Research Grants 09/53898-9 - Eutrofização, Represas - BV FAPESP
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Paleolimnological reconstruction of Guarapiranga Reservoir and diagnosis of water and sediment current quality of SPMR water supply reservoirs facing their management


Freshwater is a natural resource that has been under strong pressure, to the point of becoming t one of the greatest XXI Century threatens. Under this water crisis context, the Sao Paulo Metropolitan Region (SPMR) is emblematic. Present research will adopt innovative approaches that consist of the paleolimnology-neolimnology integration, as well as of the use of anthropogenic impact multi-proxies. It is based on three main approaches: a) evaluation of the eutrophication process evolution and the historical anthropogenic impacts of Guarapiranga Reservoir (1906/2009-present); b) multi-proxy characterization in recent sediments of 30 reservoirs circumscribed in the SPMR water supply area; and c) integration of approaches (a) and (b) to elaborate a diatom-phosphorus inference model that will allow estimation of the past phosphorus levels of the Guarapiranga Reservoir water, as well as the positioning of the other reservoirs along the trophic gradient reconstructed. Paleolimnology will include the reference levels (before impact) of Guarapiranga Reservoir, and will be evaluated by 210Pb dated sediment core. Neolimnology will include variables collected from the water column and superficial sediments of 30 reservoirs (20 water supplying ones). Multi-proxy approach will include eutrophication bioindicators (diatoms); granulometry; organic geochemistry (TOC, TP, TN, l3C, 15N) and sterols; and geochemistry of persistent pollutants (metals, PAHs, PCBs, pesticides, hormones, surfactants and a plasticizer). Elaboration of the inferential model will be accomplished by using quantitative diatom species distribution in water and recent sediments. Watersheds of reservoirs will also be analyzed concerning physical environment (geology and geomorphology) and land use and occupation. Above information will contribute towards the proposition of targets to support recovery and/or conservancy, and the elaboration of environmental scenarios, providing innovative subsides for the SPMR water supply reservoir management. (AU)

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Scientific publications (49)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
WENGRAT, SIMONE; PADIAL, ANDRE A.; JEPPESEN, ERIK; DAVIDSON, THOMAS A.; FONTANA, LUCIANE; COSTA-BOEDDEKER, SANDRA; BICUDO, DENISE C.. Paleolimnological records reveal biotic homogenization driven by eutrophication in tropical reservoirs. JOURNAL OF PALEOLIMNOLOGY, v. 60, n. 2, SI, p. 299-309, . (09/53898-9, 12/25366-5)
MARQUARDT, GISELE C.; BICUDO, CARLOS E. DE M.; ECTOR, LUC; WETZEL, CARLOS E.. Sellaphora tropicomadida sp nov., a new freshwater diatom species (Bacillariophyta) from a tropical Brazilian reservoir. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY, v. 40, n. 4, p. 1051-1062, . (13/10314-2, 09/53898-9)
