Research Grants 12/04870-7 - Supercondutividade, Materiais nanoestruturados - BV FAPESP
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Studies of novel complex and advanced materials

Grant number: 12/04870-7
Support Opportunities:Research Projects - Thematic Grants
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Physics - Condensed Matter Physics
Principal Investigator:Pascoal Jose Giglio Pagliuso
Grantee:Pascoal Jose Giglio Pagliuso
Host Institution: Instituto de Física Gleb Wataghin (IFGW). Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
( Últimos )
Eduardo Granado Monteiro da Silva ; Gaston Eduardo Barberis ; Iakov Veniaminovitch Kopelevitch ; Kleber Roberto Pirota ; Marcelo Knobel ; Oscar Ferreira de Lima
Pesquisadores principais:
( Antigos )
Carlos Rettori ; Pascoal Jose Giglio Pagliuso
Associated researchers: Carolina Vautier Teixeira Giongo ; Daniel Rettori ; Kleber Roberto Pirota ; Pascoal Jose Giglio Pagliuso ; Ricardo Rodrigues Urbano
Associated research grant(s):16/20763-7 - 61th Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Conference, AR.EXT
15/21289-4 - Multi-User Equipment in grant 12/04870-7 - desktop X-ray powder diffractometer, AP.EMU
15/21290-2 - Multi-User Equipment in grant 12/04870-7 - dynamic light scattering analyser Horiba SZ-100Z, AP.EMU
+ associated grants 14/21400-0 - Compact Ag@Fe3O4 core-shell nanoparticles by means of single-step thermal decomposition reaction, PUB.ART
13/50851-7 - Magnetic antidots, AP.R
13/50287-4 - Quantum phase transitions from graphene to graphite, AP.R - associated grants
Associated scholarship(s):16/16787-8 - Study of Eu3Ir4Sn13-xGax structural and magnetic properties, BP.IC
16/06775-2 - Chemical substitution effects on YMn2 intermetallic antiferromagnet, BP.IC
+ associated scholarships 15/24113-4 - Growth and characterization of CeIn3 heavy fermion compound in nanowire form, BP.IC
15/18544-2 - Investigation of Electronic Structure of Heavy Fermions compounds studied by Angle-resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy, BP.MS
14/26672-8 - Interface and surface effects in magnetic-metal nanoheterostructures, BP.PD
15/09701-7 - Growth and characterization of single crystals of (Sr,Ca)Fe2As2 prepared by in flux method, BP.MS
14/19047-0 - Detailed study of magnetostatic interactions in macroscopic magnetic dipoles, BP.IC
13/21457-9 - Synthesis and characterization of monocrystalline and nanometric intermetallic compounds, BP.PD
13/13275-8 - Finite-size effects, synthesis and magnetic properties of heterogeneous modelled nanowires, BP.PD
13/10833-0 - Synthesis and caracterization of single crystaline PrCuBi2 intermetallic compound, BP.IC
11/01235-6 - Effects of dipolar interactions and surface in magnetic granular systems and magnetic nanoparticles on ferrogels, BP.PD
10/09545-1 - Fabrication and Characterization of Ordered Magnetic Nanostructures of BiFeO3., BP.PD
09/09247-3 - Investigation of pressure induced ordered states in novel complex materials., BP.PD - associated scholarships


