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Experimental High Energy Physics: SP-Race and Hep Grid-Brazil

Grant number: 03/04519-9
Support Opportunities:Research Projects - Thematic Grants
Duration: November 01, 2003 - July 31, 2008
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Physics - Elementary Particle Physics and Fields
Principal Investigator:Sergio Ferraz Novaes
Grantee:Sergio Ferraz Novaes
Host Institution: Instituto de Física (IF). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
Eduardo de Moraes Gregores
Associated scholarship(s):07/07971-0 - Experimental high energy physics, BP.IC


One of the most important tools to extend our understanding of the fundamental interactions and the structure of matter are the particle colliders. Among them, the Tevatron at Fermilab and the Large Hadron Collider at CERN are going to play a major role in the next 20 years. These experiments are going to produce an unprecedented amount of data that should reach 109 GB within the next decade. All this data must be stored, processed and analyzed by thousands of scientists around the world in an efficient way. This can be accomplished through the Grid structure for the distributed data processing. This kind of facility will also be able to serve any community with data-intensive needs like weather forecast , ONA mapping, sky survey, medical images, etc. As members of the 00 and CMS Collaborations, we intend to join the international effort to implement distributed analysis centers (Tiers) of these collaborations. We plan to construct a PC cluster that will serve r as a Regional Analysis Center for the D0 Collaboration (D0RACE). This unity will provide services like code distribution, batch processing, data caching and delivery and should participate in the Monte Carlo production of events. The next steps of our project include the engagement in the HEP Grid initiatives, participating in the international Virtual Data Grid Laboratory (iVGDL) testbeds and getting involved with the research and development of the Grid architecture together with the Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN) in order to be prepared for the CMS data in 2007. The progress of the project can be followed through the homepage This initiative should generate expertise on several areas besides High Energy Physics like networking, high-performance computing and Grid architecture. The primary goal of the proposed cluster will be the processing and storage of High Energy Physics data. However, we are ready to share the possible idle time of our facility with other Brazilian groups. We foresee as potential users of the Grid unit:. Centro de Previsão de Tempo e Estudos Climáticos do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE/MCT) and the Instituto de Pesquisas Meteorológicas (IPMET/UNESP) that are responsible for the weather forecast and develop research in Meteorological Sciences; Laboratório Nacional de Astrofísica (LNA) that is part of the Southern Astrophysical Research Telescope (SOAR) and The Gemini Observatory; Organization for Nucleotide Sequencing and Analysis (ONSA), the sequencing consortium that was responsible by the Xylella fastidiosa Genome Project, a major achievement of the Brazilian Science in the last years;.Petrobras and some of its partners that make technological research in petroleum prospecting and real-time 3D Geological Modeling; Chemistry and Biology institutions involved in molecular and cellular modeling;.Several medical institutions involved in image reconstruction in emission tomography, SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography) and PET (Positron Emission Tomography). (AU)

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