Research Grants 13/24735-0 - Recursos para a pesquisa, Infraestrutura - BV FAPESP
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Internacionalization of scientific production at the Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade de São Paulo: support to publication in peer reviewed and high impact journals


The São Paulo Research Foundation - FAPESP - is national and internationally distinguished as an independent public foundation with the mission to foster research and the scientific and technological development of the State of São Paulo. FAPESP states that scientists supported by FAPESP grants and fellowships are encouraged by the Foundation to develop international collaborations through different institutional instruments. This proposal aims to foster the quality of the scientific writing and the internationalization of the Institute of Psychology at University of São Paulo (IPUSP) research production and collaboration, extending the access to international journals of great impact in different fields of Psychology. As discussed along the introduction, this project results of our internal evaluation produced by the Research Commission and our Congregação (the higher level of administration and policy decision making at the IPUSP), responding to the evaluation of our Graduate courses by CAPES (the federal institution responsible for researchers education). The internal evaluation concluded that our greater infra-structural challenge to the development of research in the year 2013 has been the limits of the internationalization of our academic and scientific production. The lack of access to good translation and international publication of the results of our scientific production is an obstacle to access to good referees in international journals that may improve the quality of articles. One important resource to establish the collaboration with excellent universities, whose researchers cannot speak Portuguese is their access to our production. If they do not know our culture and have difficulties in assess our scientific production we limit the scope of this collaboration IPUSP has a strong tradition in research dedicated to psychosocial or socio-psychological and its quality directly benefits the daily life of people living in São Paulo State, or even the country. This is exactly the thematic area where young researchers find more difficult to publish because, as we discussed along the introduction, this research is cultural and contextually dependent. This tradition depends on more words in the discussion and theoretical debate to guarantee peer validation. More especially in this area the linguistic style should be perfect before international high impact journals referees.In this direction, the project will foster international publication within a process of debate and seminars as well as capacity building spaces for scientific writing at IPUSP and using resources of the University. We will stimulate participation in courses of 4 narrative modalities. In synergy with the courses, seminars will be organized in collaboration with Graduate Programs.To support international publication we count on the resources of the FAPESP´s "Parcela da reserva técnica para custos de infra-estrutura institucional para a pesquisa". With its amount [...] the Research Commission will fund the translation and publication of selected papers to be submitted to high impact international journals, including Brazilian journals of international impact, in 3 languages (English, French and Spanish). As a final outcome we aim to have about 60-70 articles, of different areas in Psychology, that will be translated and submitted in journals of selective editorial policy along 12 months. The proposal establishes that at each regular meeting of the Research Commission, and with criterions decided by the Congregação of IPUSP, we will choose the articles to be supported. The article should result of projects that did not have support for translation and publication by FAPESP or other co-founding agencies to field work, or have not been sponsored by the regular funding source to Graduate Programs. (AU)

Articles published in Agência FAPESP Newsletter about the research grant:
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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
RIBEIRO, MARCELO A.; SILVA, FABIANO F.; FIGUEIREDO, PAULA M.. Discussing the Notion of Decent Work: Senses of Working for a Group of Brazilian Workers without College Education. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, v. 7, . (13/24735-0)
RIBEIRO, MARCELO AFONSO. Contemporary patterns of career construction of a group of urban workers in Sao Paulo (Brazil). JOURNAL OF VOCATIONAL BEHAVIOR, v. 88, p. 19-27, . (13/24735-0)

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