Research Grants 12/18100-9 - Biologia reprodutiva, Diabetes gestacional - BV FAPESP
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Effect of gestational diabetes on rat ventral prostate: morphological analysis, cellular proliferation and apoptosis and expression of androgen receptor and prostatein


Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a clinical heterogenic, caused by b-pancreatic cell deficiency of insulin synthesis or due to target cells-dysfunction in insulin receptor, resulting in Hyperglycemic metabolic disease. When associated with pregnancy, diabetes can lead to maternal and/or risk. The maternal hyperglycemia stimulates the fetal outgrow (macrossomy) due to higher blood-glucose levels and growth factors. The high birth weight is related to the risk of development insulin resistance, obesity and DM type 2 in adulthood. The diabetes also affects negatively male reproductive system, mainly accessory glands and gonads. Although the literature has been demonstrated the influence of diabetess on testicular functions and fertility, the impact of gestational diabetes on prostate morphogenesis and growth in male offspring is far to be elucidated. Thus, due to the clinical importance of thematic, the aim of this project is to evaluate the possible effect of gestational diabetes on the prostate development, growth and maintenance of the histoarchitecture. It will be investigate the events of cell proliferation and apoptosis, androgen receptor localization and expression, as well as the prostatein, an androgen-stimulated prostate secretory protein in the ventral prostate lobe from rat male offspring whose dam was streptozotozin-induced moderated gestational diabetes. Morphological, morphometrical, imunohistochemical and biochemical analyses will be realized in the prostate from 60 and 120 days aged rats to evaluate the effect of gestational diabetes on the ventral prostate. This Project is part of Master Degree project, in which already has financial support from FAPESP - 2011/16522-0. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
SANTOS, SERGIO A. A.; RINALDI, JAQUELINE C.; MARTINS, AMANDA E.; CAMARGO, ANA C. L.; LEONELLI, CARINA; DELELLA, FLAVIA K.; FELISBINO, SERGIO L.; JUSTULIN, JR., LUIS A.. Impact of gestational diabetes and lactational insulin replacement on structure and secretory function of offspring rat ventral prostate. General and Comparative Endocrinology, v. 206, p. 60-71, . (12/18100-9, 11/16522-0)
CAMARGO, ANA C. L.; DOS SANTOS, SERGIO A. A.; RINALDI, JAQUELINE C.; CONSTANTINO, FLAVIA B.; COLOMBELLI, KETLIN T.; SCARANO, WELLERSON R.; FELISBINO, SERGIO L.; JUSTULIN, LUIS A.. Streptozotocin-Induced Maternal Hyperglycemia Increases the Expression of Antioxidant Enzymes and Mast Cell Number in Offspring Rat Ventral Prostate. Anatomical Record-Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology, v. 300, n. 2, p. 291-299, . (13/19673-5, 12/18100-9, 11/16522-0)

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