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Investigation of noise generation and propagation by aerodynamic configurations using computational aeroacoustics


Noise regulations have become incrementally more stringent as air traffic has increased and will likely continue to do so in the future. In the last three decades, significant jet noise reduction has been achieved due to efforts on the design of more efficient and quieter engines. Since then, airframe noise associated with the unsteady flow around the aircraft has become a significant source of noise, especially for landing configurations. Therefore, the investigation of airframe noise generation and propagation is a key topic in aeroacoustics research. The present work concerns the study of aerodynamic noise generation and propagation using numerical methods specially designed for computational aeroacoustics. In this project, we will primarily investigate fundamental noise generation mechanisms either due to a single airfoil or due to multiple aerodynamic configurations where wake and boundary layer interactions occur. This study is of paramount importance for the design of aerodynamic configurations such as wings and high-lift devices, as well as gas turbine blades and wind turbine blades, fans and propellers. Some aspects of aerodynamic noise generation and propagation not covered, or not fully understood, in the literature will be addressed in this work. The unsteady aerodynamic flows analyzed give rise to noise sources at a broad range of frequencies and spatial scales. Therefore, direct numerical simulation (DNS) is the numerical method of choice for the flow simulations since it captures all the energetic scales associated with noise generation and propagation. The aeroacoustic calculations will be performed using DNS and the Ffowcs Williams & Hawkings (FWH) acoustic analogy formulation. (AU)

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Scientific publications (16)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
CAVALIERI, ANDRE V. G.; JORDAN, PETER; WOLF, WILLIAM R.; GERVAIS, YVES. Scattering of wavepackets by a flat plate in the vicinity of a turbulent jet. Journal of Sound and Vibration, v. 333, n. 24, p. 6516-6531, . (13/03413-4)
RICCIARDI, TULIO R.; WOLF, WILLIAM R.; BIMBATO, ALEX M.. Fast multipole method applied to Lagrangian simulations of vortical flows. COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION, v. 51, p. 180-197, . (13/07375-0, 13/03413-4)
MARQUES RIBEIRO, JEAN HELDER; WOLF, WILLIAM ROBERTO. Identification of coherent structures in the flow past a NACA0012 airfoil via proper orthogonal decomposition. Physics of Fluids, v. 29, n. 8, . (13/07375-0, 13/03413-4)
RICCIARDI, TULIO R.; WOLF, WILLIAM R.; SPETH, RACHELLE. Acoustic Prediction of LAGOON Landing Gear: Cavity Noise and Coherent Structures. AIAA JOURNAL, v. 56, n. 11, p. 4379-4399, . (13/07375-0, 13/03413-4)
SANO, ALEX; ABREU, I, LEANDRA; CAVALIERI, ANDRE V. G.; WOLF, WILLIAM R.. Trailing-edge noise from the scattering of spanwise-coherent structures. PHYSICAL REVIEW FLUIDS, v. 4, n. 9, . (13/03413-4)
RAMIREZ, WALTER ARIAS; WOLF, WILLIAM ROBERTO. Effects of trailing edge bluntness on airfoil tonal noise at low Reynolds numbers. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 38, n. 8, p. 2369-2380, . (13/07375-0, 13/03413-4, 14/10166-6)
MIOTTO, RENATO F.; WOLF, WILLIAM R.; DE SANTANA, LEANDRO D.. Leading-Edge Noise Prediction of General Airfoil Profiles with Spanwise-Varying Inflow Conditions. AIAA JOURNAL, v. 56, n. 5, p. 1711-1716, . (15/19538-6, 13/03413-4)
RICCIARDI, TULIO R.; WOLF, WILLIAM R.; BIMBATO, ALEX M.. A fast algorithm for simulation of periodic flows using discrete vortex particles. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 39, n. 11, p. 4555-4570, . (13/03413-4, 13/07375-0)
PIANTANIDA, SELENE; JAUNET, VINCENT; HUBER, JEROME; WOLF, WILLIAM R.; JORDAN, PETER; CAVALIERI, ANDRE V. G.. Scattering of turbulent-jet wavepackets by a swept trailing edge. JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, v. 140, n. 6, p. 4350-4359, . (13/03413-4)
MASSAROTTI, MAURICIO R.; WOLF, WILLIAM R.. Aeroacoustic analysis of automotive roof crossbars through on-track acoustic measurements. APPLIED ACOUSTICS, v. 142, p. 95-105, . (13/03413-4)
CAVALIERI, A. V. G.; WOLF, W. R.; JAWORSKI, J. W.. Numerical solution of acoustic scattering by finite perforated elastic plates. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SC, v. 472, n. 2188, . (13/03413-4, 14/05671-3)
WOLF, WILLIAM R.; CAVALIERI, ANDRE V. G.; BACKES, BRUNO; MORSCH-FLHO, EDEMAR; AZEVEDO, JOAO L. F.. Sound and Sources of Sound in a Model Problem with Wake Interaction. AIAA JOURNAL, v. 53, n. 9, p. 2588-2606, . (13/07375-0, 13/03413-4)
MIOTTO, RENATO FUZARO; WOLF, WILLIAM ROBERTO; DE SANTANA, LEANDRO DANTAS. Numerical computation of aeroacoustic transfer functions for realistic airfoils. Journal of Sound and Vibration, v. 407, p. 253-270, . (13/07375-0, 15/19538-6, 13/03413-4)
SCHIAVO, LUIZ A. C. A.; WOLF, WILLIAM ROBERTO; AZEVEDO, JOAO LUIZ F.. Turbulent kinetic energy budgets in wall bounded flows with pressure gradients and separation. Physics of Fluids, v. 29, n. 11, . (13/07375-0, 13/03413-4, 16/03985-6, 14/07623-6)
PIMENTA, CRISTIANO; WOLF, WILLIAM R.; CAVALIERI, ANDRE V. G.. A fast numerical framework to compute acoustic scattering by poroelastic plates of arbitrary geometry. Journal of Computational Physics, v. 373, p. 763-783, . (13/07375-0, 13/03413-4, 15/50302-9)
SCHIAVO, LUIZ A. C. A.; JESUS, ANTONIO B.; AZEVEDO, JOAO L. F.; WOLF, WILLIAM R.. Large Eddy Simulations of convergent-divergent channel flows at moderate Reynolds numbers. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND FLUID FLOW, v. 56, p. 137-151, . (13/07375-0, 13/03413-4, 14/07623-6)

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