SALIM, ALINE; NASCIMENTO, MAJOI DE NOVAES; BINI, LUIS MAURICIO; BICUDO, DENISE CAMPOS. Effects of land use and spatial processes in water and surface sediment of tropical reservoirs at local and regional scales. Science of The Total Environment, v. 644, p. 237-246, . (13/23703-7, 09/53898-9)
ZORZAL-ALMEIDA, STEFANO; BINI, LUIS MAURICIO; BICUDO, DENISE CAMPOS. Beta diversity of diatoms is driven by environmental heterogeneity, spatial extent and productivity. Hydrobiologia, v. 800, n. 1, p. 7-16, . (13/23703-7, 09/53898-9)
KRYSNA STEPHANNY DE MORAIS; ELAINE RODRIGUES BARTOZEK; STÉFANO ZORZAL-ALMEIDA; DENISE C. BICUDO; CARLOS EDUARDO DE MATTOS BICUDO. Taxonomia e ecologia da ordem Surirellales (Bacillariophyceae) em reservatórios tropicais no Sudeste do Brasil. Acta Limnol. Bras., v. 30, . (13/23703-7, 09/53898-9, 13/14337-7)
FAUSTINO, SAMANTHA BORGES; FONTANA, LUCIANE; RODRIGUES BARTOZEK, ELAINE CRISTINA; DE MATTOS BICUDO, CARLOS EDUARDO; BICUDO, DENISE DE CAMPOS. Composição e distribuição das diatomáceas de perfil sedimentar e sedimentos superficiais em reservatório de abastecimento no Sudeste do Brasil. Biota Neotropica, v. 16, n. 2, . (13/14337-7, 09/53898-9)
ALMEIDA, PRYSCILLA D.; WETZEL, CARLOS E.; MORALES, EDUARDO A.; ECTOR, LUC; BICUDO, DENISE C.. Staurosirella acidophila sp nov., a new araphid diatom (Bacillariophyta) from southeastern Brazil: ultrastructure, distribution and autecology. CRYPTOGAMIE ALGOLOGIE, v. 36, n. 3, p. 255-270, . (14/13179-1, 09/53898-9)
BICUDO, DENISE C.; TREMARIN, PRISCILA I.; ALMEIDA, PRYSCILLA D.; ZORZAL-ALMEIDA, STEFANO; WENGRAT, SIMONE; FAUSTINO, SAMANTHA B.; COSTA, LIVIA F.; BARTOZEK, ELAINE C. R.; ROCHA, ANGELICA C. R.; BICUDO, CARLOS E. M.; et al. Ecology and distribution of Aulacoseira species (Bacillariophyta) in tropical reservoirs from Brazil. DIATOM RESEARCH, v. 31, n. 3, p. 199-215, . (09/53898-9)
WENGRAT, SIMONE; MARQUARDT, GISELE C.; BICUDO, DENISE C.; BICUDO, CARLOS E. DE M.; WETZEL, CARLOS E.; ECTOR, LUC. Type analysis of Cymbella schubartii and two new Encyonopsis species (Bacillariophyceae) from southeastern Brazil. PHYTOTAXA, v. 221, n. 3, p. 247-264, . (10/14658-0, 12/25366-5, 09/03950-4, 09/53898-9, 98/04955-3)
FONTANA, LUCIANE; ALBUQUERQUE, ANA LUIZA S.; BRENNER, MARK; BONOTTO, DANIEL M.; SABARIS, TATIANI P. P.; PIRES, MARIA A. F.; COTRIM, MARYCEL E. B.; BICUDO, DENISE C.. The eutrophication history of a tropical water supply reservoir in Brazil. JOURNAL OF PALEOLIMNOLOGY, v. 51, n. 1, p. 29-43, . (09/53898-9)
JERONIMO, GUSTAVO H.; JESUS, ANA L.; RABERN SIMMONS, D.; JAMES, TIMOTHY Y.; PIRES-ZOTTARELLI, CARMEN L. A.. Novel taxa in Cladochytriales (Chytridiomycota): Karlingiella (gen. nov.) and Nowakowskiella crenulata (sp. nov.). Mycologia, v. 111, n. 3, . (14/16358-4, 16/00697-0, 09/53898-9, 16/11146-4)
S. A. OLIVEIRA; C. E. M. BICUDO. Variação sazonal das características limnológicas e Índice de Estado Trófico de dois reservatórios oligotróficos do sudeste do Brasil. Brazilian Journal of Biology, v. 77, n. 2, p. 323-331, . (09/53898-9)
MARQUARDT, GISELE C.; WENGRAT, SIMONE; BICUDO, DENISE C.; WETZEL, CARLOS E.; ECTOR, LUC; BICUDO, CARLOS E. DE M.. Morphology and distribution of Encyonema angustecapitatum KRAMMER species complex (Bacillariophyceae) with description of four new species from Sao Paulo, southeast Brazil. Fottea, v. 17, n. 2, p. 164-177, . (10/14658-0, 12/25366-5, 13/10314-2, 09/53898-9, 98/04955-3)
