Research Grants 07/08103-2 - Limnologia, Qualidade da água - BV FAPESP
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Study of circulation, water quality and land use in the Itumbiara Reservoir hydrographic basin


The management and sustainable use of water resources relies heavily on water quality data, on how this quality is changing over time, and about the possible main causing agents. For the specific case of reservoirs, their lentic regime is an additional grievance as a potential triggering mechanism of phenomena such as eutrophication and salinization of their waters. A factor for concern related to water quality of hydrographic drainage basins is the growing agro-husbandry business with their associated pollution impacts. Besides the human factors, the hydrologic systems are also under the influence of natural forcings associated with meteorological and climatological conditions. The hydrographic basin of the Itumbiara reservoir, located in the border of the Brazilian states of Minas Gerais and Goiás, and responsible for the generation of 2082 MW of electric energy, has the agriculture and husbandry as its main economic activities, with a great expansion of sugar cane plantations in the last years. This project aims at contributing for a better understanding of the space/time patterns of variability of the dynamics and the water quality of this important water body at the synoptic and seasonal time scales. To reach this goal we will make use of remote sensing and numerical hydrodynamic modeling tools, climatic analysis and in situ water quality data. (AU)

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Scientific publications (13)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
CURTARELLI, M. P.; OGASHAWARA, I.; ALCANTARA, E. H.; STECH, J. L.. Coupling remote sensing bio-optical and three-dimensional hydrodynamic modeling to study the phytoplankton dynamics in a tropical hydroelectric reservoir. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, v. 157, n. SI, p. 185-198, . (07/08103-2, 08/57719-9)
CURTARELLI, MARCELO PEDROSO; RENNO, CAMILO DALELES; ALCANTARA, ENNER HERENIO. Evaluation of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission 3B43 product over an inland area in Brazil and the effects of satellite boost on rainfall estimates. JOURNAL OF APPLIED REMOTE SENSING, v. 8, . (07/08103-2, 10/15075-8, 08/57719-9)
ALCANTARA, ENNER HERENIO; STECH, JOSE LUIZ; LORENZZETTI, JOAO ANTONIO; BONNET, MARIE PAULE; CASAMITJANA, XAVIER; ASSIREU, ARCILAN TREVENZOLI; LEAO DE MORAES NOVO, EVLYN MARCIA. Remote sensing of water surface temperature and heat flux over a tropical hydroelectric reservoir. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, v. 114, n. 11, p. 2651-2665, . (07/08103-2)
ALCANTARA, ENNER. Regional-scale algorithm to estimate the particulate organic carbon (POC) in inland waters using Landsat-5/TM images. MODELING EARTH SYSTEMS AND ENVIRONMENT, v. 3, n. 2, p. 831-837, . (07/08103-2, 15/21586-9, 08/57719-9)
CURTARELLI, MARCELO PEDROSO; ALCANTARA, ENNER; RENNO, CAMILO DALELES; ASSIREU, ARCILAN TREVENZOLI; BONNET, MARIE PAULE; STECH, JOSE LUIZ. Modelling the surface circulation and thermal structure of a tropical reservoir using three-dimensional hydrodynamic lake model and remote-sensing data. WATER AND ENVIRONMENT JOURNAL, v. 28, n. 4, p. 516-525, . (07/08103-2, 10/15075-8, 08/57719-9)
CURTARELLI, M. P.; ALCANTARA, E. H.; RENNO, C. D.; STECH, J. L.. Physical changes within a large tropical hydroelectric reservoir induced by wintertime cold front activity. HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, v. 18, n. 8, p. 3079-3093, . (07/08103-2, 10/15075-8, 08/57719-9)
OGASHAWARA, IGOR; MISHRA, DEEPAK R.; NASCIMENTO, RENATA F. F.; ALCANTARA, ENNER H.; KAMPEL, MILTON; STECH, JOSE L.. Re-parameterization of a quasi-analytical algorithm for colored dissolved organic matter dominant inland waters. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, v. 53, p. 128-145, . (07/08103-2, 11/19523-8)
CURTARELLI, MARCELO; ALCANTARA, ENNER; RENNO, CAMILO; STECH, JOSE. Effects of cold fronts on MODIS-derived sensible and latent heat fluxes in Itumbiara reservoir (Central Brazil). Advances in Space Research, v. 52, n. 9, p. 1668-1677, . (07/08103-2, 10/15075-8, 08/57719-9)
ALCANTARA, ENNER; NOVO, EVLYN; STECH, JOSE; ASSIREU, ARCILAN; NASCIMENTO, RENATA; LORENZZETTI, JOAO; SOUZA, ARLEY. Integrating historical topographic maps and SRTM data to derive the bathymetry of a tropical reservoir. Journal of Hydrology, v. 389, n. 3-4, p. 311-316, . (07/08103-2)
OGASHAWARA, IGOR; ALCANTARA, ENNER H.; CURTARELLI, MARCELO P.; ADAMI, MARCOS; NASCIMENTO, RENATA F. F.; SOUZA, ARLEY F.; STECH, JOSE L.; KAMPEL, MILTON. Performance Analysis of MODIS 500-m Spatial Resolution Products for Estimating Chlorophyll-a Concentrations in Oligo-to Meso-Trophic Waters Case Study: Itumbiara Reservoir, Brazil. REMOTE SENSING, v. 6, n. 2, p. 1634-1653, . (07/08103-2)
ENNER HERENIO DE ALCÂNTARA; JOSÉ LUIZ STECH; JOÃO ANTÔNIO LORENZZETTI; EVLYN MÁRCIA LEÃO DE MORAES NOVO. Análise da série temporal da temperatura da superfície da água e dos componentes do balanço de calor no Reservatório de Itumbiara (GO), Brasil. Acta Limnol. Bras., v. 23, n. 3, p. 245-259, . (07/08103-2)
CURTARELLI, M. P.; OGASHAWARA, I.; ALCANTARA, E. H.; STECH, J. L.. Coupling remote sensing bio-optical and three-dimensional hydrodynamic modeling to study the phytoplankton dynamics in a tropical hydroelectric reservoir. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, v. 157, p. 14-pg., . (08/57719-9, 07/08103-2)

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