Citizen of the world: Brazil in the face of the holocaust and the Jews of nazi-fas...
Citizen of the world: Brazil facing the Holocaust and the nazi-fascism persecuted ...
Grant number: | 11/08355-7 |
Support Opportunities: | Regular Research Grants |
Field of knowledge: | Humanities - History - History of Brazil |
Principal Investigator: | Maria Luiza Tucci Carneiro |
Grantee: | Maria Luiza Tucci Carneiro |
Host Institution: | Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas (FFLCH). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil |
The project "The transition from stateless person to Brazilian citizen continues the previous project Arqshoah - Virtual Archives about Holocaust and Anti-Semitism" [Proc. Fapesp 2007/50580-2) whose portal is on-line since October 17th, 2009. In the second phase, the main goal is to update these archives and make them available for public search. The starting point will be the biographies of the stateless Jews (heimatlos) who came to Brazil as political refugees, in the cover-up condition of Catholic immigrants or in transit, with permanent, diplomatic or temporary visas. Some of them chose the exile believing that soon they could return to the their countries of origin. Most of refugees had lost their nationalities after the Nuremberg Laws were approved by the German government in September 15th, 1935. Based on the principle of inequality of civilizations and cultures, the German law considered fair and natural to refuse the Jews the rights of Reich citizens. The theoretical base of our research is the concept of stateless person defined by Hannah Arendt in her studies about anti-Semitism and totalitarism, described as the "most recent mass phenomenon of the contemporary history". Based on the documents of National Archives of Rio de Janeiro (and on documents from other archives) our research aims to reconstruct the reasons and the escape routes crossed by the Jewish Holocaust survivors, from their communities of origin towards the destination communities. We assume that the forced emigration and the hard journey across Europe, and even their long stay in the nazist internment or concentration camps, created a specific kind of stateless person - the displaced person. Our purpose is to record in the Arqshoah Database the biographies of these persons who were accepted as refugees in Brazil. The transition from stateless Jew to Brazilian citizen will be recorded in the different Databases implemented in the first phase: Documents Archive, Virtual Library, Artists & Intellectuals, Righteous & Rescuers, Periodicals, Testimonials/Survivors, Escape Routes and Iconography. In addition to the research, the project aims to perform: educational activities, publications, video productions, documentaries and interactive drama workshops. (AU)
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