MARQUARDT, GISELE C.; COSTA, LIVIA F.; BICUDO, DENISE C.; BICUDO, CARLOS E. DE M.; BLANCO, SAUL; WETZEL, CARLOS E.; ECTOR, LUC. Type analysis of Achnanthidium minutissimum and A. catenatum and description of A. tropicocatenatum sp nov (Bacillariophyta), a common species in Brazilian reservoirs. PLANT ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, v. 150, n. 3, p. 313-330, . (13/10314-2, 09/53898-9)
GISELE CAROLINA MARQUARDT; CARLOS EDUARDO DE MATTOS BICUDO; THELMA ALVIM VEIGA LUDWIG; LUC ECTOR; CARLOS E. WETZEL. Assembléias de diatomáceas (Bacillariophyta) em seis reservatórios tropicais no sudeste do Brasil: composição de espécies e padrões de variação temporal e espacial. Acta Limnol. Bras., v. 30, . (13/10314-2, 09/53898-9)
SIMONE ALVES DE OLIVEIRA; CARLA FERRAGUT; CARLOS EDUARDO DE MATTOS BICUDO. Relationship between phytoplankton structure and environmental variables in tropical reservoirs with different trophic states. Acta Botanica Brasilica, v. 34, n. 1, p. 83-93, . (09/53898-9)
JERONIMO, GUSTAVO HENRIQUE; AMORIM PIRES-ZOTTARELLI, CARMEN LIDIA. Morphological and phylogenetic study of Oomycetes in three tropical reservoirs. SYDOWIA, v. 73, p. 31-44, . (14/16358-4, 09/53898-9)
MARQUARDT, GISELE C.; PADIAL, ANDRE ANDRIAN; BICUDO, CARLOS E. DE M.. Variance partitioning of deconstructed tropical diatom communities in reservoirs cascade. AQUATIC SCIENCES, v. 80, n. 2, . (09/53898-9, 13/10314-2)
ZORZAL-ALMEIDA, STEFANO; BARTOZEK, ELAINE C. RODRIGUES; BICUDO, DENISE C.. Homogenization of diatom assemblages is driven by eutrophication in tropical reservoirs{*}. Environmental Pollution, v. 288, . (13/14337-7, 13/23703-7, 09/53898-9)
MARQUARDT, GISELE C.; BLANCO, SAUL; BICUDO, CARLOS E. DE M.. Is a rare diatom relevant for Brazilian reservoirs?. LIMNETICA, v. 40, n. 1, p. 103-116, . (13/10314-2, 09/53898-9)
BONOTTO, D. M.; SABARIS, T. P. P.; BICUDO, D. C.; BICUDO, C. E. M.; FONTANA, L.. Sediments accretion at Guarapiranga reservoir, metropolitan region of Sao Paulo, Brazil, by the Pb-210 chronological method. JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY, v. N/A, p. 14-pg., . (09/53898-9)
MARQUARDT, GISELE C.; BLANCO, SAUL; BICUDO, CARLOS E. DE M.. Distance decay as a descriptor of the diatom compositional variation in tropical reservoirs. MARINE AND FRESHWATER RESEARCH, v. 69, n. 1, p. 105-113, . (98/04955-3, 13/10314-2, 09/53898-9)
SANTANA, LUCINEIDE MARIA; WEITHOFF, GUNTRAM; FERRAGUT, CARLA. Seasonal and spatial functional shifts in phytoplankton communities of five tropical reservoirs. AQUATIC ECOLOGY, v. 51, n. 4, p. 531-543, . (11/24000-4, 09/53898-9)
DA SILVA-LEHMKUHL, ANGELA MARIA; BLANCO, SAUL; BICUDO, DENISE C.. A new Trophic Diatom Index for Tropical Reservoirs (TDIR). Hydrobiologia, v. 849, n. 21, p. 16-pg., . (09/53898-9)
ANA MARGARITA LOAIZA-RESTANO; GISELE CAROLINA MARQUARDT; CARLA FERRAGUT; CARLOS EDUARDO DE MATTOS BICUDO. Variação espacial e temporal da estrutura fitoplanctônica em reservatórios oligotróficos em cascata do sudeste do Brasil. Acta Limnol. Bras., v. 32, . (09/53898-9)
