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Effect of cadmium and Roundup® on internal organs of Bombus morio and Bombus atratus (Hymenoptera: Bombini)

Grant number: 11/17840-6
Support Opportunities:Regular Research Grants
Duration: May 01, 2012 - April 30, 2014
Field of knowledge:Biological Sciences - Biology
Principal Investigator:Fábio Camargo Abdalla
Grantee:Fábio Camargo Abdalla
Host Institution: Centro de Ciências Humanas e Biológicas (CCHB). Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR). Sorocaba , SP, Brazil


Most studies related to the disappearance and decline of populations of the genus Bombus regarding survey studies of abundance and richness of the genus in a particular area and location. Experimental bioassays with xenobiotics followed by morphological analysis of specific target internal organs in Brazilian native bees, such Bombus, will be done. The xenobiotics are present in most industrial wastes released in the air, soil and water. Therefore, the main goal of the project is to support the study of native bees as bio-indicators of the environment conditions and also specifically act in the conservation of the genus Bombus. For such proposal, it will be analyzed the impact of the metal-trace cadmium and glyphosate (Roundup®) on specific internal organs (flight muscles, dorsal vessel, ovaries and testes as well as its associated glands - espermatecal and mucus glands, respectively) of two bee species, Bombus morio and B. atratus. The internal organs of bees submitted to the toxicological bioassays will be analyzed under routine morphological and histochemical techniques, electrophoretic banding pattern and behavioral analysis regarding the sensory sensitivity of these bees in relationship to the xenobiotics. (AU)

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Scientific publications (5)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
DOMINGUES, CAIO E. C.; ABDALLA, FABIO CAMARGO; BALSAMO, PAULO JOSE; PEREIRA, BEATRIZ V. R.; HAUSEN, MOEMA DE ALENCAR; COSTA, MONICA JONES; SILVA-ZACARIN, ELAINE C. M.. Thiamethoxam and picoxystrobin reduce the survival and overload the hepato-nephrocitic system of the Africanized honeybee. Chemosphere, v. 186, p. 994-1005, . (14/04697-9, 11/17840-6, 13/09419-4)
GARCIA, PAMELA SOTO; DARIO MOREAU, ALBERTO LUIS; MAGALHAES IERICH, JESSICA CRISTIANE; ARAUJO VIG, ANA CAROLINA; HIGA, AKEMI MARTINS; OLIVEIRA, GUEDMILLER S.; ABDALLA, FABIO CAMARGO; HAUSEN, MOEMA; LEITE, FABIO L.. A Nanobiosensor Based on 4-Hydroxyphenylpyruvate Dioxygenase Enzyme for Mesotrione Detection. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, v. 15, n. 4, p. 2106-2113, . (11/17840-6, 13/09746-5, 14/12082-4, 10/04599-6, 07/05089-9, 13/21958-8, 08/57859-5)
ABDALLA, FABIO CAMARGO; DA COSTA DOMINGUES, CAIO EDUARDO. Hepato-Nephrocitic System: A Novel Model of Biomarkers for Analysis of the Ecology of Stress in Environmental Biomonitoring. PLoS One, v. 10, n. 7, . (14/04697-9, 11/17840-6)
BALSAMO, PAULO JOSE; DA COSTA DOMINGUES, CAIO EDUARDO; DA SILVA-ZACARIN, ELAINE CRISTINA MATHIAS; GREGORC, ALES; IRAZUSTA, SILVIA PIERRE; SALLA, RAQUEL FERNANDA; COSTA, MONICA JONES; ABDALLA, FABIO CAMARGO. Impact of sublethal doses of thiamethoxam and Nosema ceranae inoculation on the hepato-nephrocitic system in young Africanized Apis mellifera. JOURNAL OF APICULTURAL RESEARCH, v. 59, n. 4, . (14/04697-9, 17/06056-9, 11/17840-6, 13/09419-4)
ABDALLA, FABIO C.; SAMPAIO, GUILHERME; PEDROSA, MARINA; SIPRIANO, THAMIRIS P.; DOMINGUES, CAIO EDUARDO C.; SILVA-ZACARIN, ELAINE CRISTINA M.; DE CAMARGO, DAIANE A.. Larval development of Physocephala (Diptera, Conopidae) in the bumble bee Bombus morio (Hymenoptera, Apidae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, v. 58, n. 4, p. 343-348, . (14/04697-9, 11/17840-6)

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