Nondestructive evaluation of hollow concrete block masonry with the use of the fla...
UFSCar-University of CALGARY partnenship: Prof. Nigel Shrive visit
Grant number: | 12/22357-5 |
Support Opportunities: | Research Grants - Visiting Researcher Grant - International |
Field of knowledge: | Engineering - Civil Engineering - Construction Industry |
Principal Investigator: | Guilherme Aris Parsekian |
Grantee: | Guilherme Aris Parsekian |
Visiting researcher: | Ahmad Ahmad Hamid |
Visiting researcher institution: | Drexel University, United States |
Host Institution: | Centro de Ciências Exatas e de Tecnologia (CCET). Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR). São Carlos , SP, Brazil |
The prof. Ahmad Hamid is a senior researcher of international recognition, with great performance in concrete and masonry structures and more recently performance and sustainability in buildings. The plan includes the visit: - Teach two classes in the discipline of the Graduate Program in Structural and Building UFSCar, CIV 262 Special Topics in Structural masonry; - Give lecture to graduate school at the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of USP (São Carlos), with the topic "Design and Retrofit of Building Envelope"; - Deliver lecture for researchers and others interested in IPT (São Paulo) with the theme "Sustainable and energy-efficient building envelope in hot climate"; - Provide mini-course in Recife, nationwide, for engineers with the theme "Project Panels Masonry Concrete Blocks Under Lateral Action"; - Interact with the research being carried out in the Group Study and Research in Structural masonry (UFSCar/UNESP/USP), with a possible visit to the campus in Unesp Single Island, giving the research contributions in developing this area. (AU)
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