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Biodiversity and functioning of a subtropical coastal ecosystem: a contribution to integrated management

Grant number: 11/50317-5
Support Opportunities:BIOTA-FAPESP Program - Thematic Grants
Duration: March 01, 2012 - August 31, 2017
Field of knowledge:Biological Sciences - Ecology - Ecosystems Ecology
Principal Investigator:Antonia Cecília Zacagnini Amaral
Grantee:Antonia Cecília Zacagnini Amaral
Host Institution: Instituto de Biologia (IB). Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
Alexander Turra ; Aurea Maria Ciotti ; Carmen Lúcia Del Bianco Rossi Wongtschowski ; Yara Schaeffer Novelli
Associated grant(s):16/19457-9 - Shading impacts by coastal infrastructure on biological communities from subtropical rocky shores, PUB.ART
16/12450-9 - XIX Iberian Symposium on Marine Biology Studies (SIEBM XIX), AR.EXT
16/07630-8 - 11th International Temperate Reef Symposium, AR.EXT
+ associated grants 14/21804-3 - Integrating consistent individual differences theory into ecological and evolutionary studies related to global and local environmental change, AV.EXT
15/07469-0 - GEOHAB 2015 - Marine Geological and Biological Habitat Mapping, AR.BR
15/00925-0 - Hydrodynamics and sedimentary dynamics at Araçá Bay (São Sebastião Channel): current processes and recent changes, AV.EXT
13/11594-9 - Strengthening collaborations in marine ecology between Brazil and the UK: visiting researcher, Dr. Stuart Jenkins, AV.EXT
13/50199-8 - Integration of marine ecological processes at multiple spatial scales in the Brazilian Coastal Zone, AP.R - associated grants
Associated scholarship(s):16/10810-8 - Benthic ecology of Araçá Bay: analysis of fauna associated with sediment and relationship environment/biodiversity , BP.PD
15/18909-0 - Araçá Bay: magnetic properties of sediments and their relationship with natural and anthropic processes, BP.IC
16/09566-5 - Delimitation of Araçá Bay ecosystem functions and services, BP.IC
+ associated scholarships 15/13119-1 - Feeding habits of Harengula clupeola (Cuvier, 1829) and Sardinella brasiliensis (Steindachner, 1879) in Araçá Bay, São Sebastião, São Paulo, BP.IC
15/06623-5 - Spatio temporal variation in fish diversity in the marginal intertidal area of Araçá bay, São Sebastião - SP, BP.IC
15/02727-0 - Effects of ocean acidification and shading on growth, exoskeleton calcification and behavior of hermit crabs, BP.MS
14/20323-1 - Homologous points are suitable to identify fish assemblages in subtropical ecosystems? A case study for Araçá Bay, BP.DR
14/00116-1 - Morfological changes on Araçá Bay: implications on its dynamics, BP.IC
13/19122-9 - Influence of shading on biological community in subtropical rocky shores, BP.MS
13/14889-0 - Use of the shell utilization pattern by Pagurus criniticornis as indicator of the population dynamic of the gastropod Olivella minuta in Araça Bay, São Paulo State, BP.IC
13/02441-4 - Management of common resources applied on integrated management of the coastal zone, BP.PD
13/06938-0 - Biological and ecological database of the fish fauna of the Araçá Bay, São Sebastião (SP), BP.IC
12/09937-2 - Trophic interactions from the sublitoral food web of Araçá Bay, São Sebastião (SP): an assessment by the use of stable isotopes, BP.DR
11/14984-7 - The effect of distinct water masses in phytoplankton biomass size classes at the the Araçá Bay mouth region (São Sebastião channel - SP) during the summer and winter of 2012, BP.MS
11/10130-3 - Macrobenthic communities of soft-bottom sediments at Araçá bay, Northern coast of São Paulo, BP.DR
10/19424-7 - Taxonomic study of the syllids (Annelida: Polychaeta: Syllidae) from the Araçá Bay and ultrastructural analysis of the incubation methods of eggs and juveniles in Exogoninae, BP.PD - associated scholarships


