Research Grants 10/20415-2 - Processamento de alimentos, Tratamento térmico - BV FAPESP
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Continuous thermal processing of green coconut pulp (Cocos nucifera Linn.)


Consumption of green coconut water has risen in Brazil generating a large quantity of residue. Green coconut husk is approximately 85 % of fruit weight and the pulp contained inside it is wasted. Introduction of commercial products employing coconut pulp will allow waste reduction and increase of the aggregated value of the residue. Thermal processing inactivates enzymes and pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms present in the pulp, extending its shelf-life. Consumer demands for higher quality food products result in a search for processing conditions that ensure safety and stability while maintaining similar characteristics to the unprocessed food. Modeling enzyme inactivation kinetics of peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase present in green coconut pulp and heat transfer is essential to determine thermal processing efficiency. The following studies will be conducted in this Project: in Stage 1 the pulp will be characterized to obtain important knowledge for the treatment. In Stage 2 batch thermal treatment will be applied to the pulp to model the enzyme inactivation kinetics and determine the time and temperature conditions to be tested in Stage 3. In this stage continuous thermal processing will be applied to the pulp to obtain the best processing conditions and to model heat transfer. In Stage 4 microbiological analyses and sensory evaluation of the pulp treated in the best condition determined in Stage 3 will be performed. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
KANZAWA, CINTHIA YUKA; MAKISHI, FAUSTO; MORAES, IZABEL CRISTINA FREITAS; RIBEIRO, ROGERS; DITCHFIELD, CYNTHIA. Comparison of rheological models to explain flow behavior of green coconut pulp: effect of maturation stage and temperature. JOURNAL OF FOOD MEASUREMENT AND CHARACTERIZATION, v. 15, n. 4, p. 3133-3142, . (10/06388-2, 10/20415-2)

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