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Visit of prof. Cristina Schmitt to the Institute of Language Studies of the University of Campinas, from January, 6 to July, 5, 2014


This project seeks funds to invite Prof. Cristina Schmitt, from Michigan State University, to visit the Institute of Language Studies of the University of Campinas, from January 6 to July 5, 2014. Cristina Schmitt has been working for many years in acquisition and syntax-semantics properties of noun phrases from a comparative point of view. Her visit is closely tied to the thematic project: Portuguese in time and space: linguistic contact, grammars in competition e parametric change, headed by Charlotte Galves, and includes the following research, teaching and synergistic activities: (i) she will collaborate in the investigation of the history of noun phrase in Portuguese using the Tycho Brahe Corpus. The results of the investigation of this ill-studied corner in Portuguese diachronic syntax will be included in a volume organized by Professor Charlotte Galves to be submitted to Oxford University Press and will serve as pilot data to a large NSF grant to be submitted between July 2014 and January 2015. (ii) within the teaching activities, she will teach a graduate course on the syntax-semantics of noun phrases from a comparative perspective. (iii) she will actively help advise both PhD and post-Doc projects linked to the thematic project. (AU)

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