The coastal region has been subject to pressures of different origins, types, and magnitudes, which compromise environmental services and lessen the quality of life for the population that depends directly or indirectly on coastal resources. The aim of coastal management is to integrate economic, social, and environmental interests, and to seek regional sustainability. However, decision-making is necessarily based on a full and at the same time profound understanding of the system to be managed, as prescribed by Agenda 21, integrating existing knowledge of the Brazilian coast. In this context, this project has the objective of carrying out an investigation that is effectively integrated and guided by this requirement to understand how a coastal region functions in systemic terms, considering physical, biological, and social processes, such as circulation, sediment transport, tropic interactions, matter and energy flows, and fisheries production and dynamics, among other subjects. In addition, this study will characterize the services contributed by this environment, including economic and non-economic services as well as direct and indirect ones, with emphasis on those derived from marine biodiversity; and will also evaluate the socioeconomic importance of the region. Finally, the intention is to develop, in a participatory manner, proposals for action with a view toward maintaining the sustainability of the region. As a strategy for its execution, this project will consider Araçá Bay as a model for the study, with future applications to other regions. Simultaneous gathering and analysis of these data, according to the type of habitat, will allow this region to be investigated from a unified viewpoint, that is, to examine issues related to the present state of the area and its ecological, social, economic, and political importance, thus permitting a dialogue between science and decision-makers. The complexity of the subject requires, therefore, that the project be structured in study modules: 1- Plankton System; 2- Nekton System; 3- Benthic System; 4- Mangrove System; 5- Hydrodynamics; 6- Sediment Dynamics; 7- Tropic Interactions; 8- Fisheries Assessment; 9- Identification and Valuation of Ecosystem Services; 10- Integrated Management; and 11- Ecological Modeling. This proposal also constitutes an initiative to integrate different areas of knowledge, investigators, and educational and research institutions, in a strategy for the development of human resources, generation of new knowledge, and broadening capabilities within the State of Sao Paulo for studies in the areas of biodiversity, conservation, and management of marine resources. (AU)

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Scientific publications (83)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
ANGELINI, RONALDO; CONTENTE, RIGUEL F.; ROSSI-WONGTSCHOWSKI, CARMEM L. D. B.; SOARES, LUCY S. H.; SCHAEFFER-NOVELLI, YARA; LOPES, RUBENS M.; MANCINI, PATRICIA L.; COLL, MARTA; AMARAL, ANTONIA C. Z.. Ecosystem modeling as a framework to convert a multi-disciplinary research approach into a useful model for the Araca Bay (Brazil). OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT, v. 164, n. SI, p. 92-103, . (11/50317-5, 13/19435-7)
SOARES, L. S. H.; ARANTES, L. P. L.; PUCCI, M. C. J.. Food web of a subtropical tidal flat, Atlantic Southwestern: Temporal and spatial variability of the primary organic sources. OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT, v. 164, n. SI, p. 104-114, . (11/50317-5)
SANTOS, CLAUDIA REGINA; GRILLI, NATALIA MIRANDA; GHILARDI-LOPES, NATALIA PIRANI; TURRA, ALEXANDER. A collaborative work process for the development of coastal environmental education activities in a public school in Sao Sebastiao (Sao Paulo State, Brazil). OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT, v. 164, n. SI, p. 147-155, . (13/02441-4, 11/50317-5)
