Research Grants 12/51821-1 - Cuidados paliativos, Sistema Único de Saúde - BV FAPESP
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Assistance to palliative care patients in hospital complex of the Clinical Hospital of FMRP-USP and their integration in health care network Ribeirão Preto


The population aging and the rapid growth in number of people living with chronic non-transmitted diseases modified the health care services. Technological advances occurred In recent decades provided an increase in average life expectancy of the general population, but did not prepare health services and either the professionals, to deal with this increased occurrence of chronic degenerative diseases potentially fatal. It is very important, nowadays, to stablish public specific health policies that lead to a comprehensive care and equity in the distribution of these services through the consolidation of the Unified Health System (SUS) in Brazil. It is also primordial to organize public policies to promote the access to the Palliative Care in Unified Health System, to a better organization of services and integration of actions aimed in different levels of complexity of health care. This study has a substantial relevance and it is justified under the necessity to establish the profile of this patient for palliative care and to organize and define protocols in Palliative Health Care Network (RAS). This project will allow: the developments of a Computer database, which will facilitates the identification of demand and improves the regulation process of SUS; demonstrates the real necessity and the demand of the palliative care in four units hospitals of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto - University of São Paulo and the Home Care Service of Ribeirão Preto; and will allow to develop indicators to evaluate actions that should be undertaken considering a better and more effective services in Hospice Care Network in Unified Health Care (RAS). (AU)

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