In this project we propose to intensify even more the study of the electronic, structural, magnetic, transport and thermodynamics properties of highly correlated materials under the extreme condition of high magnetic fields (d 14 T), low temperatures (e 50 mK) and high pressures (d 30 kbars) in metals, superconductors, semiconductors, semimetals, diluted magnetic semiconductors, ceramic oxides, multiferroics, graphite, graphene, etc., involving, mainly, the interactions between conduction-electrons and between conduction-electrons and the transition elements of the 3d Iron and 4f Rare-Earths groups. For these purpose we plan to perform during this project the following experiments: resistivity, Hall effect, magnetization, magnetic susceptibility ac/dc, specific heat, magnetoimpidance, torquimetry, electron spin resonance (ESR), nuclear magnetic and quadrupolar resonance (NMR and NQR), Raman scattering, X-ray powder/magnetic diffraction/absorption (XANES, EXAFS, XMCD) and infrared absorption for poli crystals, single crystals, amophous, thin films and nanostructured multilayers, wires and particles samples. In order to shed new light on our current understanding of the phenomena involved in our research within the present Project, we also intend to incorporate the following techniques to our group: NMR/NQR, EDX, WDS, FT-IR and an IR Image Furnace which are necessary and crucial for the analysis and preparation of the new and complex materials which will be synthesized during this project. (AU)

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Scientific publications (73)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
ADRIANO, C.; ROSA, P. F. S.; JESUS, C. B. R.; MARDEGAN, J. R. L.; GARITEZI, T. M.; GRANT, T.; FISK, Z.; GARCIA, D. J.; REYES, A. P.; KUHNS, P. L.; et al. Physical properties and magnetic structure of the intermetallic CeCuBi2 compound. Physical Review B, v. 90, n. 23, . (09/09247-3, 13/20181-0, 12/04870-7, 12/05903-6, 09/10264-0, 11/19924-2, 11/01564-0, 11/23650-5)
GARCIA-FLORES, A. F.; MATIAS, J. S.; GARCIA, D. J.; MARTINEZ, E. D.; CORNAGLIA, P. S.; LESSEUX, G. G.; RIBEIRO, R. A.; URBANO, R. R.; RETTORI, C.. Crystal-field effects in Er3+- and Yb3+-doped hexagonal NaYF4 nanoparticles. Physical Review B, v. 96, n. 16, . (12/05903-6, 11/19924-2, 15/23882-4, 12/04870-7)
MARDEGAN, J. R. L.; ADRIANO, C.; VESCOVI, R. F. C.; FARIA, G. A.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.; GILES, C.. Magnetic structure of R2CoGa8 (R = Gd, Tb, and Dy): Structural tuning of magnetic properties in layered Ga-based intermetallic compounds. Physical Review B, v. 89, n. 11, . (12/10675-2, 12/04870-7, 08/11527-1, 09/10264-0)
ROSA, P. F. S.; OOSTRA, A.; THOMPSON, J. D.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.; FISK, Z.. Unusual Kondo-hole effect and crystal-field frustration in Nd-doped CeRhIn5. Physical Review B, v. 94, n. 4, . (13/20181-0, 12/04870-7)
PENA, J. P.; PIVA, M. M.; ROSA, P. F. S.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.; ADRIANO, C.; GRANT, T.; FISK, Z.; BAGGIO-SAITOVITCH, E.; PUREUR, P.. Magnetotransport properties in the magnetic phase of BaFeAs ( = Co,Ni): A magnetic excitations approach. Physical Review B, v. 97, n. 10, . (11/01564-0, 12/04870-7, 12/05903-6)
MAIMONE, D. T.; CHRISTIAN, A. B.; NEUMEIER, J. J.; GRANADO, E.. Lattice dynamics of ASb(2)O(6) (A = Cu, Co) with trirutile structure. Physical Review B, v. 97, n. 10, . (12/04870-7)
BRITES, CARLOS D. S.; MARTINEZ, EDUARDO D.; URBANO, RICARDO R.; RETTORI, CARLOS; CARLOS, LUIS D.. Self-Calibrated Double Luminescent Thermometers Through Upconverting Nanoparticles. FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY, v. 7, . (15/23882-4, 12/04870-7, 15/21289-4, 12/05903-6, 15/21290-2, 11/19924-2, 18/12489-8)
SILVA, L. S.; MERCENA, S. G.; GARCIA, D. J.; BITTAR, E. M.; JESUS, C. B. R.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.; LORA-SERRANO, R.; MENESES, C. T.; DUQUE, J. G. S.. Crystal field effects in the intermetallic RNi3Ga9 (R = Tb, Dy, Ho, and Er) compounds. Physical Review B, v. 95, n. 13, . (12/04870-7)