COSTA, LIVIA F.; WETZEL, CARLOS E.; MAQUARDT, GISELE C.; ZANON, JAQUES E.; ECTOR, LUC; BICUDO, DENISE C.. Taxonomy and ecology of Achnanthidium (Bacillariophyta, Achnanthidiaceae) from southeastern Brazil with the description of six new species. PHYTOTAXA, v. 575, n. 3, p. 37-pg., . (09/53898-9, 17/04806-0)
ZORZAL-ALMEIDA, STEFANO; SOININEN, JANNE; BINI, LUIS M.; BICUDO, DENISE C.. Local environment and connectivity are the main drivers of diatom species composition and trait variation in a set of tropical reservoirs. FRESHWATER BIOLOGY, v. 62, n. 9, p. 13-pg., . (09/53898-9, 13/23703-7)
WENGRAT, SIMONE; PADIAL, ANDRE A.; JEPPESEN, ERIK; DAVIDSON, THOMAS A.; FONTANA, LUCIANE; COSTA-BOEDDEKER, SANDRA; BICUDO, DENISE C.. Paleolimnological records reveal biotic homogenization driven by eutrophication in tropical reservoirs. JOURNAL OF PALEOLIMNOLOGY, v. 60, n. 2, p. 11-pg., . (12/25366-5, 09/53898-9)
SANTANA, LUCINEIDE MARIA; CROSSETTI, LUCIANE OLIVEIRA; FERRAGUT, CARLA. Ecological status assessment of tropical reservoirs through the assemblage index of phytoplankton functional groups. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY, v. 40, n. 3, p. 695-704, . (11/24000-4, 09/53898-9)
SIMONE WENGRAT; DENISE DE CAMPOS BICUDO. Avaliação espacial da qualidade da água em reservatório urbano (Complexo Billings, sudeste do Brasil). Acta Limnol. Bras., v. 23, n. 2, p. 200-216, . (09/53898-9)
JERONIMO, GUSTAVO HENRIQUE; JESUS, ANA L.; ROCHA, SARAH C. O.; GONCALVES, DANILO R.; PIRES-ZOTTARELLI, CARMEN L. A.. New insights into Plectospira genus (Oomycetes, Straminipila): morphological and molecular analyses. PHYTOTAXA, v. 307, n. 3, p. 191-198, . (14/16358-4, 09/53898-9)
MARQUARDT, GISELE C.; DA ROCHA, ANGELICA C. R.; WETZEL, CARLOS E.; ECTOR, LUC; BICUDO, CARLOS E. DE M.. Encyonema aquasedis sp. nov. and Kurtkrammeria salesopolensis sp. nov.: two new freshwater diatom species (Cymbellales, Bacillariophyceae) from an oligotrophic reservoir in southeastern Brazil. PHYTOTAXA, v. 247, n. 1, p. 62-74, . (09/53898-9)
JERONIMO, GUSTAVO HENRIQUE; AMORIM PIRES-ZOTTARELLI, CARMEN LIDIA. Diversity and distribution of zoosporic fungi (Blastocladiomycota and Chytridiomycota) in three tropical reservoirs. SYDOWIA, v. 71, p. 255-265, . (14/16358-4, 09/53898-9)
ALMEIDA, PRYSCILLA D.; MORALES, EDUARDO A.; WETZEL, CARLOS E.; ECTOR, LUC; BICUDO, DENISE C.. Two new diatoms in the genus Fragilaria Lyngbye (Fragilariophyceae) from tropical reservoirs in Brazil and comparison with type material of F. tenera. PHYTOTAXA, v. 246, n. 3, p. 163-183, . (14/13179-1, 09/53898-9)
WENGRAT, SIMONE; BENNION, HELEN; DE LIMA FERREIRA, PAULO ALVES; LOPES FIGUEIRA, RUBENS CESAR; BICUDO, DENISE C.. Assessing the degree of ecological change and baselines for reservoirs: challenges and implications for management. JOURNAL OF PALEOLIMNOLOGY, v. 62, n. 4, p. 337-357, . (09/03950-4, 09/53898-9)
JERONIMO, GUSTAVO HENRIQUE; SIMMONS, D. RABERN; JAMES, TIMOTHY YONG; AMORIM PIRES-ZOTTARELLI, CARMEN LIDIA. Boothiomyces angulosus and Boothiomyces elyensis: two new combinations in the Terramycetaceae (Rhizophydiales, Chytridiomycota). NOVA HEDWIGIA, v. 109, n. 3-4, p. 399-412, . (14/16358-4, 09/53898-9)
