Research Grants 12/22119-7 - Biomassa, Morfologia vegetal - BV FAPESP
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Study of the decomposition mechanisms of the plant cell wall


The use of lignocellulosic biomass for the production of diverse bioproducts is a dynamic research area nowadays. Different pretreatment methods have been proposed to deconstruct plant cell wall, enabling the fractionation of its components and their conversion into fermentable sugars. To understand the action mechanisms of these agents on the cell wall, an integrated study is required, allowing the evaluation of compositional changes together with the respective morphological variations. Morphological studies showing the spatial assembling of the cell wall components are still very limited by now and the diversity of cell walls is great. This project has the aim of establishing a research group at the Chemistry Institute of the University of Campinas, intended to study conversion processes of plant biomass, by its chemical and morphological characterization. The use of atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is proposed, in addition to characterization techniques, such as high proficiency liquid chromatography (HPLC) and UV-VIS spectroscopy. Physical, chemical and enzymatic degradation processes will be evaluated in different kinds of plants, for instance, sugar cane, banana and eucalyptus. The results of this study should contribute to improve the structural model of cell walls on the studied species, and to the comprehension of the degradation mechanisms, enabling the proposal of new approaches to fractionate the plant biomass. Moreover, the intermediates from this fractionation processes should result in micro and nanostructures with potential applications in the production of composite materials. (AU)

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Scientific publications (7)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
PASQUEL REATEGUI, JOSE LUIS; FERNANDES, FLAVIA P.; DOS SANTOS, PHILIPE; REZENDE, CAMILA A.; SARTORATTO, ADILSON; QUEIROGA, CARMEN LUCIA; MARTINEZ, JULIAN. Production of copaiba (Copaifera officinalis) oleoresin particles by supercritical fluid extraction of emulsions. JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS, v. 140, p. 364-371, . (16/13602-7, 09/54137-1, 12/22119-7, 15/11932-7)
DE AGUIAR, ANA CAROLINA; SALES SILVA, LUIZ PAULO; DE REZENDE, CAMILA ALVES; BARBERO, GERARDO FERNANDEZ; MARTINEZ, JULIAN. Encapsulation of pepper oleoresin by supercritical fluid extraction of emulsions. JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS, v. 112, p. 37-43, . (11/08656-7, 13/02203-6, 12/22119-7)
PEREIRA, RUBNER GONCALVES; GARCIA, VERA LUCIA; NOVA RODRIGUES, MARILI VILLA; MARTINEZ, JULIAN. Extraction of lignans from Phyllanthus amarus Schum. & Thonn using pressurized liquids and low pressure methods. Separation and Purification Technology, v. 158, p. 204-211, . (13/02203-6, 12/22119-7)
ZHU, ZONGYUAN; REZENDE, CAMILA ALVES; SIMISTER, RACHAEL; MCQUEEN-MASON, SIMON J.; MACQUARRIE, DUNCAN J.; POLIKARPOV, IGOR; GOMEZ, LEONARDO D.. Efficient sugar production from sugarcane bagasse by microwave assisted acid and alkali pretreatment. BIOMASS & BIOENERGY, v. 93, p. 269-278, . (10/11135-6, 12/22119-7)
BARRALES, FRANCISCO MANUEL; REZENDE, CAMILA ALVES; MARTINEZ, JULIAN. Supercritical CO2 extraction of passion fruit (Passiflora edulis sp.) seed oil assisted by ultrasound. JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS, v. 104, p. 183-192, . (13/02203-6, 12/22119-7)
PASQUEL REATEGUI, JOSE LUIS; DA FONSECA MACHADO, ANA PAULA; BARBERO, GERARDO F.; REZENDE, CAMILA A.; MARTINEZ, JULIAN. Extraction of antioxidant compounds from blackberry (Rubus sp.) bagasse using supercritical CO2 assisted by ultrasound. JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS, v. 94, p. 223-233, . (13/02203-6, 12/22119-7)
TSUCHIDA, JEFFERSON ESQUINA; REZENDE, CAMILA ALVES; DE OLIVEIRA-SILVA, RODRIGO; LIMA, MARISA APARECIDA; D'EURYDICE, MARCEL NOGUEIRA; POLIKARPOV, IGOR; BONAGAMBA, TITO JOSE. Nuclear magnetic resonance investigation of water accessibility in cellulose of pretreated sugarcane bagasse. BIOTECHNOLOGY FOR BIOFUELS, v. 7, . (09/54880-6, 10/11135-6, 08/56255-9, 12/22119-7, 10/08370-3, 09/18354-8)

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