ROSA, P. F. S.; BOURG, R. J.; JESUS, C. B. R.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.; FISK, Z.. Role of dimensionality in the Kondo CeT X-2 family: The case of CeCd0.7Sb2. Physical Review B, v. 92, n. 13, . (13/20181-0, 12/04870-7)
JESUS, C. B. R.; ROSA, P. F. S.; GARITEZI, T. M.; LESSEUX, G. G.; URBANO, R. R.; RETTORI, C.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.. Electron spin resonance of the half-Heusler antiferromagnet GdPdBi. Solid State Communications, v. 177, p. 95-97, . (09/09247-3, 12/04870-7, 12/05903-6, 10/11949-3, 11/01564-0, 11/23650-5, 06/60440-0)
COLLAVE, J. R.; BORGES, H. A.; RAMOS, S. M.; HERING, E. N.; FONTES, M. B.; BAGGIO-SAITOVITCH, E.; MENDONCA-FERREIRA, L.; BITTAR, E. M.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.. Heavy fermion Ce3Co4Sn13 compound under pressure. Journal of Applied Physics, v. 117, n. 17, . (11/19924-2, 12/04870-7)
LORA-SERRANO, R.; GARCIA, D. J.; BETANCOURTH, D.; AMARAL, R. P.; CAMILO, N. S.; ESTEVEZ-RAMS, E.; ORTELLADO G Z, L. A.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.. Dilution effects in spin 7/2 systems. The case of the antiferromagnet GdRhIn5. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 405, p. 304-310, . (12/04870-7)
PIVA, M. M.; BESSER, M.; MYDEEN, K.; GARITEZI, T. M.; ROSA, P. F. S.; ADRIANO, C.; GRANT, T.; FISK, Z.; URBANO, R. R.; NICKLAS, M.; et al. Combined external pressure and Cu-substitution studies on BaFe2As2 single crystals. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, v. 27, n. 14, . (09/09247-3, 13/20181-0, 12/04870-7, 13/10833-0, 12/05903-6, 09/10264-0, 11/19924-2, 11/01564-0, 11/23650-5)
MARTINEZ, EDUARDO D.; URBANE, RICARDO R.; RETTORI, CARLOS. Thermoplasmonic Maskless Lithography on Upconverting Nanocomposites Assisted by Gold Nanostars. ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS, v. 2, n. 11, p. 6889-6897, . (15/23882-4, 15/21290-2, 12/05903-6, 12/04870-7, 15/21289-4, 17/10581-1, 11/19924-2)
SOUZA, J. C.; ROSA, P. F. S.; SICHELSCHMIDT, J.; CARLONE, M.; VENEGAS, P. A.; MALCOLMS, M. O.; MENEGASSO, P. M.; URBANO, R. R.; FISK, Z.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.. Metallic islands in the Kondo insulator SmB6. PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH, v. 2, n. 4, . (12/04870-7, 16/14436-3, 17/10581-1, 12/05903-6, 18/11364-7)
PENA, J. P.; PIVA, M. M.; ROSA, P. F. S.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.; ADRIANO, C.; GRANT, T.; FISK, Z.; BAGGIO-SAITOVITCH, E.; PUREUR, P.. Magnetotransport properties in the magnetic phase of BaFeAs ( = Co,Ni): A magnetic excitations approach. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 97, n. 10, p. 7-pg., . (12/05903-6, 11/01564-0, 12/04870-7)
MAIMONE, D. T.; CHRISTIAN, A. B.; NEUMEIER, J. J.; GRANADO, E.. Coupling of phonons with orbital dynamics and magnetism in CuSb2O6. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 97, n. 17, p. 5-pg., . (12/04870-7)
SAMANTA, K.; ARDITO, F. M.; SOUZA-NETO, N. M.; GRANADO, E.. First-order structural transition and pressure-induced lattice/phonon anomalies in Sr2IrO4. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 98, n. 9, p. 18-pg., . (12/04870-7, 16/00756-6)
SILVA, L. S.; MERCENA, S. G.; GARCIA, D. J.; BITTAR, E. M.; JESUS, C. B. R.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.; LORA-SERRANO, R.; MENESES, C. T.; DUQUE, J. G. S.. Crystal field effects in the intermetallic RNi3Ga9 (R = Tb, Dy, Ho, and Er) compounds. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 95, n. 13, p. 8-pg., . (12/04870-7)