CONTENTE, RIGUEL F.; MANCINI, PATRICIA LUCIANO; VAZ-DOS-SANTOS, ANDRE MARTINS; HASHIMOTO SOARES, LUCY SATIKO; FISCHER, LUCIANO GOMES; SILVEIRA, LUIS FABIO; BRENHA-NUNES, MARINA RITO; ROMAGOSA, ELIZABETH; ROSSI-WONGTSCHOWSKI, CARMEN L. D.. Spatial-seasonal variability of vertebrate assemblages in a Neotropical tidal flat: Recommendations for monitoring the potential impacts of port expansion. REGIONAL STUDIES IN MARINE SCIENCE, v. 34, . (11/50317-5, 13/19435-7, 14/00194-2)
DE FARIA, LAIZA CABRAL; DI DOMENICO, MAIKON; ANDRADE, SONIA C. S.; DOS SANTOS, MONIQUE CRISTINA; FONSECA, GUSTAVO; ZANOL, JOANA; AMARAL, A. CECILIA Z.. The use of metabarcoding for meiofauna ecological patterns assessment. MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, v. 140, p. 160-168, . (11/21289-3, 11/50317-5, 12/08581-0)
GORMAN, DANIEL; TURRA, ALEXANDER. The role of mangrove revegetation as a means of restoring macrofaunal communities along degraded coasts. Science of The Total Environment, v. 566, p. 223-229, . (11/50317-5)
MANI-PERES, CAIUA; XAVIER, LUCIANA Y.; SANTOS, CLAUDIA R.; TURRA, ALEXANDER. Stakeholders perceptions of local environmental changes as a tool for impact assessment in coastal zones. OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT, v. 119, p. 135-145, . (11/50317-5)
CORTE, GUILHERME N.; SCHLACHER, THOMAS A.; CHECON, HELIO H.; BARBOZA, CARLOS A. M.; SIEGLE, EDUARDO; COELMAN, ROSS A.; AMARAL, ANTONIA CECILIA Z.. Storm effects on intertidal invertebrates: increased beta diversity of few individuals and species. PeerJ, v. 5, . (11/10130-3, 16/10810-8, 11/50317-5)
STORI, FERNANDA TERRA; SHINODA, DEBORAH CAMPOS; TURRA, ALEXANDER. Sewing a blue patchwork: An analysis of marine policies implementation in the Southeast of Brazil. OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT, v. 168, p. 322-339, . (14/16004-8, 11/50317-5)
EDSON A. VIEIRA; HELOÍSA ROMEU FILGUEIRAS; MARÍLIA BUENO; FOSCA PEDINI PEREIRA LEITE; GUSTAVO MUNIZ DIAS. Algas co-ocorrentes e morfologicamente distintas suportam uma diversa fauna associada na zona entremarés na Baía do Araçá, Brasil. Biota Neotropica, v. 18, n. 1, . (11/50317-5, 16/17647-5)
SONIA ASSAMI DOI; ALINE BARTELOCHI PINTO; MARIA CAROLINA CANALI; DAIANE RAQUEL POLEZEL; ROBERTA ALVES MERGUIZO CHINELLATO; ANA JULIA FERNANDES CARDOSO DE OLIVEIRA. Densidade e diversidade de fungos filamentosos na água e sedimento da Baía do Araçá, São Sebastião (SP), Brasil. Biota Neotropica, v. 18, n. 1, . (11/50317-5)
GORMAN, DANIEL; RAGAGNIN, MARILIA N.; MCCARTHY, IAN D.; TURRA, ALEXANDER. Risk-taking and risk-avoiding behaviors by hermit crabs across multiple environmental contexts. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, v. 506, p. 25-29, . (14/21804-3, 11/50317-5)
MACHADO, FABRIZIO MARCONDES; MORTON, BRIAN; PASSOS, FLAVIO DIAS. Functional morphology of Cardiomya cleryana (d'Orbigny, 1842) (Bivalvia: Anomalodesmata: Cuspidariidae) from Brazilian waters: new insights into the lifestyle of carnivorous bivalves. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, v. 97, n. 2, p. 447-462, . (11/50317-5)
ALITTO, RENATA A. S.; GRANADIER, GABRIELA; CHRISTENSEN, ANA B.; O'HARA, TIMOTHY; DI DOMENICO, MAIKON; BORGES, MICHELA. Unravelling the taxonomic identity of Ophiothela Verrill, 1867 (Ophiuroidea) along the Brazilian coast. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, v. 100, n. 3, p. 413-426, . (11/50317-5, 18/10313-0, 17/09987-3)
VIEIRA, DANILO CANDIDO; BRUSTOLIN, MARCO COLOSSI; FERREIRA, FABIO COP; FONSECA, GUSTAVO. segRDA: An r package for performing piecewise redundancy analysis. METHODS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, v. 10, n. 12, p. 2189-2194, . (11/50317-5)
BRUNO R. SAMPIERI; TATIANA M. STEINER; PRISCILA C. BARONI; CAMILA FERNANDA DA SILVA; MARCOS A. L. TEIXEIRA; PEDRO E. VIEIRA; FILIPE O. COSTA; ANTÔNIA C. Z. AMARAL. Como análises de oogênese combinadas com DNA barcode podem elucidar ambiguidades taxonômicas: uma abordagem baseada em estudos com poliquetas. Biota Neotropica, v. 20, n. 3, . (15/25623-6, 11/50317-5, 17/06167-5)
