Research Grants 10/52583-1 - Polímeros naturais, Eletrólitos poliméricos - BV FAPESP
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Nuclear magnetic resonance study of structural and dynamics properties of polymer electrolytes on base polymer naturals


This work report the study of the physical and chemical properties of polymer systems with special attention on polymer electrolytes obtained from natural polymers. The natural polymers, as chitosan, agar, gelatin, starch, cellulose derivatives, have been drawing attention because of its specific properties, such as biodegrability, low cost and good physical and chemical properties. Will be used the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) that are an important tools for dynamic and structural characterization of solids states, applied to crystalline and amorphous systems. The study of time domain NMR-TD will be realized by using inversion-recovery and CPMG (Can - Purcel - Meiboom - Gill) pulse sequences to obtain the 'H spin lattice (T,) and spin-spin (T2) relaxation times, respectively. Due to structural complexity found in these natural polymers, the magnetization decay obtained from NMR experiments usually shows a multi-exponentials form that could be interpreted by a continuous distribution of relaxation times. These analysis data will allow obtaining the information about structural and molecular mobility of proton in these materials. The studies of pulsed gradient stimulated echo NMR (PGSTE) will allow the quantification of the molecular diffusion by the evolution of echo amplitude decay. (AU)

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