Research Grants 13/02489-7 - Geriatria, Avaliação de programas e instrumentos de pesquisa - BV FAPESP
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Cross-cultural adaptation the Tailored Activity Program (TAP) for individuals with dementia and family caregivers


The Tailored Activity Program (TAP) is an home-based occupational therapy intervention program for individuals with dementia and their caregivers, based on 8 sessions, being 6 intervention sessions held in the home of the customer (90 minutes each) and 2 sessions that can be either by telephone contact (15 minutes each) or held in the home for a period of 4 months. The program is developed based on two proposes: the application and use of activities offered to individuals with dementia, enabling the involvement and engagement in activities appropriate to their preserved capacities and orientation and training of caregivers/family members in the use of these activities (GITLIN et al ., 2009). Through randomized trials, the program has shown beneficial results for both the elderly and their caregivers. (GITLIN et al., 2008; 2010). There is not available in Brazil, an home-based occupational therapy intervention program shown evidence, which justifies the cross-cultural adaptation of TAP to our culture. Objectives: A cross-cultural adaptation of the TAP to Brazilian culture, considering the entire program: assessment tools and intervention methods and evaluate the applicability of the program adapted in our culture. Methods: The TAP program will be translated and adapted according to the rigorous methodology with the following steps: translation, back translation, evaluation of semantic, idiomatic, cultural and conceptual equivalence and the pre-test for the production of the final version in Portuguese. The adapted program will be applied to a sample of older adults with mild dementia (n = 20) and moderate (n = 20) and their caregivers / family members (n = 40) to assess their applicability in Brazilian culture. The study will be developed in Unit Dementia Service (SADe) at Federal University of Sao Paulo - Santos campus. (AU)

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