Microstructural stability of ODS-Eurofer and Eurofer-97 steels
Evolution of recrystallization texture after low degrees of cold deformation in lo...
Hubert I. Aaronson | Carnegie Mellon University - United States
Grant number: | 99/10796-8 |
Support Opportunities: | Research Projects - Thematic Grants |
Field of knowledge: | Engineering - Materials and Metallurgical Engineering - Physical Metallurgy |
Principal Investigator: | Angelo Fernando Padilha |
Grantee: | Angelo Fernando Padilha |
Host Institution: | Escola Politécnica (EP). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil |
Pesquisadores principais: | Fernando Jose Gomes Landgraf ; Helio Goldenstein |
Associated research grant(s): | 03/00618-2 - Hubert I. Aaronson | Carnegie Mellon University - United States,
AV.EXT 03/00617-6 - William T. Reynolds Jr. | Virginia Tech - Estados Unidos, AV.EXT 02/09897-9 - Jirou Harase | University of Ryukyus - Japão, AV.EXT 00/05405-9 - Hein Peter Stuwe | University of Leoben/Austrian Academy of Sciences - Áustria, AV.EXT |
Associated scholarship(s): | 02/11720-0 - Evolution of recrystallization texture after low degrees of cold deformation in low carbon steels, BP.IC |
The common theme shared by the subprojects that form this Thematic Project is the formation of microstructures, with emphasis on texture, microtexture and mesotexture. Recently developed observation techniques - Back Scattered Electron Diffraction (EBSD) - have significantly increased our description capacity of those microstructural features, technologically very important, but still understood below levels necessary for process modelling and control.The researchers in charge of the project work in very well established laboratories, in a radius of about 2 km, in the campus of the University of S. Paulo. The new equipment, to be bought with funds of the project will use the infrastructure available in those laboratories.The broad objective of the project is to form a group of Grain Boundary Engineering, a new technical window opened mainly by the EBSD technique. The subprojects focus on technologically prominent materials and processes, control of which is critically dependent on adequate scientific support. One or more researchers authoring the project have studied each material of the subprojects, although without the common thematic focus, present in this project as control and measurement of texture and mesotexture and its relationships with transformations that occurs in fabrication processes and with properties, that is, Grain Boundary Engineering. The list of subprojects is: (1)Texture control in electrical steels; (2) Development of microtexture, mesotexture and texture in the recrystallization of Fe-Al CCC alloys; (3)Texture, microtexture and mesotexture during secondary recrystallization; (4) Orientation relationships between austenite and ferrite (mesotexture) during precipitation of austenite in duplex stainless steels; (5) Morphology of eutectoid microconstituents in Fe-Cr-C alloys transformed above the bay of the TTT curve; (6) Recovery and nucleation of recrystallization in the iron base superalloy INCOLOY MA-956; (7) Microtexture and mesotexture resultant of nitrogenation of stainless steels; (8) Evolution of texture, microtexture and mesotexture during the deformation and the recrystallization of ferritic-austenitic stainless steels with duplex microstructures; (9)Textures produce by strip casting.The broad objective may be divided in the following goals: (1) To join efforts of groups of research working in the EPUSP, the IPT and the IPEN around the theme texture and orientation relationships occurring in microstructural changes in materials. (2) Organise annual meetings, open to the public, to present ongoing work inside the project and conferences by invited speakers, Brazilian and foreign, active in areas related to the theme. (3) Educate, in a period of 3 to 4 years, at least ten young researchers with solid knowledge, hands-on training, and independence in crystallography, texture, microtexture and mesotexture. (4) Approach experimentally, with help of modem techniques and tools, such as EBSD and mathematical modelling, significant scientific problems in work hardening, recovery, recrystallization, grain growth and phase transformations. (5) To investigate scientifically relevant issues in technologically and economically relevant materials, such as electrical steels, high-nitrogen stainless steels, duplex stainless steels, iron-base superalloys and iron-aluminum intermetallics. (AU)
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