Acquisition of a mass spectrometer forin-depth studies of the mechanisms of degradation of organic compounds in reactors applied to wastewater treatment and to the production of bioactive commercial compounds
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Acquisition of a mass spectrometer forin-depth studies of the mechanisms of degradation of organic compounds in reactors applied to wastewater treatment and to the production of bioactive commercial compounds

Grant number: 09/53850-6
Support Opportunities:Multi-user Equipment Program
Field of knowledge:Engineering - Chemical Engineering
Principal Investigator:Marcelo Zaiat
Grantee:Marcelo Zaiat
Host Institution: Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos (EESC). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Carlos , SP, Brazil
As informações de acesso ao Equipamento Multiusuário são de responsabilidade do Pesquisador responsável
EMU web page: Página do Equipamento Multiusuário não informada
Type of equipment: Tipo de Equipamento Multiusuário não informado
Manufacturer: Fabricante não informado
Model: Modelo não informado


Mass spectrometry is a method for identifying the different atoms that compose a substance. A mass spectrometer bombards a substance with electrons to produce ions, or electrically charged atoms. The ions cross a magnetic field that curves their trajectories in different ways, depending on their mass. The field separates the ions in a pattern known as the mass spectrum. The mass and the charge of the ions can be measured by their position in the spectrum, thereby allowing the elements and isotopes present in the sample to be identified. The technique of mass spectrometry is of great importance for research groups that study biological processes, whether for the production of compounds of commercial interest or for the monitoring of environmental pollution. The identification of microbial products final or intermediate, is of fundamental importance for the advancement of such research. With equal needs and similar problems, research groups at the São Carlos School of Engineering (USP) and the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) have been discussing and working to determine which equipment best meets the needs of the two groups, and, to that end, various meetings have been held and lectures have been given by specialists in the area of mass spectrometry. The objective is the acquisition of equipment that meets the needs of both groups. It is hoped that the acquisition of this equipment and the establishment of the technique will allow the respective research groups to conduct studies that are more in-depth and accurate, as well as allowing lines of research that had been abandoned (due to the lack of such techniques) to be reactivated. (AU)

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Scientific publications (10)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
OLIVEIRA, BRUNA M.; ZAIAT, MARCELO; OLIVEIRA, GUILHERME H. D.. The contribution of selected organic substrates to the anaerobic cometabolism of sulfamethazine. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND HEALTH PART B-PESTICIDES FOOD CONTAMIN, v. 54, n. 4, p. 263-270, . (12/18942-0, 09/53850-6, 09/15984-0)
DE S. FURTADO, RAFAELY X.; SABATINI, CAROLINA A.; SAKAMOTO, ISABEL K.; ZAIAT, MARCELO; AZEVEDO, EDUARDO B.. Biodegradation mechanism of perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) in domestic sewage: Specific methanogenic activity, molecular biology, and ecotoxicological aspects. JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING, v. 51, p. 7-pg., . (09/53850-6)
ROMEIRO, GUILHERME FLANDOLI; OLIVEIRA, CRISTIANE ARRUDA; TOMITA, INES N.; SANTOS-NETO, ALVARO J.; ZAIAT, MARCELO; LIMA GOMES, PAULO CLAIRMONT F.. Evaluation of sulfamethazine removal kinetics using fixed structured bed bioreactor. ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY, v. 40, n. 8, p. 979-987, . (09/15984-0, 14/10256-5, 09/53850-6, 12/07153-4)
DA SILVA, THIAGO H. G.; FURTADO, RAFAELY X. DE S.; ZAIAT, MARCELO; AZEVEDO, EDUARDO B.. Tandem anaerobic-aerobic degradation of ranitidine, diclofenac, and simvastatin in domestic sewage. Science of The Total Environment, v. 721, . (12/09569-3, 09/53850-6)
SELLA, CAROLINE F.; CARNEIRO, RODRIGO B.; SABATINI, CAROLINA A.; SAKAMOTO, ISABEL K.; ZAIAT, MARCELO. an different inoculum sources influence the biodegradation of sulfamethoxazole antibiotic during anaerobic digestion. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, v. 39, n. 1, . (15/04427-4, 17/18718-6, 15/06246-7, 09/53850-6)
RAHMAN, ASMA; ALI, MIAN ABDUL; XAVIER, CHUBRAIDER; SANTOS, DAYANA MOSCARDI; DAAM, MICHIEL ADRIAAN; AZEVEDO, EDUARDO BESSA; CASTELE, JANETE BRIGANTE; VIEIRA, ENY MARIA. Modified QuEChERS Method for Extracting Thiamethoxam and Imidacloprid from Stingless Bees: Development, Application, and Green Metrics. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, v. 41, n. 10, p. 10-pg., . (09/53850-6, 18/16244-0)
OLIVEIRA, G. H. D.; SANTOS-NETO, A. J.; ZAIAT, M.. Evaluation of sulfamethazine sorption and biodegradation by anaerobic granular sludge using batch experiments. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, v. 39, n. 1, p. 115-124, . (10/19910-9, 12/18942-0, 09/53850-6)
DA SILVA, THIAGO H. G.; FURTADO, RAFAELY X. S.; ZAIAT, MARCELO; AZEVEDO, EDUARDO B.. Assessing the feasibility of a downstream heterogeneous Fenton process for the oxidative degradation of biologically treated ranitidine, diclofenac, and simvastatin. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, v. 467, p. 9-pg., . (12/09569-3, 14/04550-8, 09/53850-6)

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