BRENHA-NUNES, MARINA R.; CONTENTE, RIGUEL F.; ROSSI-WONGTSCHOWSKI, CARMEN L. D. B.. A protocol for measuring spatial variables in soft-sediment tide pools. Zoologia, v. 33, n. 2, . (13/19435-7, 11/50317-5)
GORMAN, DANIEL; TURRA, ALEXANDER; CONNOLLY, ROD M.; OLDS, ANDREW D.; SCHLACHER, THOMAS A.. Monitoring nitrogen pollution in seasonally-pulsed coastal waters requires judicious choice of indicator species. Marine Pollution Bulletin, v. 122, n. 1-2, p. 149-155, . (11/50317-5)
ALCANTARA-CARRIO, JAVIER; SASAKI, DALTON KEI; DE MAHIQUES, MICHEL MICHAELOVITCH; TABORDA, RUI; PEREIRA DE SOUZA, LUIZ ANTONIO. Sedimentary constraints on the development of a narrow deep strait (Sao Sebastiao Channel, SE Brazil). GEO-MARINE LETTERS, v. 37, n. 5, p. 475-488, . (15/16067-2, 11/50317-5)
TANNURE, NAYARA C.; BARBOSA, FERNANDO S.; BARCELLOS, DIOGO D.; MATTIUZZO, BEATRIZ; MARTINELLI, AMANDA; CAMPOS, LAURA B.; CONVERSANI, VALERIA R. M.; SANTOS, MARCOS C. DE O.. Acoustic Description of Beach-Hunting Guiana Dolphins (Sotalia guianensis) in the Cananeia Estuary, Southeastern Brazil. AQUATIC MAMMALS, v. 46, n. 1, p. 11-20, . (11/50317-5)
SILIPRANDI, CAROLINA C.; TUSET, VICTOR M.; LOMBARTE, ANTONI; FARRE, MARC; ROSSI-WONGTSCHOWSKI, CARMEN L. D. B.. Optimal fishing samplers to reveal the morphological structure of a fish assemblage in a subtropical tidal flat. Neotropical Ichthyology, v. 17, n. 1, . (11/50317-5, 14/26417-8, 14/20323-1)
SILVA, CAMILA F.; SEIXAS, VICTOR C.; BARROSO, ROMULO; DI DOMENICO, MAIKON; AMARAL, ANTONIA C. Z.; PAIVA, PAULO C.. Demystifying the Capitella capitata complex (Annelida, Capitellidae) diversity by morphological and molecular data along the Brazilian coast. PLoS One, v. 12, n. 5, . (13/04358-7, 11/50317-5, 12/08581-0)
CONTENTE, RIGUEL FELTRIN; DEL BIANCO ROSSI-WONGTSCHOWSKI, CARMEN LUCIA. Improving the characterization of fish assemblage structure through the use of multiple sampling methods: a case study in a subtropical tidal flat ecosystem. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT, v. 189, n. 6, . (13/19435-7, 11/50317-5)
XAVIER, LUCIANA YOKOYAMA; JACOBI, PEDRO ROBERTO; TURRA, ALEXANDER. On the advantages of working together: Social Learning and knowledge integration in the management of marine areas. MARINE POLICY, v. 88, p. 139-150, . (11/50317-5)
RANDSO, PHILLIP V.; DOMENICO, MAIKON D.; HERRANZ, MARIA; LORENZEN, ELINE D.; SORENSEN, MARTIN V.. Population genetic structure of the intertidal kinorhynch Echinoderes marthae (Kinorhyncha; Cyclorhagida; Echinoderidae) across the Sao Sebastiao Channel, Brazil. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, v. 131, n. 1, p. 36-46, . (11/50317-5, 12/08581-0)
GORMAN, DANIEL; TURRA, ALEXANDER; BERGSTROM, ELLIE R.; HORTA, PAULO A.. Population expansion of a tropical seagrass (Halophila decipiens) in the southwest Atlantic (Brazil). Aquatic Botany, v. 132, p. 30-36, . (11/50317-5)
ANDRADE, M. M.; TURRA, A.. Advancing towards the implementation of ecosystem-based environmental impact assessment for coastal zone. OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT, v. 215, . (11/50317-5)
STORI, FERNANDA TERRA; PERES, CAIUA MANI; TURRA, ALEXANDER; PRESSEY, ROBERT L.. Traditional Ecological Knowledge Supports Ecosystem-Based Management in Disturbed Coastal Marine Social-Ecological Systems. FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE, v. 6, . (11/50317-5, 17/07477-8, 14/16004-8)
NATALIA DE MIRANDA GRILLI; MARIANA MARTINS DE ANDRADE; LUCIANA YOKOYAMA XAVIER; CLÁUDIA REGINA SANTOS; FERNANDA TERRA STORI; CAUÊ DIAS CARRILHO; FELIPE OTAVIO NUNES; CAIUÁ MANI PERES; MELISSA VIVACQUA; THIAGO ZAGONEL SERAFINI; et al. Passo-a-passo: uma estrutura de pesquisa-ação participativa para aumentar a participação social em sistemas costeiros. Ambiente & Sociedade, v. 24, . (11/50317-5, 13/02441-4, 17/21797-5, 14/16004-8)
CHECON, HELIO H.; CORTE, GUILHERME N.; SILVA, CAMILA F.; BICEGO, MARCIA C.; AMARAL, A. CECILIA Z.. Using the Capitella complex to investigate the effects of sympatric cryptic species distinction on ecological and monitoring studies in coastal areas. MARINE BIODIVERSITY, v. 51, n. 3, . (11/50317-5, 17/17071-9, 18/22036-0)
