Research Grants 11/21903-3 - Atmosfera, Ionosfera - BV FAPESP
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Traveling ionospheric disturbances: simulation and observation, the importance of latitudinal coupling of gravity wave-Perkins-Es layer instabilities and forcing from pre-seismic events


In the mid-latitude ionosphere, the night-time Meso-scale Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances (MSTIDs) are the common phenomenon occurring in the F region. While numerous observations are devoted to study these phenomenon the theoretical work has legged far behind experiments. Two proposed mechanism are the following: (1) the excitation of MSTIDs by the combined action of gravity wave (AGWs) of auroral origin and Perkins instability (PI), (2) the excitation of the MSTIDs by the combined action of Perkins instability and Es-layer instability (EsI). Recently, Kelley (2011) recommends an unified approach involving AGW, PI and EsI that may account for most of the observed characteristics of MSTIDs. In the current research proposal, I propose the development of AGW-PI-EsI model under which following new simulation models will be developed: (1) the AGWs propagation model from the high-latitude to mid/low-latitude atmosphere; (2) the Perkins instability model in the mid/low-latitude ionosphere; (3) the Es-layer instability model. The proposed unified model does not exist in the ionospheric community at present and its development in the present research proposal may ensure to explain numerous observed phenomenon for the first time. While the proposal is mainly theoretical in nature, an observation campaign of MSTIDs using dense GPS network together with all-sky imager and digisonde in the Brazilian southern region is also proposed.After the Japan tsunami, the airglow measurements reported by Makela et al (2011) have shown for the first time that the ionospheric disturbances associated with the pre-tsunami can be identified even in the presence of much stronger MSTIDs. The causative mechanism for these pre-seismic-traveling ionosphereic disturbances (PSTIDs) is not known but observations lognonn\'e et al (2011) show the strong evidence of slow-slip process beneath the Earth during their observation. At present, what is lacking is the theoretical framework that may establish convincing connection between process beneath the Earth/ocean and in the ionosphere and explain the observation. In the present proposal, we aim to develop such theoretical framework to explore the possible mechanism that has caused the PSTIDs observed by Makela et al (2011) and lognonn\'e et al (2011). To do so, we propose to develop the theoretical framework for the fundamental mechanism of the earthquake within the earth and its subsequent coupling with the atmosphere/ionosphere by developing unified earthquake-atmosphere-ionosphere coupled model. By developing such model, we will able to infer the degree of success/failure for the forecasting of earthquake/tsunami that is alluding the scientific community for many years. The unified model includes the normal-mode instability analysis leading to the normal mode wave upto the surface of the Earth, excitation of acoustic-gravity waves (AGWs) in the atmosphere by the normal-mode waves and subsequent excitation of PSTIDs in the ionosphere. Objective of the proposal is to find out the spectral distribution and the temporal-spatial evolution of the pre-seismic triggered ionospheric disturbance (PSTIDs) and distinguish them from the much stronger MSTIDs. (AU)

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Scientific publications (12)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
KLAUSNER, VIRGINIA; KHERANI, ESFHAN A.; MUELLA, MARCIO T. A. H.. Near- and far-field tsunamigenic effects on the Z component of the geomagnetic field during the Japanese event, 2011. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SPACE PHYSICS, v. 121, n. 2, p. 1772-1779, . (13/06029-0, 11/21903-3, 11/20588-7)
KHERANI, E. A.; BHARUTHRAM, R.; SINGH, S.; LAKHINA, G. S.; DE MENESES, F. CARLOS. Unstable density distribution associated with equatorial plasma bubble. Physics of Plasmas, v. 23, n. 4, . (11/21903-3)
KHERANI, E. A.; PATRA, A. K.. Fringe field dynamics over equatorial and low-latitude ionosphere: A three-dimensional perspective. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SPACE PHYSICS, v. 120, n. 8, p. 6941-6947, . (11/21903-3)
DE PAULA, E. R.; JONAH, O. F.; MORAES, A. O.; KHERANI, E. A.; FEJER, B. G.; ABDU, M. A.; MUELLA, M. T. A. H.; BATISTA, I. S.; DUTRA, S. L. G.; PAES, R. R.. Low-latitude scintillation weakening during sudden stratospheric warming events. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SPACE PHYSICS, v. 120, n. 3, p. 2212-2221, . (11/21903-3)
KLAUSNER, V.; GIMENES, H. M.; CEZARINI, M. V.; OJEDA-GONZALEZ, A.; PRESTES, A.; CANDIDO, C. M. N.; KHERANI, E. A.; ALMEIDA, T.. Geomagnetic Disturbances During the Maule (2010) Tsunami Detected by Four Spatiotemporal Methods. PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, v. 178, n. 12, SI, . (15/50541-3, 11/21903-3)
KLAUSNER, V.; ALMEIDA, T.; DE MENESES, F. C.; KHERANI, E. A.; PILLAT, V. G.; MUELLA, M. T. A. H.; FAGUNDES, P. R.. First Report on Seismogenic Magnetic Disturbances over Brazilian Sector. PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, v. 174, n. 3, p. 737-745, . (12/08445-9, 11/21903-3)
SOUSASANTOS, J.; KHERANI, E. A.; SOBRAL, J. H. A.. An alternative possibility to equatorial plasma bubble forecasting through mathematical modeling and Digisonde data. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SPACE PHYSICS, v. 122, n. 2, p. 2079-2088, . (11/21903-3)
JONAH, O. F.; KHERANI, E. A.; DE PAULA, E. R.. Observation of TEC perturbation associated with medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbance and possible seeding mechanism of atmospheric gravity wave at a Brazilian sector. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SPACE PHYSICS, v. 121, n. 3, p. 2531-2546, . (11/21903-3)
BAGIYA, MALA S.; KHERANI, E. A.; SUNIL, P. S.; SUNIL, A. S.; SUNDA, S.; RAMESH, D. S.. Origin of the ahead of tsunami traveling ionospheric disturbances during Sumatra tsunami and offshore forecasting. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SPACE PHYSICS, v. 122, n. 7, p. 7742-7749, . (11/21903-3)
KHERANI, E. A.; ROLLAND, L.; LOGNONNE, P.; SLADEN, A.; KLAUSNER, V.; DE PAULA, E. R.. Traveling ionospheric disturbances propagating ahead of the Tohoku-Oki tsunami: a case study. Geophysical Journal International, v. 204, n. 2, p. 1148-1158, . (11/21903-3)
JONAH, O. F.; KHERANI, E. A.; DE PAULA, E. R.. Investigations of conjugate MSTIDS over the Brazilian sector during daytime. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SPACE PHYSICS, v. 122, n. 9, p. 9576-9587, . (11/21903-3)
SOUSASANTOS, JONAS; KHERANI, E. A.; SOBRAL, J. H. A.. A numerical simulation study of the collisional-interchange instability seeded by the pre-reversal vertical drift. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SPACE PHYSICS, v. 118, n. 11, p. 7438-7449, . (11/21903-3)

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