Research Grants 12/22713-6 - Biologia vegetal, Fanerógamas - BV FAPESP
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Taxonomic and phylogenetic studies in Monocotiledoneae: Marantaceae


This proposal requests funds to execution of one doctoral thesis project currently in course in the Programa de pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Vegetal) of the State University of Sao Paulo: Taxonomic revision and phylogenetic analysis of the Brazilian species of Goeppertia Nees clade Breviscapus (Marantaceae), allowing the execution of the project through the maintenance of living specimens in greenhouse to get morphological data of flowering plants, and collection and analyses of DNA samples. The proposal presented here will also result in several scientific articles in plant taxonomy, and the increase in the collections of this taxon housed in the HRCB herbarium. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
SAKA, MARIANA NAOMI; RODRIGUES DE MORAES, PEDRO LUIS; LOMBARDI, JULIO ANTONIO; DIAGRE-VANDERPELEN, DENIS. Nomenclatural notes on Marantaceae described by Edouard Morren. PHYTOTAXA, v. 329, n. 3, p. 243-252, . (12/22713-6)

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