Research Grants 10/17204-0 - Mudança climática, Secas - BV FAPESP
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Climate change in Brazilian mountains: functional responses of native plants from campos rupestres and campos de altitude to extreme droughts


Extreme climatic events are predicted to increase in frequency and magnitude, but their ecological impacts are poorly understood. Under this scenario, it is important that we understand the ecological responses and the vulnerability of tropical montane vegetation to climate change, such as the increase in frequency of extreme drought events. In the proposed research, we will investigate experimentally the tolerance thresholds and the capacity of morphophysiological adjustments of plants to drier climates in two biodiversity hotspots. Rainfall will be reduced in twenty-four 16 m2 trenched plots using rainfall exclusion structures that intercept incoming rain and transport this water outside of the plots in areas of campos rupestres and campos de altitude. We will use a combination of traditional methods (leaf gas exchange, monitoring of phenological events, growth and mortality rates), with innovative methods such as stable isotopes and sapflow monitoring. The stable isotope composition of carbon (´13C) and oxygen (´18O) of leaf cellulose will be used as an integrative tool to evaluate plant ecophysiological responses and will be used to describe changes in photosynthetic capacity and stomatal conductance of species in the rainfall-excluded plots. Sapflow monitoring in woody species will be used to integrate the response of the multiple components that determined whole plant water use (rooting depth, foliar phenology and stomata conductance). A more thorough understanding of the ecological strategies and responses of species from tropical montane ecosystems is key to foster more realistic simulations of vulnerable ecosystem functioning under climate change scenarios. (AU)