RADAELLI, M.; PIVA, M. M.; SOUZA, J. C.; LESSEUX, G. G.; JESUS, C. B. R.; TOBIA, D.; URBANO, R. R.; ROSA, P. F. S.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.. Probing putative orbital differentiation effects via Eu2+spin dynamics in Sr1-xEuxFe2As2. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 107, n. 13, p. 8-pg., . (12/04870-7, 17/10581-1, 18/11364-7, 20/12283-0, 15/09701-7)
MENDONCA, E. C.; JESUS, C. B. R.; DUQUE, J. G. S.; GARCIA, D. J.; BITTAR, E. M.; SOUZA, J. C.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.. Y-Substitution effects in the crystal field of the trigonal YxRE1-xNi3Ga9 (RE = Tb, Dy, and Ho). Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 947, p. 10-pg., . (12/04870-7, 17/10581-1, 20/12283-0, 18/11364-7)
ADRIANO, C.; ROSA, P. F. S.; JESUS, C. B. R.; MARDEGAN, J. R. L.; GARITEZI, T. M.; GRANT, T.; FISK, Z.; GARCIA, D. J.; REYES, A. P.; KUHNS, P. L.; et al. Physical properties and magnetic structure of the intermetallic CeCuBi2 compound. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 90, n. 23, p. 7-pg., . (11/23650-5, 12/04870-7, 12/05903-6, 09/09247-3, 09/10264-0, 11/01564-0, 11/19924-2, 13/20181-0)
MARDEGAN, J. R. L.; ADRIANO, C.; VESCOVI, R. F. C.; FARIA, G. A.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.; GILES, C.. Magnetic structure of R2CoGa8 (R = Gd, Tb, and Dy): Structural tuning of magnetic properties in layered Ga-based intermetallic compounds. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 89, n. 11, p. 9-pg., . (12/04870-7, 09/10264-0, 12/10675-2, 08/11527-1)
LESSEUX, G. G.; SAKAI, H.; HATTORI, T.; TOKUNAGA, Y.; KAMBE, S.; KUHNS, P. L.; REYES, A. P.; THOMPSON, J. D.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.; URBANO, R. R.. Orbitally defined field-induced electronic state in a Kondo lattice. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 101, n. 16, p. 6-pg., . (12/05903-6, 17/10581-1, 12/04870-7)
MENDONCA-FERREIRA, L.; CARNEIRO, F. B.; FONTES, M. B.; BAGGIO-SAITOVITCH, E.; VEIGA, I, L. S.; MARDEGAN, J. R. L.; STREMPFER, J.; PIVA, M. M.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.; DOS REIS, R. D.; et al. Pressure effects on the structural and superconducting transitions in La3Co4Sn13. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 773, p. 34-39, . (11/19924-2, 12/04870-7)
SOUZA, J. C.; JESUS, C. B. R.; LESSEUX, G. G.; ROSA, P. F. S.; URBANO, R. R.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.. Crystalline electric field study in a putative topologically trivial rare-earth doped YPdBi compound. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, v. 31, n. 46, . (11/23650-5, 10/11949-3, 09/09247-3, 12/05903-6, 11/01564-0, 12/04870-7, 18/11364-7, 17/10581-1, 06/60440-0)
KOGAN, V. G.; TANATAR, M. A.; PROZOROV, R.. London penetration depth at zero temperature and near the superconducting transition. Physical Review B, v. 101, n. 10, . (17/10581-1, 12/04870-7)
AMARAL, R. P.; LORA-SERRANO, R.; GARCIA, D. J.; IWAMOTO, W. A.; BETANCOURTH, D.; CADOGAN, J. M.; MUNOZ-PEREZ, S.; AVDEEV, M.; COBAS-ACOSTA, R.; BITTAR, E. M.; et al. Antiferromagnetic exchange weakening in the TbRhIn5 intermetallic system with Y-substitution. INTERMETALLICS, v. 98, p. 161-168, . (12/04870-7)
MOURA, K. O.; PIROTA, K. R.; BERON, F.; JESUS, C. B. R.; ROSA, P. F. S.; TOBIA, D.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.; DE LIMA, O. F.. Superconducting Properties in Arrays of Nanostructured beta-Gallium. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 7, . (15/21289-4, 12/04870-7, 15/21290-2, 13/21457-9, 10/11949-3)
