Research Grants 99/11215-9 - Ecofisiologia, Cana-de-açúcar - BV FAPESP
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Biosphere-atmosphere interaction in natural ecosystems and agroecosystems: a monitoring of sugarcane and Cerrado


This project is in line with the proposals of Biota- FAPESP, focusing on a multidisciplinary analysis of the ecophysiology of two ecosystems of high relevance in the State of São Paulo, sugarcane and the cerrado. Through the use of advanced methodologies of measurement of the exchanges of the biosphere, such as the eddy correlation method, it is intended to establish an instrumental platform in two experimental sites (sugarcane and cerrado), to carry out long term monitoring of the fluxes of surface water, energy and CO2 in the biosphere-atmosphere interface. It is intended in this way to estimate the total balances of water and carbon in the ecosystems, quantifying their potential as sources or sinks in relation to the terrestrial systems; to add information on transpiration and photosynthesis and their dependence on climatic forcing mechanisms (temperature, humidity, radiation and hydric stress); to gather indices of these means as sequesterers of atmospheric carbon and establish a reference for comparison of the sugarcane and cerrado ecosystems as representative regional biomas and the impacts associated with the conversion of vegetation. The sugarcane experimental site is already established and is part of the organized network of Amerflux surface fluxes. The cercerrado experimental site will be implemented in 2000. The project will receive the collaboration of another project in progress, coordinated by Dr. Marisa Bittencourt, which will provide updating of the relief, physiognomies of vegetation, state of conservation on the cerrado fragments and surroundings. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
HUMBERTO R. DA ROCHA; HELBER C. FREITAS; RAFAEL ROSOLEM; ROBINSON I.N. JUÁREZ; RAFAEL N. TANNUS; MARCOS A. LIGO; OSVALDO M. R. CABRAL; MARIA A.F. SILVA DIAS. Measurements of CO2 exchange over a woodland savanna (Cerrado Sensu stricto) in southeast Brasil. Biota Neotropica, v. 2, n. 1, p. 1-11, . (99/11215-9)

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