Research Grants 11/01643-7 - Suínos, Carcaça - BV FAPESP
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Influence of thermoneutrality in yield and carcass quality of pigs during the growing and finishing


In order to meet demand and ensure greater productivity in farming systems, growers have used new technologies on limiting factors such as nutrition, physiology and health of animals. Among the physiological factors, homeostasis can be considered one of the most relevant when it comes to homeothermic animals. Thus, the thermal environment is of paramount importance in the well-being and productivity of animals, but it has been neglected by mainstream producers. Several surveys have been conducted to evaluate the influence of thermal environment on animal performance and seek alternatives which make the environment conducive to pigs. This study aims to evaluate the influence of heat stress on animal performance, mortality rate, average weight at slaughter, carcass characteristics, carcass cuts, physical and chemical quality of meat, blood test for parameters physiological (T3 and T4), animal behavior under different conditions to be submitted and the influence of pre-slaughter stress in different thermal conditions q animals should be subjected. Will be used 30 barrows (Topigs) distributed in a completely randomized design consisting of three treatments with ten replicates and one animal each. (AU)

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(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
MALAGOLI DE MELLO, JULIANA LOLLI; BERTON, MARIANA PIATTO; DOURADO, RITA DE CASSIA; GIAMPIETRO-GANECO, ALINE; DE SOUZA, RODRIGO ALVES; FERRARI, FABIO BORBA; DE SOUZA, PEDRO ALVES; BORBA, HIRASILVA. Physical and chemical characteristics of the longissimus dorsi from swine reared in climate-controlled and uncontrolled environments. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOMETEOROLOGY, v. 61, n. 10, p. 1723-1731, . (11/01643-7)
BERTON, MARIANA PIATTO; DOURADO, RITA DE CASSIA; FERNANDES DE LIMA, FLAVIA BIONDI; BERTONCELLO RODRIGUES, ANA BEATRIZ; FERRARI, FABIO BORBA; DO CARMO VIEIRA, LEONARDO DIMAS; DE SOUZA, PEDRO ALVES; BORBA, HIRASILVA. Growing-finishing performance and carcass yield of pigs reared in a climate-controlled and uncontrolled environment. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOMETEOROLOGY, v. 59, n. 8, p. 955-960, . (11/01643-7)

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