Gauge Theories for gravitation: foundations and cosmological applications
Grant number: | 96/07423-7 |
Support Opportunities: | Research Projects - Thematic Grants |
Duration: | January 01, 1997 - December 31, 2000 |
Field of knowledge: | Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Physics - Elementary Particle Physics and Fields |
Principal Investigator: | Victor de Oliveira Rivelles |
Grantee: | Victor de Oliveira Rivelles |
Host Institution: | Instituto de Física (IF). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil |
Associated grant(s): | 00/03280-4 - Gauge dependence in the ads/cft correspondence.,
AR.EXT 99/04283-8 - Chern-Simons theories in the AdS/CFT correspondence, AR.EXT 98/06204-5 - Duality symmetry in the schwarz-sen moel, AR.EXT 98/00740-2 - Duality symmetry in the schwarz-sen model., AR.EXT 97/01068-3 - Black holes in the gauge theoretic formulation of dilatonic gravity., AR.EXT |
We intend to analyse several aspects which can contribute to build a Quantum Theory for Gravity. In particular we will consider strings in Background Fields; two Dimensional Dilaton Gravity Theories; Topology, Differential Geometry and Quantum Theories; Modern Quantization Techniques; Duality in String and Field Theory. (AU)
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