MERCENA, S. G.; MENDONCA, E. C.; MENESES, C. T.; SILVA, L. S.; DUQUE, J. G. S.; JESUS, C. B. R.; SOUZA, J. C.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.. Complex magnetic behavior along the Gdln (NixCu1-x)(4) (0.00 <= x <= 1.00) series of compounds. Journal of Applied Physics, v. 125, n. 6, . (18/11364-7, 17/10581-1, 12/04870-7)
MARTINEZ, EDUARDO D.; URBANO, RICARDO R.; RETTORI, CARLOS. Thermoplasmonic enhancement of upconversion in small-size doped NaGd(Y)F-4 nanoparticles coupled to gold nanostars. NANOSCALE, v. 10, n. 30, p. 14687-14696, . (15/23882-4, 12/04870-7, 15/21289-4, 12/05903-6, 15/21290-2, 11/19924-2)
MARTINEZ, EDUARDO D.; GARCIA-FLORES, ALI F.; CARNEIRO NETO, ALBANO N.; BRITES, CARLOS D. S.; CARLOS, LUIS D.; URBANO, RICARDO R.; RETTORI, CARLOS. Controlling the thermal switching in upconverting nanoparticles through surface chemistry. NANOSCALE, v. 13, n. 38, . (15/21290-2, 12/04870-7, 12/05903-6, 11/19924-2, 15/21289-4, 17/10581-1, 15/23882-4)
ROSA, PRISCILA; XU, YUANFENG; RAHN, MAREIN; SOUZA, JEAN; KUSHWAHA, SATYA; VEIGA, LARISSA; BOMBARDI, ALESSANDRO; THOMAS, SEAN; JANOSCHEK, MARC; BAUER, ERIC; et al. Colossal magnetoresistance in a nonsymmorphic antiferromagnetic insulator. NPJ QUANTUM MATERIALS, v. 5, n. 1, . (17/10581-1, 12/04870-7, 18/11364-7)
DISSELER, S. M.; LYNN, J. W.; JARDIM, R. F.; TORIKACHVILI, M. S.; GRANADO, E.. Spin dynamics and two-dimensional correlations in the fcc antiferromagnetic Sr2YRuO6. Physical Review B, v. 93, n. 14, . (14/19245-6, 13/07296-2, 12/04870-7)
MARTINEZ, EDUARDO D.; BRITES, CARLOS D. S.; CARLOS, LUIS D.; URBANO, RICARDO R.; RETTORI, CARLOS. Upconversion Nanocomposite Materials With Designed Thermal Response for Optoelectronic Devices. FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY, v. 7, . (15/23882-4, 15/21289-4, 12/04870-7, 12/05903-6, 15/21290-2, 11/19924-2, 18/12489-8)
SALETA, M. E.; ELEOTERIO, M.; MESQUITA, A.; MASTELARO, V. R.; GRANADO, E.. Atomic pair distribution function at the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory: application to the Pb1-xLaxZr0.40Ti0.60O3 ferroelectric system. JOURNAL OF SYNCHROTRON RADIATION, v. 24, n. 5, p. 1098-1104, . (12/04870-7, 13/02160-5)
MENDOZA ZELIS, P.; VEGA, V.; PRIDA, V. M.; COSTA-ARZUZA, L. C.; BERON, F.; PIROTA, K. R.; LOPEZ-RUIZ, R.; SANCHEZ, F. H.. Effective demagnetizing tensors in arrays of magnetic nanopillars. Physical Review B, v. 96, n. 17, . (13/13275-8, 12/04870-7)
SAMANTA, K.; ARDITO, F. M.; SOUZA-NETO, N. M.; GRANADO, E.. First-order structural transition and pressure-induced lattice/phonon anomalies in Sr2IrO4. Physical Review B, v. 98, n. 9, . (16/00756-6, 12/04870-7)
MAIMONE, D. T.; CHRISTIAN, A. B.; NEUMEIER, J. J.; GRANADO, E.. Coupling of phonons with orbital dynamics and magnetism in CuSb2O6. Physical Review B, v. 97, n. 17, . (12/04870-7)
KANEKO, U. F.; GOMES, P. F.; GARCIA-FLORES, A. F.; YAN, J. -Q.; LOGRASSO, T. A.; BARBERIS, G. E.; VAKNIN, D.; GRANADO, E.. Nematic fluctuations and phase transitions in LaFeAsO: A Raman scattering study. Physical Review B, v. 96, n. 1, . (12/04870-7)
CAVICHINI, A. S.; ORLANDO, M. T.; DEPIANTI, J. B.; PASSAMAI, JR., J. L.; DAMAY, F.; PORCHER, F.; GRANADO, E.. Exotic magnetism and spin-orbit-assisted Mott insulating state in a 3d-5d double perovskite. Physical Review B, v. 97, n. 5, . (12/04870-7)
