Research Grants 12/14132-3 - Ondas gravitacionais, Relatividade geral - BV FAPESP
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Analysis of gravitational waves


Gravitational waves are propagating ripples in space-time geometry, produced by the coherent, rapid motion of massive astrophysical objects or by cosmological sources. Earth-based gravitational wave observatories have been active until recently and they will resume data taking in few years time. The inspirals and coalescences of binary systems that include black holes and neutron stars are among the most promising and interesting sources of gravitational waves; but the efficiency and ultimate success of searches depends on the availability of faithful waveforms and of powerful detection algorithms. The accuracy of analytical signal modeling is crucial for both detection and faithful parameter estimation. I plan to improving on the waveforms currently used for experimental searches and their implementation in search routines with a multi-fold effort: (i) employing techniques from effective field theory to improve the analytic description of binary inspirals within the Post-Newtonian approximation to Einstein's equations; (ii) constructing phenomenological waveforms that describe the entire inspiral and coalescence process for generically spinning systems, by calibrating analytical models with numerical simulations; (iii) developing tools to search for deviations from General Relativity; (iv) developing fast algorithms able to perform more intensive searches on the data. (AU)

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Scientific publications (12)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
FOFFA, STEFANO; MASTROLIA, PIERPAOLO; STURANI, RICCARDO; STURM, CHRISTIAN. Effective field theory approach to the gravitational two-body dynamics at fourth post-Newtonian order and quintic in the Newton constant. Physical Review D, v. 95, n. 10, . (16/01343-7, 12/14132-3)
PARISI, ALESSANDRO; STURANI, RICCARDO. Gravitational waves from neutron star excitations in a binary inspiral. Physical Review D, v. 97, n. 4, . (16/00096-6, 12/14132-3)
VITALE, SALVATORE; LYNCH, RYAN; RAYMOND, VIVIEN; STURANI, RICCARDO; VEITCH, JOHN; GRAFF, PHILIP. Parameter estimation for heavy binary-black holes with networks of second-generation gravitational-wave detectors. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 95, n. 6, p. 17-pg., . (13/04538-5, 14/50727-7, 12/14132-3)
FOFFA, STEFANO; PORTO, RAFAEL A.; ROTHSTEIN, IRA; STURANI, RICCARDO. Conservative dynamics of binary systems to fourth post-Newtonian order in the EFT approach. II. Renormalized Lagrangian. Physical Review D, v. 100, n. 2, . (12/14132-3)
BONVIN, CAMILLE; CAPRINI, CHIARA; STURANI, RICCARDO; TAMANINI, NICOLA. Effect of matter structure on the gravitational waveform. Physical Review D, v. 95, n. 4, . (13/04538-5, 12/14132-3)
VITALE, SALVATORE; LYNCH, RYAN; RAYMOND, VIVIEN; STURANI, RICCARDO; VEITCH, JOHN; GRAFF, PHILIP. Parameter estimation for heavy binary-black holes with networks of second-generation gravitational-wave detectors. Physical Review D, v. 95, n. 6, . (13/04538-5, 14/50727-7, 12/14132-3)
FOFFA, STEFANO; STURANI, RICCARDO. Conservative dynamics of binary systems to fourth post-Newtonian order in the EFT approach. I. Regularized Lagrangian. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 100, n. 2, p. 16-pg., . (16/01343-7, 12/14132-3)
BONVIN, CAMILLE; CAPRINI, CHIARA; STURANI, RICCARDO; TAMANINI, NICOLA. Effect of matter structure on the gravitational waveform. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 95, n. 4, p. 15-pg., . (13/04538-5, 12/14132-3)
FOFFA, STEFANO; MASTROLIA, PIERPAOLO; STURANI, RICCARDO; STURM, CHRISTIAN. Effective field theory approach to the gravitational two-body dynamics at fourth post-Newtonian order and quintic in the Newton constant. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 95, n. 10, p. 13-pg., . (16/01343-7, 12/14132-3)
PARISI, ALESSANDRO; STURANI, RICCARDO. Gravitational waves from neutron star excitations in a binary inspiral. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 97, n. 4, p. 13-pg., . (16/00096-6, 12/14132-3)
FOFFA, STEFANO; PORTO, RAFAEL A.; ROTHSTEIN, IRA; STURANI, RICCARDO. Conservative dynamics of binary systems to fourth post-Newtonian order in the EFT approach. II. Renormalized Lagrangian. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 100, n. 2, p. 25-pg., . (12/14132-3)

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