Research Grants 10/16673-6 - Inflamação, Citocinas - BV FAPESP
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Soybean and Fish oil mixture increases IL-10, protects against DNA damage and decreases colonic inflammation in rats with dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) colitis


It was investigated whether dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) could influence colonic injury, tissue DNAdamage, cytokines and myeloperoxidase activity (MPO) and plasma corticosterone in DSS-induced colitis rats. Maleweaning Wistar rats were fed for 47 days with an AIN-93 diet with control (C), fish (F) or a mixture of fish and soybean oil(SF). The colitis was induced from day 36 until day 42 by 3% DSS in drinking water. On day 48, blood samples werecollected for corticosterone determination. The distal colon was excised for histological analysis and to quantify thecytokine (IL-4, IL-10 and INF-³), MPO and DNA damage. The disease activity index (DAI) was recorded daily during colitisinduction. The DAI, MPO, histological analyses showed decreases only in the SF group compared with the C group. IL-10 was increased and DNA damage was reduced in the groups F and SF, and an inverse correlation between thesevariables was found. There were no differences in corticosterone, IFN-³ and IL-4 levels. Soybean and fish oil mixture maybe effective in improving colonic injury and DNA damage, and it could be an important complementary therapy in UCto reduce the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and prevent colorectal cancer. (AU)

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