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Improved quality of cultured fish for human consumption

Grant number: 13/50504-5
Support Opportunities:Research Projects - Thematic Grants
Duration: February 01, 2014 - January 31, 2018
Field of knowledge:Agronomical Sciences - Fishery Resources and Fishery Engineering - Aquaculture
Convênio/Acordo: Innovation Fund Denmark
Principal Investigator:Reinaldo José da Silva
Grantee:Reinaldo José da Silva
Principal researcher abroad: Niels Gerslev Jorgensen
Institution abroad: University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Host Institution: Instituto de Biociências (IBB). Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP). Campus de Botucatu. Botucatu , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
( Últimos )
Cacilda Thais Janson Mercante ; Fabiana Pilarski ; Gianmarco Silva David
Pesquisadores principais:
( Antigos )
Fabiana Garcia Scaloppi
Associated scholarship(s):15/09397-6 - Morphological analysis of Monogenea (Platyhelminthes) and histopathology of the gills of Oreochromis niloticus (Cichlidae) from aquaculture of São Paulo State, BP.IC
15/08969-6 - Morphological and molecular characterization of monogenean (Platyhelminthes) parasites of Oreochromis niloticus (Cichlidae) from aquaculture of São Paulo State, BP.IC
15/13025-7 - Cyanobacteria associated with tilapia production in fish tank network: investigating the presence of cyanotoxins in water and fish, BP.PD
14/15859-0 - Detection and identification of disease-causing pathogens in tilapia (Oreochromis spp.) grown in the State of São Paulo, BP.PD
14/13718-0 - Improved quality of cultured fish for human consumption , BP.PD


In Denmark and Brazil close 50% of the adult population suffers from medium or severe over-weight and welfare diseases are increasing, but Brazil also has 10 mio people suffering from malnutrition. A change in dietary habits to more protein-rich food might reduce these health issues. Fish are a valuable protein source, but provide also vital fatty acids and minerals. Fish in natural waters can no longer meet the demand for fish products, and farming now make up 50% of the global fish demand. However, fish production in freshwater faces several challenges: Intensive fish breeding enhances the risk of fish diseases (bacterial and parasitic infections); Several fish bacterial and parasitic infections have zoonotic potential and may affect human health; Microbes produce off-flavours that penetrate the fish and make them unattractive to consumers; Dense fish stocks and their feed may promote growth of fish-killing toxic microbes by eutrophication. In IMPCON we challenge these barriers to improve aquaculture production in hydroelectric reservoirs in São Paulo and in circulated aquaculture systems in Denmark. Superficially we will: Detect microorganisms and parasites with zoonotic potential in fish breeding systems; Improve fish health by enhancing their resistance to diseases (parasites and bacteria), using bioactive components from the bio-ethanol production in Brazil; Improve the water quality to minimize the risk of toxin production and parasite occurrence; Detect abundance of off-flavour producing microbes and develop procedures for their reduction. The results of IMPCON will contribute to production of healthy food by sustainable aquaculture production. (AU)

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Scientific publications (6)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
RODRIGUES, MARIANNA VAZ; FRANCISCO, CLAIRE JULIANA; DAVID, GIANMARCO S.; DA SILVA, REINALDO JOSE; FALCONE-DIAS, MARIA FERNANDA; ARAUJO JUNIOR, JOAO PESSOA. Monitoring of Francisella noatunensis subsp orientalis in farmed Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in Brazil. AQUACULTURE INTERNATIONAL, v. 26, n. 1, p. 127-138, . (14/13718-0, 13/50504-5, 14/15859-0, 15/13025-7)
LUKASSEN, MIE B.; DE JONGE, NADIEH; BJERREGAARD, SABINE M.; PODDUTURI, RAJU; JORGENSEN, NIELS O. G.; PETERSEN, MIKAEL A.; DAVID, GIANMARCO S.; DA SILVA, REINALDO J.; NIELSEN, JEPPE L.. Microbial Production of the Off-Flavor Geosmin in Tilapia Production in Brazilian Water Reservoirs: Importance of Bacteria in the Intestine and Other Fish-Associated Environments. FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY, v. 10, . (13/50504-5)
SCHLUTER, LOUISE; DAVID, GIANMARCO S.; JORGENSEN, NIELS O. G.; PODDUTURI, RAJU; TUCCI, ANDREA; DIAS, ANDREA S.; DA SILVA, REINALDO JOSE. Characterization of phytoplankton by pigment analysis and the detection of toxic cyanobacteria in reservoirs with aquaculture production. AQUACULTURE ENVIRONMENT INTERACTIONS, v. 10, p. 35-48, . (13/50504-5)
FALCONE-DIAS, MARIA FERNANDA; RODRIGUES, MARIANNA VAZ; NIELSEN, JEPPE LUND; DE JONGE, NADIEH; JORGENSEN, NIELS O. G.; ALONSO, DIEGO PERES; DAVID, GIANMARCO S.; DA SILVA, REINALDO JOSE; ARAUJO JUNIOR, JOAO PESSOA. Occurrence of Cyanobacteria and microcystins in hydroelectric reservoirs used for fish farming. JOURNAL OF WATER AND HEALTH, v. 18, n. 6, p. 983-994, . (13/50504-5, 14/13718-0, 15/13025-7)
LUKASSEN, MIE BECH; PODDUTURI, RAJU; ROHAAN, BRAM; JORGENSEN, NIELS O. G.; NIELSEN, JEPPE LUND. Dynamics of geosmin-producing bacteria in a full-scale saltwater recirculated aquaculture system. Aquaculture, v. 500, p. 170-177, . (13/50504-5)
PODDUTURI, RAJU; DAVID, GIANMARCO DA SILVA; DA SILVA, REINALDO. J.; HYLDIG, GRETHE; JORGENSEN, NIELS O. G.; PETERSEN, MIKAEL AGERLIN. Characterization and finding the origin of off-flavor compounds in Nile tilapia cultured in net cages in hydroelectric reservoirs, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. Food Research International, v. 173, p. 15-pg., . (13/50504-5)

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