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Electron magnetic resonance in studies of structure, function and interactions of biologically-relevant molecules


Electron Magnetic Resonance (EMR) in its continuous wave (CW) regime has given a very diverse set of contributions when used in structural studies of biologically relevant systems. Such contributions include the characterization of metal binding sites in proteins, understanding molecular aspects of the dynamic structure of biological membranes, and studies of electron transfer processes and reaction mechanisms. More recently, EMR has experienced a significant growth in its use mainly due to the appearance of new CW-EMR methodologies, such as site-directed spin labeling techniques, as well to its extension to very high frequencies and to time-resolved methods. The applications of EMR to studies of structure and function of proteins, biomembranes, peptides, model molecules and their complexes with transition metal íons are the main goal to be achieved during the development of the present project. This grant proposal represents the congregation of several research fields of investigation developed in the Molecular Biophysics group at the IFSC/USP and that will be now implemented in the Physics Department of the FFCLRP/USP. The diversity of themes finds its intersection right at a very solid expertise in EMR use, which includes multifrequency, CW, and pulsed EMR), developed by our group in a recent past. More specifically, we can arrange the problems to be investigated in this Project as: (I) site-directed spin labeling of the enzyme chlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenase and of a calcium-binding protein (S100A12); (II) interactions between low-molecular weight ligans and model membranes, specially peptides derived from a glycoprotein of the SARS vírus; (III) metal complexes of biological interest with focus on copper complexes with potential pharmacological application. (AU)

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Scientific publications (8)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
GARCIA, A. F.; SIMAO, A. M. S.; BOLEAN, M.; HOYLAERTS, M. F.; MILLAN, J. L.; CIANCAGLINI, P.; COSTA-FILHO, A. J.. Effects of GPI-anchored TNAP on the dynamic structure of model membranes. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 17, n. 39, p. 26295-26301, . (14/11941-3, 14/00371-1, 13/26088-1, 10/17662-8)
VIEIRA, ERNANNI D.; BASSO, LUIS G. M.; COSTA-FILHO, ANTONIO J.. Non-linear van't Hoff behavior in pulmonary surfactant model membranes. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOMEMBRANES, v. 1859, n. 6, p. 1133-1143, . (10/17662-8, 14/00206-0, 15/18390-5)
RUSTIGUEL, JOANE K.; KUMAGAI, PATRICIA S.; DIAS-BARUFFI, MARCELO; COSTA-FILHO, ANTONIO J.; NONATO, MARIA CRISTINA. Recombinant expression, purification and preliminary biophysical and structural studies of C-terminal carbohydrate recognition domain from human galectin-4. Protein Expression and Purification, v. 118, p. 39-48, . (11/21811-1, 11/21767-2, 10/17662-8, 10/16153-2)
BARROSO, RAFAEL P.; BASSO, LUIS G. M.; COSTA-FILHO, ANTONIO J.. Interactions of the antimalarial amodiaquine with lipid model membranes. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids, v. 186, p. 68-78, . (10/17662-8, 12/20367-3)
VICENTE, EDUARDO F.; BASSO, LUIS GUILHERME M.; CESPEDES, GRAZIELY F.; LORENZON, ESTEBAN N.; CASTRO, MARIANA S.; MENDES-GIANNINI, MARIA JOSE S.; JOSE COSTA-FILHO, ANTONIO; CILLI, EDUARDO M.. Dynamics and Conformational Studies of TOAC Spin Labeled Analogues of Ctx(Ile(21))-Ha Peptide from Hypsiboas albopunctatus. PLoS One, v. 8, n. 4, . (09/10997-7, 10/17662-8, 10/06526-6)
DYSZY, FABIO; PINTO, ANDRESSA P. A.; ARAUJO, ANA P. U.; COSTA-FILHO, ANTONIO J.. Probing the Interaction of Brain Fatty Acid Binding Protein (B-FABP) with Model Membranes. PLoS One, v. 8, n. 3, . (10/17662-8, 09/15810-2)
GARCIA, ASSUERO F.; LOPES, JOSE L. S.; COSTA-FILHO, ANTONIO J.; WALLACE, BONNIE A.; ARAUJO, ANA P. U.. Membrane Interactions of S100A12 (Calgranulin C). PLoS One, v. 8, n. 12, . (10/17662-8, 12/20367-3)
DIJKMAN, PATRICIA M.; MUNOZ-GARCIA, JUAN C.; LAVINGTON, STEVEN R.; KUMAGAI, PATRICIA SUEMY; DOS REIS, I, ROSANA; YIN, DANIEL; STANSFELD, PHILLIP J.; COSTA-FILHO, ANTONIO JOSE; WATTS, ANTHONY. Conformational dynamics of a G protein-coupled receptor helix 8 in lipid membranes. SCIENCE ADVANCES, v. 6, n. 33, . (10/17662-8, 12/20358-4, 11/21767-2)

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