SAMPIERI, BRUNO R.; VIEIRA, PEDRO E.; TEIXEIRA, MARCOS A. L.; SEIXAS, VICTOR C.; PAGLIOSA, PAULO R.; AMARAL, ANTONIA CECILIA Z.; COSTA, FILIPE O.. Molecular diversity within the genus Laeonereis (Annelida, Nereididae) along the west Atlantic coast: paving the way for integrative taxonomy. PeerJ, v. 9, . (18/10313-0, 17/06167-5, 11/50317-5, 15/25623-6)
TOCCI, B. R. C.; MOSER, G. A. O.; CIOTTI, A. M.. Phytoplankton composition from Araca Bay and Sao Sebastiao Channel, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Biota Neotropica, v. 23, n. 2, p. 12-pg., . (11/50317-5)
SANTOS, CLAUDIA REGINA; GRILLI, NATALIA MIRANDA; GHILARDI-LOPES, NATALIA PIRANI; TURRA, ALEXANDER. A collaborative work process for the development of coastal environmental education activities in a public school in Sao Sebastiao (Sao Paulo State, Brazil). OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT, v. 164, p. 9-pg., . (11/50317-5, 13/02441-4)
SIEGLE, EDUARDO; DOTTORI, MARCELO; VILLAMARIN, BARBARA C.. Hydrodynamics of a subtropical tidal flat: Araca Bay, Brazil. OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT, v. 164, p. 10-pg., . (11/50317-5, 14/00116-1)
ALCANTARA-CARRIO, JAVIER; MAHIQUES, MICHEL M.; CAZZOLI Y GOYA, SAMARA; FONTAN-BOUZAS, ANGELA. Sedimentary dynamics of a subtropical tidal flat sheltered inside a coastal channel (Araca Bay, SE Brazil). OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT, v. 164, p. 10-pg., . (11/50317-5, 15/16067-2)
CHECON, HELIO H.; VIEIRA, DANILO C.; CORTE, GUILHERME N.; SOUSA, EDIUNETTY C. P. M.; FONSECA, GUSTAVO; AMARAL, A. CECILIA Z.. Defining soft bottom habitats and potential indicator species as tools for monitoring coastal systems: A case study in a subtropical bay. OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT, v. 164, p. 11-pg., . (11/50317-5, 16/10810-8)
SIEGLE, EDUARDO; DOTTORI, MARCELO; VILLAMARIN, BARBARA C.. Hydrodynamics of a subtropical tidal flat: Araca Bay, Brazil. OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT, v. 164, n. SI, p. 4-13, . (11/50317-5, 14/00116-1)
CIOTTI, AUREA M.; FERREIRA, AMABILE; GIANNINI, MARIA F. C.. Seasonal and event-driven changes in the phytoplankton communities in the Araca Bay and adjacent waters. OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT, v. 164, n. SI, p. 14-31, . (11/50317-5, 13/06282-8)
ALCANTARA-CARRIO, JAVIER; MAHIQUES, MICHEL M.; CAZZOLI Y GOYA, SAMARA; FONTAN-BOUZAS, ANGELA. Sedimentary dynamics of a subtropical tidal flat sheltered inside a coastal channel (Araca Bay, SE Brazil). OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT, v. 164, n. SI, p. 32-41, . (15/16067-2, 11/50317-5)
MI KIM, BIANCA SUNG; BICEGO, MARCIA CARUSO; TANIGUCHI, SATIE; SIEGLE, EDUARDO; OLIVEIRA, RENATO; ALCANTARA-CARRIO, JAVIER; LOPES FIGUEIRA, RUBENS CESAR. Organic and inorganic contamination in sediments from Araca Bay, Sao Sebastido, Brazil. OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT, v. 164, n. SI, p. 42-51, . (11/50317-5)
DIAS, GUSTAVO M.; CHRISTOFOLETTI, RONALDO A.; KITAZAWA, KARINA; JENKINS, STUART R.. Environmental heterogeneity at small spatial scales affects population and community dynamics on intertidal rocky shores of a threatened bay system. OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT, v. 164, n. SI, p. 52-59, . (15/50395-7, 13/11594-9, 11/50317-5)
SCHAEFFER-NOVELLI, YARA; CINTRON-MOLERO, GILBERTO; REIS-NETO, ARMANDO S.; ABUCHAHLA, GUILHERME M. O.; NETA, LUIZA C. P.; LIRA-MEDEIROS, CATARINA F.. The mangroves of Araca Bay through time: An interdisciplinary approach for conservation of spatial diversity at large scale. OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT, v. 164, n. SI, p. 60-67, . (11/50317-5)
