Research Grants 13/50905-0 - Física de alta energia, Bóson de Higgs - BV FAPESP
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Exploring Higgs boson and beyond the standard model theories at Large Hadron Collider


This proposal will unite the strong and complementary Theoretical High Energy Physics group at Southampton University (UK) and Experimental High Energy Physics group at Universities of São Paulo - UNESP and UFABC - into an effective collaboration for exploring the most promising models of the fundamental particles and forces, and constructing novel strategies for identifying this physics in experimental signatures at the LHC. Several models proposes the existence of new vector bosons. One of the most striking signal from these new bosons comes from their decay to pair of SM gauge bosons as well as decays into pair SM gauge boson-Higgs boson (case of WTC model) or even into pair of Higgs bosons (case of EXD models). Some of these signatures has not been explored on details while others has not been explored at all. Therefore, we propose to combine experimental expertise from Brazilian side and the theory expertise from the Southampton side to create sustainable long lasting collaboration to explore di-boson signals mentioned above rom new vector bosons from Extra-dimensional and WTC theories. This will prepare ground for setting limit or discovery of W and Z' bosons at the LHC from mentioned above theories leading to a novel and timely result highly requested from Particle Physics community. PhD students and Postdoctoral researchers (PDRA) wilI be involved from both sides. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
BELYAEV, A.; MORETTI, S.; FERNANDEZ PEREZ TOMEI, T. R.; NOVAES, S. F.; MERCADANTE, P. G.; MOON, C. S.; PANIZZI, L.; ROJAS, F.; THOMAS, M.. Advancing LHC probes of dark matter from the inert two-Higgs-doublet model with the monojet signal. Physical Review D, v. 99, n. 1, . (13/01907-0, 16/15897-4, 13/50905-0)
BELYAEV, A.; MORETTI, S.; FERNANDEZ PEREZ TOMEI, T. R.; NOVAES, S. F.; MERCADANTE, P. G.; MOON, C. S.; PANIZZI, L.; ROJAS, F.; THOMAS, M.. Advancing LHC probes of dark matter from the inert two-Higgs-doublet model with the monojet signal. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 99, n. 1, p. 19-pg., . (13/50905-0, 13/01907-0, 16/15897-4)

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