LESSEUX, G. G.; SAKAI, H.; HATTORI, T.; TOKUNAGA, Y.; KAMBE, S.; KUHNS, P. L.; REYES, A. P.; THOMPSON, J. D.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.; URBANO, R. R.. Orbitally defined field-induced electronic state in a Kondo lattice. Physical Review B, v. 101, n. 16, . (17/10581-1, 12/04870-7, 12/05903-6)
VEIGA, I, L. S.; MARDEGAN, J. R. L.; ZIMMERMANN, V, M.; MAIMONE, D. T.; CARNEIRO, F. B.; FONTES, M. B.; STREMPFER, J.; GRANADO, E.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.; BITTAR, E. M.. Possible quantum fluctuations in the vicinity of the quantum critical point of (Sr, Ca)(3)Ir4Sn13 revealed by high-energy x-ray diffraction. Physical Review B, v. 101, n. 10, . (17/10581-1, 12/04870-7)
CARLONE, M.; SOUZA, J. C.; SICHELSCHMIDT, J.; ROSA, P. F. S.; URBANO, R. R.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.; FISK, Z.; VENEGAS, P. A.; SCHLOTTMANN, P.; RETTORI, C.. Slow crystalline electric field fluctuations in the Kondo lattice SmB6. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 105, n. 20, p. 9-pg., . (18/11364-7, 12/05903-6, 17/10581-1, 12/04870-7, 20/12283-0)
SOUZA, J. C.; CARLONE, M.; LESSEUX, G. G.; PIZZI, H. B.; FREITAS, G. S.; URBANO, R. R.; VENEGAS, A.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.. Magnetic interactions of 4f electrons in the topological insulator chalcogenide Bi2Se3. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 106, n. 23, p. 9-pg., . (20/12283-0, 22/09240-3, 12/04870-7, 19/26247-9, 17/10581-1, 18/11364-7)
BRITES, CARLOS D. S.; MARTINEZ, EDUARDO D.; URBANO, RICARDO R.; RETTORI, CARLOS; CARLOS, LUIS D.. Self-Calibrated Double Luminescent Thermometers Through Upconverting Nanoparticles. RONTIERS IN CHEMISTR, v. 7, p. 10-pg., . (15/21290-2, 18/12489-8, 15/21289-4, 11/19924-2, 15/23882-4, 12/04870-7, 12/05903-6)
PIVA, M. M.; AJEESH, M. O.; CHRISTOVAM, D. S.; DOS REIS, R. D.; JESUS, C. B. R.; ROSA, P. F. S.; ADRIANO, C.; URBANO, R. R.; NICKLAS, M.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.. High-pressure studies on heavy-fermion antiferromagnet CeCuBi2. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, v. 30, n. 37, . (17/10581-1, 12/04870-7, 15/15665-3, 12/05903-6, 17/25269-3)
MARTINEZ, EDUARDO D.; BRITES, CARLOS D. S.; URBANO, RICARDO R.; RETTORI, CARLOS; CARLOS, LUIS D.. Hyperspectral imaging thermometry assisted by upconverting nanoparticles: Experimental artifacts and accuracy. PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, v. 629, . (11/19924-2, 17/10581-1, 12/04870-7, 15/21290-2, 15/23882-4, 12/05903-6, 15/21289-4)
SOUZA, J. C.; LESSEUX, G. G.; URBANO, R. R.; RETTORI, C.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.. Diffusive-like effects and possible non trivial local topology on the half-Heusler YPdBi compound. AIP ADVANCES, v. 8, n. 5, . (11/23650-5, 10/11949-3, 09/09247-3, 12/05903-6, 11/01564-0, 12/04870-7, 06/60440-0)
MARTINEZ, EDUARDO D.; GARCIA FLORES, ALI F.; PASTORIZA, HERNAN; URBANO, RICARDO R.; RETTORI, CARLOS. Electrothermal silver nanowire thin films for In-Situ observation of thermally-driven chemical processes. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, v. 259, p. 475-483, . (12/05903-6, 11/19924-2, 15/23882-4, 12/04870-7, 15/21289-4, 15/21290-2)
DE QUEIROZ, THIAGO B.; CABRERA-BAEZ, MICHAEL; MENEGASSO, PAULO; MARTINEZ, EDUARDO D.; GARCIA FLORES, ALI F.; RETTORI, CARLOS; URBANO, RICARDO R.. Probing Surface Effects on alpha-NaYF4 Nanoparticles by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 124, n. 17, p. 9523-9535, . (16/14436-3, 12/05903-6, 14/50906-9, 12/04870-7, 16/15780-0, 18/21025-5, 11/19924-2)
