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Particle transport and turbulence in tokamaks

Grant number: 13/23713-2
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - Visiting Researcher Grant - International
Duration: March 29, 2014 - May 22, 2014
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Physics - Physics of Fluids, Plasma Physics and Electrical Discharge
Principal Investigator:Iberê Luiz Caldas
Grantee:Iberê Luiz Caldas
Visiting researcher: Claude Wendell Horton Jr.
Visiting researcher institution: University of Texas at Austin (UT), United States
Host Institution: Instituto de Física (IF). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Associated research grant:11/19296-1 - Nonlinear dynamics, AP.TEM


In this project, we will investigate the changes in turbulence and particle transport caused by external perturbations in the profiles of the electric and magnetic fields at the plasma edge, as in experiments realized in tokamaks and some other confinement plasma machines. In these investigations we will apply basic Hamiltonian theories of chaos and turbulence. The theory developed will be used to interpret experiments in tokamak TCABR, of the University of São Paulo and Texas Helimak of the University of Texas, as well as for applications in other tokamaks. In addition, we also investigate the origin of the turbulence, i.e., the onset of instabilities in confined plasmas, which growth can lead to turbulence. (AU)

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