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Landscape evolution and geocronology of Depressão Periférica and Planalto Ocidental Paulista relief

Grant number: 12/00145-6
Support Opportunities:Regular Research Grants
Duration: March 01, 2012 - February 28, 2015
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Geosciences - Physical Geography
Principal Investigator:Archimedes Perez Filho
Grantee:Archimedes Perez Filho
Host Institution: Instituto de Geociências (IG). Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas , SP, Brazil
Associated researchers: Salvador Carpi Junior


The State of São Paulo's relief is divided into geomorphological provinces analyzed from its structure, formation and lithologic basis. Depressão Periférica and Planalto Ocidental Paulista correspond to two of these provinces, with the highest percentage of state's area. The proposed study aims to identify and interpret planning surfaces defined by Penteado (1968) through the dating and correlation of Neogênica I and Neogênica II surfaces, and the highs and lows quaternary river terraces, using Optically Stimulated Luminescence technique (OSL) in different parent material of soils from the respective surfaces. The results will establish relations between the genesis of such forms, and possible preterit environmental conditions, probably during semi-arid periods and the subsequent carving of the river channel in hot and humid conditions.The results obtained through the dating will allow the construction of a regionalized climate oscillations scene, mainly from the late Tertiary and Quaternary (Pleistocene and Holocene). The influence of Neotectonics activities is also considered in the development of these forms of relief, allowing the analysis of regional correspondence between ages and levels of river terraces of the same province geomorphology. Thus, this study proposes to resume currently little widespread discussions. Through the use of advanced techniques of analysis and absolute dating of the surface material (80 / 100 cm depth) can contribute to discussions on the genesis of landforms, soils and its relationship with climatic oscillations occurred during periods recent time of nature's scale.It is also proposed to analyze the dynamics of space organizations and changes in them caused by changes in land use, seeking to understand the complex relationships between society and nature. This project also aims to advance the understanding of these relationships, and the systemic approach as a theoretical foundation, using the hydrological basin as a unit of analysis. It is understood that the accelerated growth of erosional incision in the headwaters drainage is associated with changes in the hydrological surface formations determined by construction of dams along the rivers. (AU)

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Scientific publications (6)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
PEREZ FILHO, ARCHIMEDES; MOREIRA, VINICIUS B.; LAMMLE, LUCA; TORRES, BRUNO A.; VALEZIO, EVERTON V.; RUBIRA, FELIPE G.; ADERALDO, PEDRO I. C.; SOUZA, ANDRE O.. Depositional rates obtained from absolute dating on surficial covers in the paulista peripheral depression, SE-Brazil. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 111, . (12/00145-6)
PEREZ FILHO, ARCHIMEDES; MOREIRA, VINICIUS B.; LAMMLE, LUCA; SOUZA, ANDRE O.; TORRES, BRUNO A.; ADERALDO, PEDRO I. C.; VALEZIO, EVERTON V.; MACHADO, DAVID O. B. F.; PREBIANCA, MATEUS M.; MAZONI, ALYSSON F.; et al. Genesis and Distribution of Low Fluvial Terraces Formed by Holocene Climate Pulses in Brazil. WATER, v. 14, n. 19, p. 16-pg., . (15/10417-1, 21/05823-1, 16/00382-9, 16/08944-6, 13/24885-1, 12/00145-6, 14/03894-5, 16/05327-6, 16/24390-0, 19/23452-0, 18/07271-3, 17/26876-0, 18/23828-8)
LIMA, KLEBER CARVALHO; PEREZ FILHO, ARCHIMEDES; LUPINACCI, CENIRA MARIA; VALEZIO, EVERTON VINICIUS; GOES, LILIANE MATOS. Fluvial responses to external and internal forcing: Upper Holocene dynamics in a low latitude semi-arid region in South America. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 112, n. 1, . (12/00145-6)
VALEZIO, EVERTON VINICIUS; LIMA, KLEBER CARVALHO; PEREZ FILHO, ARCHIMEDES; DOSSANTOS, GB; FELIPPE, MF; NETO, RM. Geomorphological Evolution of River Forms in Humid and Semi -arid Tropical Environments. GEOMORPHOLOGY OF BRAZIL: COMPLEXITY, INTERSCALE AND LANDSCAPE, v. N/A, p. 15-pg., . (16/24390-0, 12/00145-6)

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