CHECON, HELIO H.; VIEIRA, DANILO C.; CORTE, GUILHERME N.; SOUSA, EDIUNETTY C. P. M.; FONSECA, GUSTAVO; AMARAL, A. CECILIA Z.. Defining soft bottom habitats and potential indicator species as tools for monitoring coastal systems: A case study in a subtropical bay. OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT, v. 164, n. SI, p. 68-78, . (16/10810-8, 11/50317-5)
MANCINI, PATRICIA LUCIANO; REIS-NETO, ARMANDO S.; FISCHER, LUCIANO GOMES; SILVEIRA, LUIS FABIO; SCHAEFFER-NOVELLI, YARA. Differences in diversity and habitat use of avifauna in distinct mangrove areas in Sao Sebastiao, Sao Paulo, Brazil. OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT, v. 164, n. SI, p. 79-91, . (14/00194-2, 11/50317-5)
SOARES, L. S. H.; ARANTES, L. P. L.; LAMAS, R. A.; LIMA, F. A.; PUCCI, M. C. J.; ROSSI-WONGTSCHOWSKI, C. L. D. B.. Fish feeding interactions in a subtropical coastal system in the southwestern Atlantic. OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT, v. 164, n. SI, p. 115-127, . (11/50317-5)
GALLUCCI, FABIANE; CHRISTOFOLETTI, RONALDO A.; FONSECA, GUSTAVO; DIAS, GUSTAVO M.. The Effects of Habitat Heterogeneity at Distinct Spatial Scales on Hard-Bottom-Associated Communities. DIVERSITY-BASEL, v. 12, n. 1, . (11/50317-5)
GORMAN, DANIEL; SUMIDA, PAULO Y. G.; FIGUEIRA, RUBENS C. L.; TURRA, ALEXANDER. Improving soil carbon estimates of mudflats in Araca Bay using spatial models that consider riverine input, wave exposure and biogeochemistry. ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE, v. 238, . (16/26064-3, 18/06162-6, 11/50317-5)
DA SILVA, CAMILA FERNANDA; ZACAGNINI AMARAL, ANTONIA CECILIA. Redescription of Leiocapitella atlantica Hartman, 1965 and description of a new species from the Southeast Brazil (Annelida, Capitellidae). Zootaxa, v. 4767, n. 4, p. 518-530, . (11/50317-5, 18/10313-0)
CORTE, GUILHERME N.; CHECON, HELIO H.; SHAH ESMAEILI, YASMINA; LEFCHECK, JONATHAN S.; AMARAL, A. CECILIA Z.. Mangrove fragments as key coastal reservoirs of taxonomic and functional biodiversity. BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION, v. 30, n. 5, p. 1573-1593, . (16/10810-8, 11/50317-5, 17/17071-9, 18/22036-0, 18/05099-9)
BARCELLOS, DIOGO D.; SANTOS, MARCOS C. DE O.. Echolocation characteristics of franciscana dolphins (Pontoporia blainvillei). MARINE MAMMAL SCIENCE, v. 37, n. 3, p. 1139-1149, . (11/50317-5, 11/51543-9)
CHECON, HELIO H.; CORTE, GUILHERME N.; MUNIZ, PABLO; BRAUKO, KALINA M.; DI DOMENICO, MAIKON; BICEGO, MARCIA C.; SIEGLE, EDUARDO; FIGUEIRA, RUBENS C. L.; AMARAL, A. CECILIA Z.. Unraveling the performance of the benthic index AMBI in a subtropical bay: The effects of data transformations and exclusion of low-reliability sites. Marine Pollution Bulletin, v. 126, p. 438-448, . (16/10810-8, 11/50317-5)
CORTE, GUILHERME N.; GONCALVES-SOUZA, THIAGO; CHECON, HELIO H.; SIEGLE, EDUARDO; COLEMAN, ROSS A.; AMARAL, A. CECILIA Z.. When time affects space: Dispersal ability and extreme weather events determine metacommunity organization in marine sediments. MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, v. 136, p. 139-152, . (11/10130-3, 11/50317-5, 16/10810-8, 17/17071-9)
GORMAN, DANIEL; PUCCI, MARINELLA; SOARES, LUCY S. H.; TURRA, ALEXANDER; SCHLACHER, THOMAS A.. Land-Ocean Connectivity Through Subsidies of Terrestrially Derived Organic Matter to a Nearshore Marine Consumer. ECOSYSTEMS, v. 22, n. 4, p. 796-804, . (11/50317-5, 12/09937-2, 18/06162-6)
ALITTO, RENATA A. S.; BUENO, MARISTELA L.; GUILHERME, PABLO D. B.; DI DOMENICO, MAIKON; CHRISTENSEN, ANA BEARDSLEY; BORGES, MICHELA. Shallow-water brittle stars (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) from Araca Bay (Southeastern Brazil), with spatial distribution considerations. Zootaxa, v. 4405, n. 1, p. 1-66, . (11/50317-5)
GARRAFFONI, ANDRE R. S.; DI DOMENICO, MAIKON; AMARAL, A. CECILIA Z.. Patterns of diversity in marine Gastrotricha from Southeastern Brazilian Coast is predicted by sediment textures. Hydrobiologia, v. 773, n. 1, p. 105-116, . (11/50317-5, 12/08581-0)
