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Semantic web services management and automatic composition


Web services represent a very important technology to provide interoperability. An important step in the development of complex applications based on Web services is the ability to select and integrate services from different and heterogeneous sources. Moreover, when it is not possible to find a single service able to perform a given task, it is important to provide automatic and semi-automatic means to compose basic services in order to perform the desired task. This research project aims to extend the research done during the Ph.D. of the tenderer developed at the Institute of Computing of UNICAMP, entitled "Management of Bioinformatics Scientific Workflows." Besides the widespread application of Web services for all areas of knowledge, this project aims to explore the concept of Semantic Web Services to enable software systems to compose basic services to perform more complex tasks (using Artificial Intelligence Planning). Additionally, this project will combine the resources offered by the ontological models for annotation of Semantic Web Services (WSMO, WSDL-S and OWL-S) with the Workflow Patterns to enable the development of an extensible and robust infrastructure for the management and composition of Semantic Web Services. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
DIGIAMPIETRI, LUCIANO A.; MENA-CHALCO, JESUS P.; VAZ DE MELO, PEDRO O. S.; MALHEIRO, ANA P. R.; MEIRA, DANIA N. O.; FRANCO, LARYSSA F.; OLIVEIRA, LEONARDO B.. BraX-Ray: An X-Ray of the Brazilian Computer Science Graduate Programs. PLoS One, v. 9, n. 4, . (09/10413-5)
ANDRIOLI, LUIZ PAULO; DIGIAMPIETRI, LUCIANO ANTONIO; DE BARROS, LILIAN PONCE; MACHADO-LIMA, ARIANE. Huckebein is part of a combinatorial repression code in the anterior blastoderm. Developmental Biology, v. 361, n. 1, p. 177-185, . (09/10413-5)

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