Research Grants 12/02604-8 - Condensado de Bose-Einstein, Redes ópticas - BV FAPESP
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Matter wave solitons in dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates


Matter wave solitons in dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates (in two parts as follows). 1. Matter wave solitons in dipolar BEC with periodically varying in space dipolar interactions. The existence of the matter waves solitons in quasi-one and two dimensional dipolar condensates has been demonstrated in works[9,10]. The analysis shows the complicated structure of solitons, due to the anisotropic character of long range dipolar interactions. It is of interest to investigate the dynamics of matter-wave solitons in the dipolar BEC under varying in space dipolar interactions. In particular, it can be important for the stabilization of 2D solitons in the attractive dipolar BEC and to control the solitons parameters. The method for a solution will include the variational approach and numerical simulations of the full 1D and 2D Gross-Pitaevskii equation with spatially inhomogeneous nonlocal term. 2. Localized states in nonlinear optical lattices generated by periodic variation in space of dipolar interactions. The solitons in the BEC with periodic potential and/or nonlinear optical lattice, generated by the periodic variation of the scattering length in space now is the area of intensive investigations (see for example reviews[1],[6] and articles [11],[12],[13]). In the dipolar BEC new type of the periodic modulations, induced by variation in space of the strength of dipolar interactions, can exists. Such variations can be generated for example by varying in space external magnetic field, leading to the variations of the angles between dipoles. In the result the dipolar BEC will be described by the generalized GP equation with modulated in space nonlocal terms. Such a lattice represent new type of optical lattices, combining the nonlinear and nonlocal properties. We plan to study the existence of matter wave solitons in such lattices. The methods will include the solution of the nonlinear eigenvalue problem and the linear stability analysis. Also we plan to perform the numerical simulations of the full GP equation. (AU)

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