CORTE, GUILHERME NASCIMENTO; CHECON, HELIO H.; FONSECA, GUSTAVO; VIEIRA, DANILO CANDIDO; GALLUCCI, FABIANE; DI DOMENICO, MAIKON; AMARAL, A. CECILIA Z.. Cross-taxon congruence in benthic communities: Searching for surrogates in marine sediments. ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS, v. 78, p. 173-182, . (11/10130-3, 16/10810-8, 11/50317-5)
GRILLI, NATALIA DE MIRANDA; XAVIER, LUCIANA YOKOYAMA; JACOBI, PEDRO ROBERTO; TURRA, ALEXANDER. Integrated science for coastal management: Discussion on a local empirical basis. OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT, v. 167, p. 219-228, . (11/50317-5, 16/10091-1)
CHECON, HELIO HERMINIO; CORTE, GUILHERME NASCIMENTO; SILVA, CAMILA FERNANDA; SCHAEFFER-NOVELLI, YARA; AMARAL, ANTONIA CECILIA Z.. Mangrove vegetation decreases density but does not affect species richness and trophic structure of intertidal polychaete assemblages. Hydrobiologia, v. 795, n. 1, p. 169-179, . (11/10130-3, 16/10810-8, 11/50317-5)
GARRAFFONI, ANDRE R. S.; DI DOMENICO, MAIKON; HOCHBERG, RICK. New records of marine Gastrotricha from So Sebastio Island (Brazil) and the description of a new species. MARINE BIODIVERSITY, v. 47, n. 2, p. 451-459, . (11/50317-5, 12/08581-0, 14/23856-0)
REGAUDIE-DE-GIOUX, AURORE; CASTAGNA, ALEXANDRE; FERREIRA, AMABILE; ABBRECHT, MEDEA; BRAGA, ELISABETE S.; CIOTTI, AUREA M.. Influence of mixed upwelled waters on metabolic balance in a subtropical coastal ecosystem: Sao Sebastiao Channel, southern Brazil. MARINE ECOLOGY-PROGRESS SERIES, v. 573, p. 61-72, . (11/50317-5)
DOS SANTOS ALITTO, RENATA APARECIDA; ZACAGNINI AMARAL, ANTONIA CECILIA; DE OLIVEIRA, LETICIA DIAS; SERRANO, HELENA; SEGER, KARIN REGINA; BORGES GUILHERME, PABLO DAMIAN; DI DOMENICO, MAIKON; CHRISTENSEN, ANA BEARDSLEY; LOURENCO, LUCIANA BOLSONI; TAVARES, MARCOS; et al. Atlantic West Ophiothrix spp. in the scope of integrative taxonomy: Confirming the existence of Ophiothrix trindadensis Tommasi, 1970. PLoS One, v. 14, n. 1, . (11/50317-5, 11/50724-0, 16/08869-4, 16/06877-0)
DOTTORI, MARCELO; SIEGLE, EDUARDO; CASTRO, BELMIRO MENDES. Hydrodynamics and water properties at the entrance of Ara double dagger A Bay, Brazil. OCEAN DYNAMICS, v. 65, n. 12, p. 1731-1741, . (11/50317-5)
VIEIRA, LEANDRO M.; MIGOTTO, ALVARO E.; WINSTON, JUDITH E.. Ctenostomatous Bryozoa from Sao Paulo, Brazil, with descriptions of twelve new species. Zootaxa, v. 3889, n. 4, p. 485-524, . (08/10619-0, 98/07090-3, 12/24285-1, 11/50317-5, 12/10413-8, 08/10624-3)
PARDAL-SOUZA, ANDRE LUIZ; DIAS, GUSTAVO MUNIZ; JENKINS, STUART REES; CIOTTI, AUREA MARIA; CHRISTOFOLETTI, RONALDO ADRIANO. Shading impacts by coastal infrastructure on biological communities from subtropical rocky shores. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY, v. 54, n. 3, p. 826-835, . (13/11594-9, 11/50317-5, 13/19122-9, 13/50199-8)
SORENSEN, MARTIN V.. First account of echinoderid kinorhynchs from Brazil, with the description of three new species. MARINE BIODIVERSITY, v. 44, n. 3, p. 251-274, . (11/21289-3, 11/50317-5)
COLO GIANNINI, MARIA FERNANDA; CIOTTI, AUREA MARIA. Parameterization of natural phytoplankton photo-physiology: Effects of cell size and nutrient concentration. Limnology and Oceanography, v. 61, n. 4, p. 1495-1512, . (13/06282-8, 11/50317-5)
ZAMPIERI, BRUNA DEL BUSSO; PINTO, ALINE BARTELOCHI; SCHULTZ, LEONARDO; DE OLIVEIRA, MARCOS ANTONIO; CARDOSO DE OLIVEIRA, ANA JULIA FERNANDES. Diversity and Distribution of Heavy Metal-Resistant Bacteria in Polluted Sediments of the Ara double dagger a Bay, So Sebastio (SP), and the Relationship Between Heavy Metals and Organic Matter Concentrations. MICROBIAL ECOLOGY, v. 72, n. 3, p. 582-594, . (11/50317-5)
GORMAN, DANIEL; CORTE, GUILHERME; CHECON, HELIO HERMINIO; AMARAL, A. CECILIA Z.; TURRA, ALEXANDER. Optimizing coastal and marine spatial planning through the use of high-resolution benthic sensitivity models. ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS, v. 82, p. 23-31, . (16/10810-8, 11/50317-5, 11/10130-3)
