMUS, ASHLEY; BARRIO, ISABEL C.; BASSET, YVES; BOESING, ANDREA LARISSA; BONEBRAKE, TIMOTHY C.; et al. Higher predation risk for insect prey at low latitudes and elevations. Science, v. 356, n. 6339, p. 3-pg., . (13/23457-6, 14/11676-8)
TISOVEC-DUFNER, KARINA CAMPOS; TEIXEIRA, LUCAS; MARIN, GABRIELA DE LIMA; COUDEL, EMILIE; MORSELLO, CARLA; PARDINI, RENATA. Intention of preserving forest remnants among landowners in the Atlantic Forest: The role of the ecological context via ecosystem services. PEOPLE AND NATURE, v. 1, n. 4, p. 15-pg., . (13/23457-6, 16/06789-3, 16/06690-7)
ASSIS, JULIA C.; HOHLENWERGER, CAMILA; METZGER, JEAN PAUL; RHODES, JONATHAN R.; DUARTE, GABRIELA T.; SILVA, RAFAELA A. DA; BOESING, ANDREA LARISSA; PRIST, PAULA R.; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR. Linking landscape structure and ecosystem service flow. ECOSYSTEM SERVICES, v. 62, p. 10-pg., . (22/10760-1, 13/23457-6, 20/01779-5, 21/08534-0, 21/10639-5, 17/50015-5, 13/50421-2, 17/26093-6, 21/10195-0, 17/11666-0)

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