MARTINEZ, EDUARDO D.; BRITES, CARLOS D. S.; CARLOS, LUIS D.; GARCIA-FLORES, ALI F.; URBANO, RICARDO R.; RETTORI, CARLOS. Electrochromic Switch Devices Mixing Small- and Large-Sized Upconverting Nanocrystals. ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS, v. 29, n. 8, . (15/23882-4, 12/04870-7, 15/21289-4, 12/05903-6, 15/21290-2, 11/19924-2, 18/12489-8)
PENA, J. P.; PIVA, M. M.; JESUS, C. B. R.; LESSEUX, G. G.; GARITEZI, T. M.; TOBIA, D.; ROSA, P. F. S.; GRANT, T.; FISK, Z.; ADRIANO, C.; et al. The role of magnetic excitations in magnetoresistance and Hall effect of slightly TM-substituted BaFe2As2 compounds (TM = Mn, Cu, Ni). PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS, v. 531, p. 30-38, . (12/04870-7, 12/05903-6, 11/01564-0)
BUFAICAL, LEANDRO; COUTRIM, LEANDRO T.; SANTOS, TATIANE O.; TERASHITA, HIROTOSHI; JESUS, CAMILO B. R.; PAGLIUSO, PASCOAL G.; BITTAR, EDUARDO M.. Physical properties of Sr2FeIrO6 and Sr1.2La0.8FeIrO6 double perovskites obtained by a new synthesis route. Materials Chemistry and Physics, v. 182, p. 459-465, . (06/60440-0, 07/50968-0, 12/04870-7)
COUTRIM, L. T.; FREITAS, D. C.; FONTES, M. B.; BAGGIO-SAITOVITCH, E.; BITTAR, E. M.; GRANADO, E.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.; BUFAICAL, L.. Structural and magnetic properties of the La2-xCaxCoIrO6 double perovskite series. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, v. 221, p. 373-377, . (06/60440-0, 07/50968-0, 12/04870-7)
ROSA, P. F. S.; DE OLIVEIRA, L. A. S.; DE JESUS, C. B. R.; MOURA, K. O.; ADRIANO, C.; IWAMOTO, W.; GARITEZI, T. M.; GRANADO, E.; SALETA, M. E.; PIROTA, K. R.; et al. Exploring the effects of dimensionality on the magnetic properties of intermetallic nanowires. Solid State Communications, v. 191, p. 14-18, . (09/09247-3, 11/12292-0, 12/04870-7, 10/09545-1, 10/11949-3, 11/01564-0, 11/23650-5, 06/60440-0)
JESUS, C. B. R.; PIVA, M. M.; ROSA, P. F. S.; ADRIANO, C.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.. Evolution of the magnetic properties along the RCuBi2 (R=Ce, Pr, Nd, Gd, Sm) series of intermetallic compounds. Journal of Applied Physics, v. 115, n. 17, . (09/09247-3, 12/04870-7, 12/05903-6, 10/11949-3, 11/01564-0, 11/23650-5, 06/60440-0)
GARITEZI, T. M.; ADRIANO, C.; ROSA, P. F. S.; BITTAR, E. M.; BUFAICAL, L.; DE ALMEIDA, R. L.; GRANADO, E.; GRANT, T.; FISK, Z.; AVILA, M. A.; et al. Synthesis and Characterization of BaFe2As2 Single Crystals Grown by In-flux Technique. Brazilian Journal of Physics, v. 43, n. 4, p. 223-229, . (09/09247-3, 11/12292-0, 12/04870-7, 10/11949-3, 11/19924-2, 11/01564-0, 11/23795-3, 11/23650-5, 06/60440-0)
MENDONCA, E. C.; SILVA, L. S.; MERCENA, S. G.; MENESES, C. T.; JESUS, C. B. R.; DUQUE, J. G. S.; SOUZA, J. C.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.; LORA-SERRANO, R.; TEIXEIRA-NETO, A. A.. Electron spin resonance of Gd3+ in the intermetallic Gd1-xYxNi3Ga9 (0 <= x <= 0.90) compounds. Journal of Applied Physics, v. 122, n. 16, . (12/04870-7)
ADRIANO, C.; ROSA, P. F. S.; JESUS, C. B. R.; GRANT, T.; FISK, Z.; GARCIA, D. J.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.. Magnetic properties of nearly stoichiometric CeAuBi2 heavy fermion compound. Journal of Applied Physics, v. 117, n. 17, . (09/09247-3, 13/20181-0, 12/04870-7, 12/05903-6, 09/10264-0, 12/10675-2, 11/19924-2, 11/01564-0, 11/23650-5)
LESSEUX, G. G.; ROSA, P. F. S.; FISK, Z.; SCHLOTTMANN, P.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.; URBANO, R. R.; RETTORI, C.. Anharmonic rattling vibrations effects in the ESR of Er3+ doped SmB6 Kondo insulator. AIP ADVANCES, v. 7, n. 5, . (12/04870-7, 11/01564-0, 12/05903-6, 11/19924-2)