DA SILVA, CAMILA FERNANDA; ZACAGNINI AMARAL, ANTONIA CECILIA. Scyphoproctus Gravier, 1904 (Annelida, Capitellidae): description of three new species and relocation of Heteromastides Augener, 1914 in Scyphoproctus. Zootaxa, v. 4560, n. 1, p. 95-120, . (11/50317-5)
VIEIRA, DANILO CANDIDO; GALLUCCI, FABIANE; CORTE, GUILHERME NASCIMENTO; CHECON, HELIO HERMINIO; ZACAGNINI AMARAL, ANTONIA CECILIA; FONSECA, GUSTAVO. The relative contribution of non-selection and selection processes in marine benthic assemblages. MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, v. 163, . (18/22036-0, 16/10810-8, 17/17071-9, 11/50317-5)
XAVIER, LUCIANA YOKOYAMA; JACOBI, PEDRO ROBERTO; TURRA, ALEXANDER. Local Agenda 21: Planning for the future, changing today. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & POLICY, v. 101, p. 7-15, . (11/50317-5, 17/21797-5)
DIAS, GUSTAVO M.; CHRISTOFOLETTI, RONALDO A.; KITAZAWA, KARINA; JENKINS, STUART R.. Environmental heterogeneity at small spatial scales affects population and community dynamics on intertidal rocky shores of a threatened bay system. OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT, v. 164, p. 8-pg., . (11/50317-5, 13/11594-9, 15/50395-7)
SOARES, L. S. H.; ARANTES, L. P. L.; LAMAS, R. A.; LIMA, F. A.; PUCCI, M. C. J.; ROSSI-WONGTSCHOWSKI, C. L. D. B.. Fish feeding interactions in a subtropical coastal system in the southwestern Atlantic. OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT, v. 164, p. 13-pg., . (11/50317-5)
SOARES, L. S. H.; ARANTES, L. P. L.; PUCCI, M. C. J.. Food web of a subtropical tidal flat, Atlantic Southwestern: Temporal and spatial variability of the primary organic sources. OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT, v. 164, p. 11-pg., . (11/50317-5)
SCHAEFFER-NOVELLI, YARA; CINTRON-MOLERO, GILBERTO; REIS-NETO, ARMANDO S.; ABUCHAHLA, GUILHERME M. O.; NETA, LUIZA C. P.; LIRA-MEDEIROS, CATARINA F.. The mangroves of Araca Bay through time: An interdisciplinary approach for conservation of spatial diversity at large scale. OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT, v. 164, p. 8-pg., . (11/50317-5)
MI KIM, BIANCA SUNG; BICEGO, MARCIA CARUSO; TANIGUCHI, SATIE; SIEGLE, EDUARDO; OLIVEIRA, RENATO; ALCANTARA-CARRIO, JAVIER; LOPES FIGUEIRA, RUBENS CESAR. Organic and inorganic contamination in sediments from Araca Bay, Sao Sebastido, Brazil. OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT, v. 164, p. 10-pg., . (11/50317-5)
CIOTTI, AUREA M.; FERREIRA, AMABILE; GIANNINI, MARIA F. C.. Seasonal and event-driven changes in the phytoplankton communities in the Araca Bay and adjacent waters. OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT, v. 164, p. 18-pg., . (11/50317-5, 13/06282-8)
CHAGAS, GISELLA C. S.; ALITTO, RENATA A. S.; SERRANO, HELENA; GRANADIER, GABRIELA; GUILHERME, PABLO D. B.; BORGES, MICHELA. New diagnostic characters forAmphiodiaandOphiophragmus(Amphiuridae, Ophiuroidea, Echinodermata). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, v. 100, n. 5, p. 23-pg., . (11/50724-0, 16/08869-4, 18/10313-0, 11/50317-5, 17/09987-3)
ANGELINI, RONALDO; CONTENTE, RIGUEL F.; ROSSI-WONGTSCHOWSKI, CARMEM L. D. B.; SOARES, LUCY S. H.; SCHAEFFER-NOVELLI, YARA; LOPES, RUBENS M.; MANCINI, PATRICIA L.; COLL, MARTA; AMARAL, ANTONIA C. Z.. Ecosystem modeling as a framework to convert a multi-disciplinary research approach into a useful model for the Araca Bay (Brazil). OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT, v. 164, p. 12-pg., . (11/50317-5, 13/19435-7)
MANCINI, PATRICIA LUCIANO; REIS-NETO, ARMANDO S.; FISCHER, LUCIANO GOMES; SILVEIRA, LUIS FABIO; SCHAEFFER-NOVELLI, YARA. Differences in diversity and habitat use of avifauna in distinct mangrove areas in Sao Sebastiao, Sao Paulo, Brazil. OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT, v. 164, p. 13-pg., . (11/50317-5, 14/00194-2)

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