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Networks in Ecology: Theory, Methods and Applications | Campinas - SP


The School explored conceptual bases, methods of analysis and complex network theory applications in ecology. Graphic interactions networks have always been one of the central problems in ecology, and its recent momentum gained with study the theory of complex networks. Currently, this is one of the most active areas of research in Ecology. Among the many fields of application of the theory of networks in Ecology are the structural and dynamic response prediction of ecological communities with different types of environmental changes, from the more locals to global changes; models of biodiversity conservation or genetic conservation in complex and fragmented landscapes; and epidemiological models. The main thematic areas of the School were: (1) research into interactive networks of different types (mutualísticas, plant-herbivore, parasite-host) between species in ecological communities; (2) spatial networks in landscapes and structurally complex areas. The School was conducted by three Brazilian researchers and five internationally recognised researchers. The course lasted 9 days, with 70 hours of activity covering lectures, seminars, student presentations and posters sessions "clinics" for discussion of student research, data analysis practices and workgroup projects. 40 vacancies were offered to graduate students or postdoctoral students. The expectation was to receive 20 Brazilian students, from different States, and 20 foreign students, of which about half of Latin America. The project was promoted by the Unicamp, USP and ABECO, being promoted through international networks of scientific societies, to which the ABECO is integrated, and in prestigious journals. (AU)

Articles published in Agência FAPESP Newsletter about the research grant:
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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
ARAUJO, SABRINA B. L.; BORGES, MARCELO EDUARDO; VON HARTENTHAL, FRANCISCO W.; JORGE, LEONARDO R.; LEWINSOHN, THOMAS M.; GUIMARAES JR, PAULO R.; VAN BAALEN, MINUS. Coevolutionary patterns caused by prey selection. Journal of Theoretical Biology, v. 501, . (10/51395-7, 14/16082-9)

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