Research Grants 13/16877-9 - Sociologia educacional, História da educação - BV FAPESP
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The vocational high school in São Paulo: an experience of integrated education


Professor Pére Solà is being invited to participate, as a Visiting Professor, of the teaching and research activities, culture/extension, with the Research Group, "Education and Culture Anarchists - Educator John Penteado", of the Education Memory Center/CME, of the Faculty of Education, University of São Paulo-USP and CIVILIS Group, of the Faculty of Education, University of Campinas-UNICAMP, Brazil, in the period covering the months of October and November of this year (between October 05 and November 9).The two research groups maintain working relationships with the teacher for some time. In the case of GP USP, we have conducted exchanges permanent reflection on issues related to the anarchist movement and education, a theme on which the prof. Pere Solà is a leading international references (particularly with regard research on the Catalan educator Francisco Ferrer i Guardia). Such collaboration has contributed significantly to the development of the project "Education and Culture Anarchists. The collection John Penteado "(CNPq assistance-Process: 401110/2006-0) and FAPESP (scholarships linked) whose results are being presented in the book" Anarchist Education in Brazil. Inventory of Sources Collection Penteado (1912-1968) "- to be published by EDUNIFESP, Assisted FAPESP (Process 2010/52413-9). The contact was fruitful also in the going of doctoral Luciana Santos to Spain with sandwich PhD scholarship to intern at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona under the guidance of prof. Solà, between the months of September 2012 and January 2013, for the purpose of surveying relevant documentary and further studies relating to its object of study. At the time, it was possible to locate primary sources for historical research on the Modern Schools on archives and documentation centers of the city of Barcelona (Fundació Ferrer i Guadia; Enciclopedic Popular Athenaeum, the National Library of Catalonia), and in Paris (Bibliothèque Nationale de France - BnF). The main sources raised (documentary series of the three years of the Boletin de La Escuela Moderna de Barcelona; documentary series of the two years of L'École rénovée, besides personal documents of the Catalan educator Francisco Ferrer i Guardia and bibliographic sources of difficult access in Brazil) represent a qualitative leap in the research, since they were still little investigated, even in European universities (the main references are Pere Solà i Gussinyer and Frédéric Mole, who worked specifically with these sources). In the same motion, Prof. Doris Accioly and Silva will make his post-doctoral internship in 2014, at that University and under the supervision of Professor Solà, in order to complete his research for his thesis of Habilitation. In the case of the Research Group of FE UNICAMP, Professor Maria Cristina Menezes, who maintains close research relationship with CME FEUSP with regard to the development of projects related to heritage educational preservation and on the organization of school archives of public basic education of the State of São Paulo, was recently in Barcelona (January 2013) participating in joint activities with professor Solà and his group on issues relating to the preservation of school heritage in Brazil and Spain.In these circumstances, the coming of Professor Sola is a result of previous referrals. At this point, we consider of great importance its presence in Brazil to further strengthening the collaboration between the research groups of the two countries aiming mainly to broaden and deepen the analysis in progress on the subject of education of workers in Brazil, as well as those relating to the preservation of institutional memory of public schools, issues that synthesize the two complementary lines of research in CME-FEUSP and FE-UNICAMP. (AU)

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