Research Grants 10/19263-3 - Hidrogeologia, Hidrogeoquímica - BV FAPESP
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Hidrogeochemistry of the rivers Jundiaí and Capivari, SP: aspects of the anthropogenic influences in the dissolved loads and particulated


To present research proposal it seeks to make a monitor detailed fluvial hidrogeochemistry close to the East and mouth of the basins of drainage of the rivers Jundiaí and Capivari, São Paulo that it will allow to characterize aspects of the influence anthropology in the dissolved loads and particle transported fluvial and predominant in the areas of the referred drainage basins in agreement with the methodological protocol already established in studies similar of the basin of the river Tietê for the team of Hidrogeochemistry of CENA/USP.The basins of the rivers Jundiaí and Capivari, located in areas of it influences of great São Paulo and of Campinas they possess importance in the socioeconomic aspects and in the ecological aspects of the area. Due to the growth disordered that it is happening in those areas, the rivers Jundiaí and Capivari has been receiving strong pressure antrópica and they spill their waters in the river Tietê of historical and economical importance for São Paulo crosses the state along their 1050 km. The proposed study will be very important in the environmental area because it will supply scientific data collaborated for studies similar in the adjacent basins, and they will still be able to be used by the Government of the State of São Paulo to adopt certain conducts to mitigate the recovery of the fluvial waters of the basins of the rivers Piracicaba, Jundiaí and Capivari whose condemnation was made by the Public Ministry in November of 2010.A detailed study of the distribution of species metallic chemical presents in the bottom sediments in profiles of depths will be made being considered the possible enrichment factors and pollution classes, starting from the concentrations of the bottom natural geochemistry that it will be of fundamental importance in the identification of pollution problems that is happening face to the imminent degradation that it happens in those drainage basins. (AU)

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