FAUSTINO, M. G.; LANGE, C. N.; MONTEIRO, L. R.; FURUSAWA, H. A.; MARQUES, J. R.; STELLATO, T. B.; SOARES, S. M. V.; DA SILVA, T. B. S. C.; DA SILVA, D. B.; COTRIM, M. E. B.; et al. Top down arsenic uncertainty measurement in water and sediments from Guarapiranga dam (Brazil). WAKE CONFERENCE 2021, v. 975, p. 6-pg., . (09/53898-9)
SANTANA, LUCINEIDE MARIA; CROSSETTI, LUCIANE OLIVEIRA; FERRAGUT, CARLA. Ecological status assessment of tropical reservoirs through the assemblage index of phytoplankton functional groups. Rev. bras. Bot., v. 40, n. 3, p. 10-pg., . (11/24000-4, 09/53898-9)
MARQUARDT, GISELE C.; BICUDO, CARLOS E. DE M.; ECTOR, LUC; WETZEL, CARLOS E.. Sellaphora tropicomadida sp nov., a new freshwater diatom species (Bacillariophyta) from a tropical Brazilian reservoir. Rev. bras. Bot., v. 40, n. 4, p. 12-pg., . (13/10314-2, 09/53898-9)
ZORZAL-ALMEIDA, STEFANO; RODRIGUES BARTOZEK, ELAINE C.; MORALES, EDUARDO A.; BICUDO, DENISE C.. Brachysira aristidesii sp. nov. (Bacillariophyceae, Brachysiraceae): a new species from oligotrophic and mesotrophic tropical reservoirs in southeastern Brazil. PHYTOTAXA, v. 456, n. 1, p. 105-113, . (13/23703-7, 13/14337-7, 09/53898-9)
BARTOZEK, ELAINE C. R.; DA SILVA-LEHMKUHL, ANGELA M.; GREGORY-EAVES, IRENE; BICUDO, DENISE C.. Environmental and spatial drivers of diatom assemblages in the water column and surface sediment of tropical reservoirs. JOURNAL OF PALEOLIMNOLOGY, v. 62, n. 3, p. 245-257, . (09/53898-9, 13/14337-7)
DA SILVA-LEHMKUHL, ANGELA MARIA; LUDWIG, THELMA ALVIM VEIGA; TREMARIN, PRISCILA IZABEL; BICUDO, DENISE. On Luticola Mann (Bacillariophyceae) in southeastern Brazil: taxonomy, ecology and description of two new species. PHYTOTAXA, v. 402, n. 4, p. 165-186, . (09/53898-9)
LÍVIA F. COSTA; SIMONE WENGRAT; DENISE C. BICUDO. Diatomáceas de diferentes habitats em um reservatório altamente heterogêneo, Complexo Billings, Sudeste do Brasil. Hoehnea, v. 44, n. 4, p. 559-579, . (09/53898-9, 10/20288-0)
WENGRAT, SIMONE; MORALES, EDUARDO A.; WETZEL, CARLOS E.; ALMEIDA, PRYSCILLA D.; ECTOR, LUC; BICUDO, DENISE C.. Taxonomy and ecology of Fragilaria billingsii sp nov. and analysis of type material of Synedra rumpens var. fusa (Fragilariaceae, Bacillariophyta) from Brazil. PHYTOTAXA, v. 270, n. 3, p. 191-202, . (14/13179-1, 09/53898-9, 09/03950-4)
SANTANA, LUCINEIDE MARIA; NABOUT, JOAO CARLOS; FERRAGUT, CARLA. Taxonomic and functional classifications of phytoplankton in tropical reservoirs with different trophic states. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY, v. 41, n. 1, p. 91-102, . (11/24000-4, 09/53898-9)
LEHMKUHL, ELTON A.; MORALES, EDUARDO A.; TREMARIN, I, PRISCILA; BARTOZEK, ELAINE C. R.; ZORZAL-ALMEIDA, STEFANO; LUDWIG, V, THELMA A.; BICUDO, CARLOS E. DE M.. Two new species of Nitzschia (Bacillariaceae, Bacillariophyta) from tropical reservoirs of southeastern Brazil. PHYTOTAXA, v. 399, n. 1, p. 83-99, . (13/23703-7, 09/53898-9, 13/14337-7)
ALMEIDA, PRYSCILLA D.; WETZEL, CARLOS E.; MORALES, EDUARDO A.; ECTOR, LUC; BICUDO, DENISE C.. New species and combinations on Fragilariforma (Bacillariophyta) from tropical freshwater environments. Fottea, v. 17, n. 2, p. 277-292, . (14/13179-1, 09/53898-9)

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