Research Grants 13/17971-9 - Recursos para a pesquisa, Infraestrutura - BV FAPESP
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Reforms of Instituto Agronômico research units and installation of equipment


The Agronomic Institute (IAC / APTA), without losing sight of the market needs and exploring the species diversity from their germplasm banks, continues to implement measures and efforts to launch new varieties. The Institute aims to develop research actions tuned to the demands of the agricultural sector; predict demands and propose, develop and transfer products and processes; produce technical and scientific bibliography; guide the formulation of public policies; forming scientific and critical competences; contribute to food security; propose innovative products and processes, always inserted in its mission to "generate and transfer science, technology and products to optimize crop production systems, environmental responsibility, aiming at economic development and food security through research, training of human resources and the patrimony preservation. For the development of research and training of human resources, the Institute has 167 scientific researchers (doctors 84% and 4% masters) and 324 employees to support research. Also participating in the research activities of the IAC post-doctoral, doctoral and master's students, the latter belonging to the course of this and other educational and research institutions. The Institution is composed of 11 research centers (Coffee, Sugarcane, Citrus, Ecophysiology and Biophysics, Engineering and Automation, Plant Protection, Fruits, Horticulture, Grain and Fibers, Soil and Environmental Resources, and Plant Genetic Resources) located in a physical area of 1,279 hectares, home to the Central Experimental Center and 11 Research Centers distributed between Campinas, Cordeirópolis, Jundiaí and Ribeirão Preto. Besides the 11 Research Centers, the IAC has, since 1999, the course Graduate in Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture, accredited by CAPES with grade 5. The IAC has advanced significantly in the availability of cultivars with special features to producers as a result of the valuable genetic patrimony of the Institute, a pioneer in the introduction and early breeding of most cultures of Brazilian agribusiness. In this regard, significant importance has been given by the Institute in the transfer of knowledge generated for society, including producers, professionals field related and high school students, college, graduate and recent graduates. In 2012 we generated over 900 publications, 90 guidelines were completed, analyzed over 400,000 samples, produced more than 180,000 and 250,000 kg of seed bubbles. One of the features of the work of the Agronomic Institute's public stance on the availability of the results of their research in the form of seeds, in services (analysis) and especially through information (technology transfer, publications, etc.), developing large part of its activities with the farmer. From this fact comes the high credibility of the institution, which makes their products ready acceptance and widespread adoption, both the state and national level.Projects aimed at modernizing and adapting the infrastructure of their different specific centers are encouraged by IAC, always focused on assisting institutional priorities. Thus, this project, entitled Recovery of research units of the IAC and installation of equipment aims to support investments in rehabilitation research labs of the institution, located in different centers, and to make the reform of the library and the installation of equipment, providing appropriate conditions for the development of research, as well as appropriate support to internal users (employees, trainees and graduate students) and external. (AU)

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