VEIGA, L. S., I; MARDEGAN, J. R. L.; ZIMMERMANN, M., V; MAIMONE, D. T.; CARNEIRO, F. B.; FONTES, M. B.; STREMPFER, J.; GRANADO, E.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.; BITTAR, E. M.. Possible quantum fluctuations in the vicinity of the quantum critical point of (Sr, Ca)(3)Ir4Sn13 revealed by high-energy x-ray diffraction. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 101, n. 10, p. 8-pg., . (12/04870-7, 17/10581-1)
GARCIA-FLORES, A. F.; MATIAS, J. S.; GARCIA, D. J.; MARTINEZ, E. D.; CORNAGLIA, P. S.; LESSEUX, G. G.; RIBEIRO, R. A.; URBANO, R. R.; RETTORI, C.. Crystal-field effects in Er3+- and Yb3+-doped hexagonal NaYF4 nanoparticles. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 96, n. 16, p. 7-pg., . (12/04870-7, 15/23882-4, 11/19924-2, 12/05903-6)
MENDOZA ZELIS, P.; VEGA, V.; PRIDA, V. M.; COSTA-ARZUZA, L. C.; BERON, F.; PIROTA, K. R.; LOPEZ-RUIZ, R.; SANCHEZ, F. H.. Effective demagnetizing tensors in arrays of magnetic nanopillars. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 96, n. 17, p. 8-pg., . (12/04870-7, 13/13275-8)
CAVICHINI, A. S.; ORLANDO, M. T.; DEPIANTI, J. B.; PASSAMAI, J. L., JR.; DAMAY, F.; PORCHER, F.; GRANADO, E.. Exotic magnetism and spin-orbit-assisted Mott insulating state in a 3d-5d double perovskite. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 97, n. 5, p. 6-pg., . (12/04870-7)
MAIMONE, D. T.; CHRISTIAN, A. B.; NEUMEIER, J. J.; GRANADO, E.. Lattice dynamics of ASb(2)O(6) (A = Cu, Co) with trirutile structure. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 97, n. 10, p. 10-pg., . (12/04870-7)
MARTINEZ, EDUARDO D.; BRITES, CARLOS D. S.; CARLOS, LUIS D.; URBANO, RICARDO R.; RETTORI, CARLOS. Upconversion Nanocomposite Materials With Designed Thermal Response for Optoelectronic Devices. RONTIERS IN CHEMISTR, v. 7, p. 11-pg., . (12/04870-7, 18/12489-8, 12/05903-6, 15/23882-4, 15/21290-2, 11/19924-2, 15/21289-4)
ROSA, P. F. S.; OOSTRA, A.; THOMPSON, J. D.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.; FISK, Z.. Unusual Kondo-hole effect and crystal-field frustration in Nd-doped CeRhIn5. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 94, n. 4, p. 6-pg., . (12/04870-7, 13/20181-0)
ROSA, P. F. S.; BOURG, R. J.; JESUS, C. B. R.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.; FISK, Z.. Role of dimensionality in the Kondo CeT X-2 family: The case of CeCd0.7Sb2. Physical Review B, v. 92, n. 13, p. 6-pg., . (12/04870-7, 13/20181-0)
DISSELER, S. M.; LYNN, J. W.; JARDIM, R. F.; TORIKACHVILI, M. S.; GRANADO, E.. Spin dynamics and two-dimensional correlations in the fcc antiferromagnetic Sr2YRuO6. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 93, n. 14, p. 5-pg., . (12/04870-7, 14/19245-6, 13/07296-2)
KANEKO, U. F.; GOMES, P. F.; GARCIA-FLORES, A. F.; YAN, J. -Q.; LOGRASSO, T. A.; BARBERIS, G. E.; VAKNIN, D.; GRANADO, E.. Nematic fluctuations and phase transitions in LaFeAsO: A Raman scattering study. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 96, n. 1, p. 5-pg., . (12/04870-7)
SALETA, M. E.; ELEOTERIO, M.; MESQUITA, A.; MASTELARO, V. R.; GRANADO, E.. Atomic pair distribution function at the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory: application to the Pb1-xLaxZr0.40Ti0.60O3 ferroelectric system. JOURNAL OF SYNCHROTRON RADIATION, v. 24, p. 7-pg., . (12/04870-7, 13/02160-5)

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