Research Grants 13/07732-7 - Cirurgia plástica, Terapia a laser de baixa intensidade - BV FAPESP
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Low level laser and high voltage electrical stimulation on the viability of flap musculafasciocutaneous transverse rectus abdominis in rats subjected to the action of nicotine


In aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery, when there are indications of performing skin flap, necrosis is the major complication that can lead to treatment failure. Several authors have investigated the deleterious effects of cigarette smoke or nicotine alone on the skin flaps, with a proven increase in the area of necrosis in the flap. The objective of this study was to investigate low intensity laser and high voltage electrical stimulation on the viability of the TRAM flap in rats subjected to the action of nicotine. Will be used 60 albino rats - rats, randomly divided into 6 groups of 10 animals: Group 1 - (control) were subjected only to surgical technique, to obtain the flap transverse rectus abdominis, which suffer simulation of laser irradiation; Group 2 (control)- similar to group 1, whiGrch suffer simulation of estimulation electrical high volt; Group 3 - similar to group 1, subcutaneous injection of nicotine in a dose of 2mg/kg/2x/day for 4 weeks before surgery, Group 4 - similar to group 2, whose remnants are subjected to irradiation 830nm laser diode, Group 5 - similar to group 2, whose flaps will be submitted to 660 nm laser irradiation; Group 6 - similar to group 2, whose flaps will be submitted to high voltage electrical stimulation. Laser application and high voltage electrical stimulation will occur immediately after surgery and for 2 subsequent days. Analysis will be conducted by paper template to calculate the percentage of necrotic area. Samples will be collected for analysis of mast cells, fibroblasts, VEGF. There will also be photos with machine FLIR T300 (thermography) to analyze the temperature of the flaps, and thus evaluate blood flow. The results will be statistically analyzed by ANOVA and post-test. (AU)

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Scientific publications (5)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
SIQUEIRA DAS NEVES, LAIS MARA; MARCONDES FERREIRA LEITE, GABRIELLA DE PAULA; MARCOLINO, ALEXANDRE MARCIO; PINFILDI, CARLOS EDUARDO; GARCIA, SERGIO BRITTO; DE ARAUJO, JOAO EDUARDO; DE OLIVEIRA GUIRRO, ELAINE CALDEIRA. Laser photobiomodulation (830 and 660 nm) in mast cells, VEGF, FGF, and CD34 of the musculocutaneous flap in rats submitted to nicotine. Lasers in Medical Science, v. 32, n. 2, p. 335-341, . (13/07732-7, 13/07602-6)
SIQUEIRA DAS NEVES, LAIS MARA; DE OLIVEIRA GUIRRO, ELAINE CALDEIRA; DE ALMEIDA ALBUQUERQUE, FERNANDA LUIZA; MARCOLINO, ALEXANDRE MARCIO. Effects of High-Voltage Electrical Stimulation in Improving the Viability of Musculocutaneous Flaps in Rats. ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY, v. 77, n. 4, p. e50-e54, . (13/07732-7, 13/07602-6)
ALVES DE SOUSA, NATANAEL TEIXEIRA; DE OLIVEIRA GUIRRO, ELAINE CALDEIRA; CALIO, JOAO GUILHERME; DE QUELUZ, MARIANE CRISTINA; DE JESUS GUIRRO, RINALDO ROBERTO. Application of shortwave diathermy to lower limb increases arterial blood flow velocity and skin temperature in women: a randomized controlled trial. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL THERAPY, v. 21, n. 2, p. 127-137, . (13/07732-7, 13/07227-0)
MAGALHAES, MARINA FIGUEIREDO; DIBAI-FILHO, ALMIR VIEIRA; DE OLIVEIRA GUIRRO, ELAINE CALDEIRA; GIRASOL, CARLOS EDUARDO; DE OLIVEIRA, ALESSANDRA KELLY; CANCIO DIAS, FABIANA RODRIGUES; DE JESUS GUIRRO, RINALDO ROBERTO. Evolution of Skin Temperature after the Application of Compressive Forces on Tendon, Muscle and Myofascial Trigger Point. PLoS One, v. 10, n. 6, . (13/07732-7, 13/09753-1, 13/19368-8)
DE CARVALHO, GABRIELA; GIRASOL, CARLOS EDUARDO; GONCALVES, LUIZ GUILHERME CRUZ; GUIRRO, ELAINE CALDEIRA OLIVEIRA; GUIRRO, RINALDO ROBERTO DE JESUS. Correlation between skin temperature in the lower limbs and biochemical marker, performance data, and clinical recovery scales. PLoS One, v. 16, n. 3, . (13/07732-7)

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