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Scientific publications (19)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
OLIVEIRA, RAFAEL S.; GALVAO, HUGO C.; DE CAMPOS, MARIANA C. R.; ELLER, CLEITON B.; PEARSE, STUART J.; LAMBERS, HANS. Mineral nutrition of campos rupestres plant species on contrasting nutrient-impoverished soil types. NEW PHYTOLOGIST, v. 205, n. 3, p. 1183-1194, . (10/17204-0, 13/19555-2)
CASSANA, FRANCINE F.; ELLER, CLEITON B.; OLIVEIRA, RAFAEL S.; DILLENBURG, LUCIA R.. Effects of soil water availability on foliar water uptake of Araucaria angustifolia. PLANT AND SOIL, v. 399, n. 1-2, p. 147-157, . (11/52072-0, 10/17204-0)
ELLER, CLEITON B.; LIMA, ALINE L.; OLIVEIRA, RAFAEL S.. Cloud forest trees with higher foliar water uptake capacity and anisohydric behavior are more vulnerable to drought and climate change. NEW PHYTOLOGIST, v. 211, n. 2, p. 489-501, . (11/52072-0, 10/17204-0, 13/19555-2)
ABRAHAO, A.; LAMBERS, H.; SAWAYA, A. C. H. F.; MAZZAFERA, P.; OLIVEIRA, R. S.. Convergence of a specialized root trait in plants from nutrient-impoverished soils: phosphorus-acquisition strategy in a nonmycorrhizal cactus. Oecologia, v. 176, n. 2, p. 345-355, . (10/17204-0)
ABRAHAO, ANNA; COSTA, PATRICIA DE BRITTO; LAMBERS, HANS; ANDRADE, SARA ADRIAN L.; FRANKLAND SAWAYA, ALEXANDRA CHRISTINE HELENA; RYAN, MEGAN H.; OLIVEIRA, RAFAEL SILVA. Soil types select for plants with matching nutrient-acquisition and -use traits in hyperdiverse and severely nutrient-impoverished campos rupestres and cerrado in Central Brazil. JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, v. 107, n. 3, p. 1302-1316, . (10/17204-0)
D'ANGIOLI, ANDRE MOURO; GORNE VIANI, RICARDO AUGUSTO; LAMBERS, HANS; HELENA FRANKLAND SAWAYA, ALEXANDRA CHRISTINE; OLIVEIRA, RAFAEL SILVA. Inoculation with Azospirillum brasilense (Ab-V4, Ab-V5) increases Zea mays root carboxylate-exudation rates, dependent on soil phosphorus supply. PLANT AND SOIL, v. 410, n. 1-2, p. 499-507, . (10/17204-0, 11/52072-0)
APARECIDO, LUIZA MARIA T.; TEODORO, GRAZIELLE S.; MOSQUERA, GIOVANNY; BRUM, MAURO; BARROS, FERNANDA DE V.; POMPEU, PATRICIA VIEIRA; RODAS, MELISSA; LAZO, PATRICIO; MUELLER, CAROLINE S.; MULLIGAN, MARK; et al. Ecohydrological drivers of Neotropical vegetation in montane ecosystems. ECOHYDROLOGY, v. 11, n. 3, SI, . (16/13677-7, 12/21015-3, 10/17204-0, 11/52072-0)
ELLER, CLEITON B.; BURGESS, STEPHEN S. O.; OLIVEIRA, RAFAEL S.. Environmental controls in the water use patterns of a tropical cloud forest tree species, Drimys brasiliensis (Winteraceae). TREE PHYSIOLOGY, v. 35, n. 4, SI, p. 387-399, . (11/52072-0, 10/17204-0, 13/19555-2)
ELLER, CLEITON B.; LIMA, ALINE L.; OLIVEIRA, RAFAEL S.. Foliar uptake of fog water and transport belowground alleviates drought effects in the cloud forest tree species, Drimys brasiliensis (Winteraceae). NEW PHYTOLOGIST, v. 199, n. 1, p. 151-162, . (10/17204-0, 03/12595-7)
OLIVEIRA, RAFAEL S.; ELLER, CLEITON B.; BITTENCOURT, PAULO R. L.; MULLIGAN, MARK. The hydroclimatic and ecophysiological basis of cloud forest distributions under current and projected climates. ANNALS OF BOTANY, v. 113, n. 6, p. 909-920, . (11/52072-0, 10/17204-0)
OLIVEIRA, RAFAEL S.; CHRISTOFFERSEN, BRADLEY O.; BARROS, FERNANDA DE V.; TEODORO, GRAZIELLE S.; BITTENCOURT, PAULO; BRUM-, JR., MAURO M.; VIANI, RICARDO A. G.. Changing precipitation regimes and the water and carbon economies of trees. THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, v. 26, n. 1, p. 65-82, . (10/17204-0)
COSTA, PATRICIA DE BRITTO; ABRAHAO, ANNA; GORNE VIANI, RICARDO AUGUSTO; SANTIN BRANCALION, PEDRO HENRIQUE; LAMBERS, HANS; HELENA FRANKAND SAWAYA, ALEXANDRA CHRISTINE; OLIVEIRA, RAFAEL S.. Cluster-root formation and carboxylate release in Euplassa cantareirae (Proteaceae) from a neotropical biodiversity hotspot. PLANT AND SOIL, v. 403, n. 1-2, p. 267-275, . (08/58035-6, 10/17204-0, 11/17037-9)
ABRAHAO, ANNA; COSTA, PATRICIA DE BRITTO; TEODORO, GRAZIELLE S.; LAMBERS, HANS; NASCIMENTO, DIEGO L.; LOPEZ DE ANDRADE, SARA ADRIAN; RYAN, MEGAN H.; OLIVEIRA, RAFAEL SILVA. Vellozioid roots allow for habitat specialization among rock- and soil-dwelling Velloziaceae in campos rupestres. FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY, v. 34, n. 2, p. 442-457, . (10/17204-0)
ALCANTARA, SUZANA; DE MELLO-SILVA, RENATO; TEODORO, GRAZIELLE S.; DREQUECELER, KAMILA; ACKERLY, DAVID D.; OLIVEIRA, RAFAEL S.. Carbon assimilation and habitat segregation in resurrection plants: a comparison between desiccation- and non-desiccation-tolerant species of Neotropical Velloziaceae (Pandanales). FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY, v. 29, n. 12, p. 1499-1512, . (11/52072-0, 10/17204-0, 10/52174-4, 13/01780-0)
APARECIDO, LUIZA MARIA T.; TEODORO, GRAZIELLE S.; MOSQUERA, GIOVANNY; BRUM, MAURO; BARROS, FERNANDA DE V.; POMPEU, PATRICIA VIEIRA; RODAS, MELISSA; LAZO, PATRICIO; MUELLER, CAROLINE S.; MULLIGAN, MARK; et al. Ecohydrological drivers of Neotropical vegetation in montane ecosystems. ECOHYDROLOGY, v. 11, n. 3, p. 17-pg., . (12/21015-3, 11/52072-0, 10/17204-0, 16/13677-7)
ELLER, CLEITON B.; BURGESS, STEPHEN S. O.; OLIVEIRA, RAFAEL S.. Environmental controls in the water use patterns of a tropical cloud forest tree species, Drimys brasiliensis (Winteraceae). TREE PHYSIOLOGY, v. 35, n. 4, p. 13-pg., . (13/19555-2, 11/52072-0, 10/17204-0)
GONCALVES, ANA Z.; OLIVEIRA, RAFAEL S.; OLIVEIRA, PAULO S.; ROMERO, GUSTAVO Q.. Species-Specific Effects of Ant Inhabitants on Bromeliad Nutrition. PLoS One, v. 11, n. 3, . (10/17204-0, 11/10137-8)
ABRAHAO, ANNA; COSTA, PATRICIA DE BRITTO; TEODORO, GRAZIELLE S.; LAMBERS, HANS; NASCIMENTO, DIEGO L.; LOPEZ DE ANDRADE, SARA ADRIAN; RYAN, MEGAN H.; OLIVEIRA, RAFAEL SILVA. Vellozioid roots allow for habitat specialization among rock- and soil-dwelling Velloziaceae in campos rupestres. FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY, . (10/17204-0)

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